import streamlit as st def login(pw: str) -> bool: """ Convenience wrapper for login functionality. Has side effect of storing the logged in user name in the session state :param pw: Password to attempt login :return: True/False if logged in """ pw_users = st.secrets['app_password'].split(';') for pu in pw_users: split_point=pu.find('(') pu_password = pu[0:split_point] if pu_password == pw: pu_user = pu[split_point + 1: -1] st.session_state['username'] = pu_user return True return False def st_setup(page_title: str, layout: str = 'wide', skip_login: bool = False): """ Sets up standard outline (wide layout), checks for logged in status and then displays the login box if not logged in. Should be used as a conditional to display the other content on the page. :param page_title: The streamlit page title for this page :return: bool - logged in status """ st.set_page_config(page_title=page_title, layout=layout) username='username' if username in st.session_state: st.markdown(f'
Logged in as {st.session_state[username]}', unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.sidebar: st.image('img/uob-logo.png', width=200) if skip_login: return True # Option to add a running_local key to secrets.toml for local login to speed up development # This relies on the protection of streamlit secrets in production, which password login already relies on running_local = 'running_local' if running_local in st.secrets: return True logged_in = 'logged_in' if logged_in not in st.session_state or st.session_state[logged_in]==False: _, c2, _ = st.columns(3) with c2: st.write('### Log in') pw = st.text_input(type='password', label='Password') if st.button('Log in'): if login(pw): st.session_state[logged_in]=True st.rerun() else:"Invalid password") return False else: return True