# + from features import FeatureGenerator from joblib import load import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly.graph_objects as go model = load('xgb_linreg_rf.joblib') feature_generator = FeatureGenerator() def round_h(x): return np.round(2 * x) / 2 def score_essay(text): if not text: gr.Error("Empty essay text") return None, None df = pd.DataFrame({"full_text": [text]}) df = feature_generator.generate_features(df) res = model.predict(df.iloc[:, 1:])[0].clip(1, 5) total_score = round_h(res.mean()) rounded_res = round_h(res) predicted_values = ["cohesion", "conventions", "grammar", "phraseology", "syntax", "vocabulary"] res_df = pd.DataFrame(rounded_res, index=predicted_values) total_score_msg = str(total_score) if total_score > 4: total_score_msg += " \N{party popper}" return total_score_msg, go.Figure(go.Bar(x=rounded_res, y=predicted_values, orientation='h', text=rounded_res), layout_xaxis_range=[1, 5]) examples = ['Hello, my name is Katherine, and I enjoy reading books. My favorite book is War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.'] title = "English proficiency checker" description = "Your essay will be scored according to six analytic measures: cohesion, \ syntax, vocabulary, phraseology, grammar, and conventions. \ Each measure represents a component of proficiency in essay \ writing, with greater scores corresponding to greater proficiency \ in that measure. The scores range from 1.0 to 5.0 in increments of 0.5." demo = gr.Interface( fn=score_essay, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2, show_label=False, placeholder="Put an essay here..."), outputs=[gr.Textbox(label='Your score', interactive=False), gr.Plot(show_label=False)], allow_flagging='never', examples=examples, title=title, description=description, ) demo.launch()