import streamlit as st from time import sleep from src.st_helpers import st_setup from src.common import * from src.architectures import Architecture from src.testing import TestGroup if st_setup('LLM Arch'): st.write("# System Status") if 'admin_logged_in' not in st.session_state: entered_pw = st.text_input(label="Enter the admin password to manage the system", type="password") if st.button('Login'): if entered_pw == st.secrets['admin_pw']: st.session_state['admin_logged_in'] = True st.rerun() else: st.error("Incorrect password") else: st.write("## Wipe Trace Logs") if st.button("Wipe logs"): Architecture.wipe_trace() st.write('Note - wipe will only wipe the temporary file, DB persisted records will be saved') st.divider() if st.button("Reload traces"): TestGroup.load_all(True) st.divider() st.write("## HF Inference Endpoint Statuses") st.write("The following endpoints need to be running to run all the demonstrations.") endpoints = st.secrets['endpoints'].split(',') refresh = False for i, e in enumerate(endpoints): status = hf_endpoint_status('alfraser', e) message = f'{e} ({status})' if i != 0: st.divider() status_col, button_col = st.columns([2, 1]) if status == HF_RUNNING: with status_col: st.success(message) with button_col: if st.button("Pause", key=f'action_{i}'): pause_hf_endpoint('alfraser', e) st.rerun() elif status == HF_SCALEDTOZERO: with status_col: st.error(message) elif status == HF_PAUSED: with status_col: st.warning(message) with button_col: if st.button("Resume", key=f'action_{i}'): resume_hf_endpoint('alfraser', e) st.rerun() elif status == HF_FAILED: with status_col: st.error(message) with button_col: if st.button("Pause (to restart)", key=f'action_{i}'): pause_hf_endpoint('alfraser', e) st.rerun() else: refresh = True with status_col: with button_col: if st.button("Pause", key=f'action_{i}'): pause_hf_endpoint('alfraser', e) st.rerun() if refresh: with st.spinner('Updating every 10 seconds...'): sleep(10) st.rerun()