import platform from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Optional import streamlit as st import torch from trecover.config import var from trecover.utils.beam_search import beam_search, dashboard_loop from trecover.utils.inference import data_to_columns, create_noisy_columns from trecover.utils.transform import columns_to_tensor, tensor_to_target from trecover.utils.visualization import visualize_columns, visualize_target MAX_CHARS = 256 PLAIN_EXAMPLES = { 'Select example': None, 'Example 1': 'As people around the country went into the streets to cheer the conviction, some businesses in ' 'Portland boarded up their windows once again.', 'Example 2': 'That night, a small group of activists wearing black approached a group of journalists, threatening' ' to smash the cameras of those who remained on scene.', 'Example 3': 'English as we know it today came to be exported to other parts of the world through British ' 'colonisation, and is now the dominant language in Britain' } NOISED_EXAMPLES = { 'Select example': None, 'Example 1': 'a ds fpziq ofe ngkhbo p pghl ue waq frlqjo o u dnxrm dgr yrtsco kho deuasm dhysc ao u nwzhy tle r ' 'yzpe xwabc gce nger klqto wiq nfprso t no tpgq tcfh ae twas tw ur re e t gyutsm t xgo rc ubhq e wle ' 'r ty h nwpeaq xdsc o dnhelm v thir ikcq tkuo i o twn ps frio mo oe b kuiqtb jsq zi tnye ge dgrqs s ' 'cioe ys whic wne wp thlo dnprsc xvpyrt hurlm kveaj nbfp dome pbeaj dusmo a r dzrqsm xace du nxkuai ' 'gpulcm tpi h pie uim r wbhrj ui n dwgp dkeio nkwhqs zs' } device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = torch.hub.load('alex-snd/TRecover', model='trecover', device=device, version='latest') def main() -> None: st.set_page_config( page_title='TRecover', page_icon='🩹', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='expanded') if 'history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.history = list() if 'data' not in st.session_state: = '' if 'regenerate' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.regenerate = False if 'columns' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.columns = None if 'is_unix' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.is_unix = platform.system() != 'Windows' sidebar() def set_regenerate() -> None: st.session_state.regenerate = True def unset_regenerate() -> None: st.session_state.regenerate = False def sidebar() -> None: st.sidebar.markdown(body= """

🤷 About the Project

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) option ='Sections', ('Inference', 'Inference history')) if option == 'Inference': is_plain, min_noise, max_noise, bw = inference_sidebar() inference_page(is_plain, min_noise, max_noise, bw) else: history_sidebar() history_page() def inference_sidebar() -> Tuple[bool, int, int, int]: st.sidebar.text('\n') data_type ='Input type', ('Plain text', 'Noisy columns'), key='data_type', index=0 if 'Plain text' == st.session_state.get('data_type', 'Plain text') else 1) is_plain = data_type == 'Plain text' st.sidebar.text('\n') if is_plain: min_noise, max_noise = st.sidebar.slider('\nNoise range', 0, 5, key='noise_range', value=st.session_state.get('noise_range', (0, 5)), on_change=set_regenerate) else: min_noise, max_noise = 0, 0 bw = st.sidebar.slider('Beam search width', 1, 25, key='beam_width', value=st.session_state.get('beam_width', 5)) if max_noise > var.MAX_NOISE: st.sidebar.warning('Max noise value is too large. This will entail poor performance') return is_plain, min_noise, max_noise + 1, bw def history_sidebar() -> None: pass def save_to_history(is_plain: bool, min_noise: int, max_noise: int, bw: int, columns: List[str], chains: List[Tuple[str, float]] ) -> None: text = if is_plain else None st.session_state.history.append((is_plain, text, min_noise, max_noise, bw, columns, chains)) @st.cache(ttl=3600, show_spinner=False, suppress_st_warning=True) def predict(columns: List[str], bw: int) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]: src = columns_to_tensor(columns, device) chains = beam_search(src, model, bw, device, beam_loop=dashboard_loop) chains = [(visualize_target(tensor_to_target(chain)), prob) for (chain, prob) in chains] return chains def get_noisy_columns(data: str, min_noise: int, max_noise: int) -> List[str]: columns = create_noisy_columns(data, min_noise, max_noise) return [''.join(set(c)) for c in columns] # kinda shuffle columns def get_input_data(examples: Dict[str, Optional[str]], max_chars: int) -> str: input_field, examples_filed = st.columns([1, 0.27]) option = examples_filed.selectbox(label='', options=examples.keys()) return input_field.text_input(label='', value=examples[option] or, max_chars=max_chars) def inference_page(is_plain: bool, min_noise: int, max_noise: int, bw: int) -> None: st.subheader('Insert plain text' if is_plain else 'Insert noisy columns separated by spaces') if is_plain: data = get_input_data(PLAIN_EXAMPLES, max_chars=MAX_CHARS) else: data = get_input_data(NOISED_EXAMPLES, max_chars=MAX_CHARS * 4) if not data: st.stop() if is_plain: if st.session_state.regenerate or not st.session_state.columns or data != columns = get_noisy_columns(data, min_noise, max_noise) st.session_state.columns = columns unset_regenerate() else: columns = st.session_state.columns else: columns = data_to_columns(data, separator=' ') = data st.subheader('\nColumns') st.text(visualize_columns(columns, delimiter='')) st.subheader('\n') placeholder = st.empty() recover_field, regen_filed = placeholder.columns([.11, 1]) if is_plain: regen_filed.button('Regenerate', on_click=set_regenerate) if columns and recover_field.button('Recover'): if st.session_state.is_unix: with placeholder.container(): progress_bar_placeholder = st.empty() st.button('Stop') with progress_bar_placeholder: chains = predict(columns, bw) else: with placeholder: chains = predict(columns, bw) with placeholder.container(): st.subheader('\nPrediction') st.text('\n\n'.join(chain for chain, _ in chains)) if st.button('Clear'): st.session_state.task_id = None save_to_history(is_plain, min_noise, max_noise, bw, columns, chains) def history_page() -> None: st.header('Inference History') if len(st.session_state.history) == 0:'No records saved') return for record_id, (is_plain, text, min_noise, max_noise, bw, columns, chains) in enumerate(st.session_state.history, start=1):'Record {record_id}') if is_plain: st.text(f'Plain data: {text}') st.text(f'Noise range: [{min_noise}, {max_noise}]') st.text(f'Beam search width: {bw}') st.text('Columns:') st.text(visualize_columns(columns, delimiter='')) st.text('Prediction:') st.text('\n\n'.join(chain for chain, _ in chains)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()