""" Chatbot Arena (battle) tab. Users chat with two anonymous models. """ import json import time import gradio as gr import numpy as np from fastchat.constants import ( MODERATION_MSG, CONVERSATION_LIMIT_MSG, INACTIVE_MSG, INPUT_CHAR_LEN_LIMIT, CONVERSATION_TURN_LIMIT, ) from fastchat.model.model_adapter import get_conversation_template from fastchat.serve.gradio_block_arena_named import flash_buttons from fastchat.serve.gradio_web_server import ( State, bot_response, get_conv_log_filename, no_change_btn, enable_btn, disable_btn, learn_more_md, ip_expiration_dict, ) from fastchat.utils import ( build_logger, violates_moderation, ) logger = build_logger("gradio_web_server_multi", "gradio_web_server_multi.log") num_sides = 2 enable_moderation = False anony_names = ["", ""] models = [] def set_global_vars_anony(enable_moderation_): global enable_moderation enable_moderation = enable_moderation_ def load_demo_side_by_side_anony(models_, url_params): global models models = models_ states = (None,) * num_sides selector_updates = ( gr.Markdown.update(visible=True), gr.Markdown.update(visible=True), ) return ( states + selector_updates + (gr.Chatbot.update(visible=True),) * num_sides + ( gr.Textbox.update(visible=True), gr.Box.update(visible=True), gr.Row.update(visible=True), gr.Row.update(visible=True), gr.Accordion.update(visible=True), ) ) def vote_last_response(states, vote_type, model_selectors, request: gr.Request): with open(get_conv_log_filename(), "a") as fout: data = { "tstamp": round(time.time(), 4), "type": vote_type, "models": [x for x in model_selectors], "states": [x.dict() for x in states], "ip": request.client.host, } fout.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n") if ":" not in model_selectors[0]: for i in range(15): names = ( "### Model A: " + states[0].model_name, "### Model B: " + states[1].model_name, ) yield names + ("",) + (disable_btn,) * 4 time.sleep(0.2) else: names = ( "### Model A: " + states[0].model_name, "### Model B: " + states[1].model_name, ) yield names + ("",) + (disable_btn,) * 4 def leftvote_last_response( state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, request: gr.Request ): logger.info(f"leftvote (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") for x in vote_last_response( [state0, state1], "leftvote", [model_selector0, model_selector1], request ): yield x def rightvote_last_response( state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, request: gr.Request ): logger.info(f"rightvote (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") for x in vote_last_response( [state0, state1], "rightvote", [model_selector0, model_selector1], request ): yield x def tievote_last_response( state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, request: gr.Request ): logger.info(f"tievote (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") for x in vote_last_response( [state0, state1], "tievote", [model_selector0, model_selector1], request ): yield x def bothbad_vote_last_response( state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, request: gr.Request ): logger.info(f"bothbad_vote (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") for x in vote_last_response( [state0, state1], "bothbad_vote", [model_selector0, model_selector1], request ): yield x def regenerate(state0, state1, request: gr.Request): logger.info(f"regenerate (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") states = [state0, state1] for i in range(num_sides): states[i].conv.update_last_message(None) return states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [""] + [disable_btn] * 6 def clear_history(request: gr.Request): logger.info(f"clear_history (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") return ( [None] * num_sides + [None] * num_sides + anony_names + [""] + [disable_btn] * 6 ) def share_click(state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, request: gr.Request): logger.info(f"share (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") if state0 is not None and state1 is not None: vote_last_response( [state0, state1], "share", [model_selector0, model_selector1], request ) SAMPLING_WEIGHTS = { "gpt-4": 1.5, "gpt-3.5-turbo": 1.5, "claude-v1": 1.5, "claude-instant-v1": 1.5, "palm-2": 1.5, "vicuna-33b": 1.5, "vicuna-13b": 1.5, "wizardlm-13b": 1.5, "gpt4all-13b-snoozy": 1.5, "guanaco-33b": 1.5, "koala-13b": 1.2, "vicuna-7b": 1.2, "mpt-7b-chat": 1.2, "oasst-pythia-12b": 1.2, "RWKV-4-Raven-14B": 1.2, "fastchat-t5-3b": 0.9, "alpaca-13b": 0.9, "chatglm-6b": 0.9, "chatglm2-6b": 0.9, "stablelm-tuned-alpha-7b": 0.3, "dolly-v2-12b": 0.3, "llama-13b": 0.1, } SAMPLING_BOOST_MODELS = [] model_pairs = [] model_pairs_weights = [] def add_text( state0, state1, model_selector0, model_selector1, text, request: gr.Request ): ip = request.client.host logger.info(f"add_text (anony). ip: {ip}. len: {len(text)}") states = [state0, state1] model_selectors = [model_selector0, model_selector1] # Init states if necessary if states[0] is None: assert states[1] is None global model_pairs, model_pairs_weights # Pick two models if len(model_pairs) == 0: for i in range(len(models)): for j in range(len(models)): if i == j: continue a = models[i] b = models[j] w = SAMPLING_WEIGHTS.get(a, 1.0) * SAMPLING_WEIGHTS.get(b, 1.0) if a in SAMPLING_BOOST_MODELS or b in SAMPLING_BOOST_MODELS: w *= 5 model_pairs.append((a, b)) model_pairs_weights.append(w) model_pairs_weights = model_pairs_weights / np.sum(model_pairs_weights) # for p, w in zip(model_pairs, model_pairs_weights): # print(p, w) if len(model_pairs) >= 1: idx = np.random.choice(len(model_pairs), p=model_pairs_weights) model_left, model_right = model_pairs[idx] else: model_left = model_right = models[0] states = [ State(model_left), State(model_right), ] if len(text) <= 0: for i in range(num_sides): states[i].skip_next = True return ( states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [""] + [ no_change_btn, ] * 6 ) if ip_expiration_dict[ip] < time.time(): logger.info(f"inactive (anony). ip: {request.client.host}. text: {text}") for i in range(num_sides): states[i].skip_next = True return ( states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [INACTIVE_MSG] + [ no_change_btn, ] * 6 ) if enable_moderation: flagged = violates_moderation(text) if flagged: logger.info( f"violate moderation (anony). ip: {request.client.host}. text: {text}" ) for i in range(num_sides): states[i].skip_next = True return ( states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [MODERATION_MSG] + [ no_change_btn, ] * 6 ) conv = states[0].conv if (len(conv.messages) - conv.offset) // 2 >= CONVERSATION_TURN_LIMIT: logger.info(f"conversation turn limit. ip: {request.client.host}. text: {text}") for i in range(num_sides): states[i].skip_next = True return ( states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [CONVERSATION_LIMIT_MSG] + [ no_change_btn, ] * 6 ) text = text[:INPUT_CHAR_LEN_LIMIT] # Hard cut-off for i in range(num_sides): states[i].conv.append_message(states[i].conv.roles[0], text) states[i].conv.append_message(states[i].conv.roles[1], None) states[i].skip_next = False return ( states + [x.to_gradio_chatbot() for x in states] + [""] + [ disable_btn, ] * 6 ) def bot_response_multi( state0, state1, temperature, top_p, max_new_tokens, request: gr.Request, ): logger.info(f"bot_response_multi (anony). ip: {request.client.host}") if state0.skip_next: # This generate call is skipped due to invalid inputs yield ( state0, state1, state0.to_gradio_chatbot(), state1.to_gradio_chatbot(), ) + (no_change_btn,) * 6 return states = [state0, state1] gen = [] for i in range(num_sides): gen.append( bot_response( states[i], temperature, top_p, max_new_tokens, request, ) ) chatbots = [None] * num_sides while True: stop = True for i in range(num_sides): try: ret = next(gen[i]) states[i], chatbots[i] = ret[0], ret[1] stop = False except StopIteration: pass yield states + chatbots + [disable_btn] * 6 if stop: break def build_side_by_side_ui_anony(models): notice_markdown = """ # ⚔️ Chatbot Arena ⚔️ ### Rules - Chat with two anonymous models side-by-side and vote for which one is better! - You can do multiple rounds of conversations before voting. - The names of the models will be revealed after your vote. Conversations with identity keywords (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard, Vicuna) or any votes after the names are revealed will not count towards the leaderboard. - Click "Clear history" to start a new round. - | [Blog](https://lmsys.org/blog/2023-05-03-arena/) | [GitHub](https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat) | [Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.05685) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/lmsysorg) | [Discord](https://discord.gg/HSWAKCrnFx) | ### Terms of use By using this service, users are required to agree to the following terms: The service is a research preview intended for non-commercial use only. It only provides limited safety measures and may generate offensive content. It must not be used for any illegal, harmful, violent, racist, or sexual purposes. **The service collects user dialogue data and reserves the right to distribute it under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.** The demo works better on desktop devices with a wide screen. ### Battle Please scroll down and start chatting. You can view a leaderboard of participating models in the fourth tab above labeled 'Leaderboard' or by clicking [here](?leaderboard). The models include both closed-source models (e.g., ChatGPT) and open-source models (e.g., Vicuna). """ states = [gr.State() for _ in range(num_sides)] model_selectors = [None] * num_sides chatbots = [None] * num_sides gr.Markdown(notice_markdown, elem_id="notice_markdown") with gr.Box(elem_id="share-region-anony"): with gr.Row(): for i in range(num_sides): with gr.Column(): model_selectors[i] = gr.Markdown(anony_names[i]) with gr.Row(): for i in range(num_sides): label = "Model A" if i == 0 else "Model B" with gr.Column(): chatbots[i] = gr.Chatbot( label=label, elem_id=f"chatbot", visible=False, height=550 ) with gr.Box() as button_row: with gr.Row(): leftvote_btn = gr.Button(value="👈 A is better", interactive=False) rightvote_btn = gr.Button(value="👉 B is better", interactive=False) tie_btn = gr.Button(value="🤝 Tie", interactive=False) bothbad_btn = gr.Button(value="👎 Both are bad", interactive=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=20): textbox = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Enter text and press ENTER", visible=False, container=False, ) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=50): send_btn = gr.Button(value="Send", visible=False) with gr.Row() as button_row2: regenerate_btn = gr.Button(value="🔄 Regenerate", interactive=False) clear_btn = gr.Button(value="🗑️ Clear history", interactive=False) share_btn = gr.Button(value="📷 Share") with gr.Accordion("Parameters", open=False, visible=True) as parameter_row: temperature = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.7, step=0.1, interactive=True, label="Temperature", ) top_p = gr.Slider( minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.1, interactive=True, label="Top P", ) max_output_tokens = gr.Slider( minimum=16, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64, interactive=True, label="Max output tokens", ) gr.Markdown(learn_more_md) # Register listeners btn_list = [ leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, regenerate_btn, clear_btn, ] leftvote_btn.click( leftvote_last_response, states + model_selectors, model_selectors + [textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn], ) rightvote_btn.click( rightvote_last_response, states + model_selectors, model_selectors + [textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn], ) tie_btn.click( tievote_last_response, states + model_selectors, model_selectors + [textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn], ) bothbad_btn.click( bothbad_vote_last_response, states + model_selectors, model_selectors + [textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn], ) regenerate_btn.click( regenerate, states, states + chatbots + [textbox] + btn_list ).then( bot_response_multi, states + [temperature, top_p, max_output_tokens], states + chatbots + btn_list, ).then( flash_buttons, [], btn_list ) clear_btn.click( clear_history, None, states + chatbots + model_selectors + [textbox] + btn_list ) share_js = """ function (a, b, c, d) { const captureElement = document.querySelector('#share-region-anony'); html2canvas(captureElement) .then(canvas => { canvas.style.display = 'none' document.body.appendChild(canvas) return canvas }) .then(canvas => { const image = canvas.toDataURL('image/png') const a = document.createElement('a') a.setAttribute('download', 'chatbot-arena.png') a.setAttribute('href', image) a.click() canvas.remove() }); return [a, b, c, d]; } """ share_btn.click(share_click, states + model_selectors, [], _js=share_js) textbox.submit( add_text, states + model_selectors + [textbox], states + chatbots + [textbox] + btn_list, ).then( bot_response_multi, states + [temperature, top_p, max_output_tokens], states + chatbots + btn_list, ).then( flash_buttons, [], btn_list ) send_btn.click( add_text, states + model_selectors + [textbox], states + chatbots + [textbox] + btn_list, ).then( bot_response_multi, states + [temperature, top_p, max_output_tokens], states + chatbots + btn_list, ).then( flash_buttons, [], btn_list ) return ( states, model_selectors, chatbots, textbox, send_btn, button_row, button_row2, parameter_row, )