import os

from numpy import ndarray
from samgis_core.utilities.type_hints import tuple_float
from xyzservices import TileProvider

from samgis import app_logger
                                        ZOOM_AUTO, BOOL_USE_CACHE)
from samgis.utilities.type_hints import tuple_ndarray_transform

bool_use_cache = int(os.getenv("BOOL_USE_CACHE", BOOL_USE_CACHE))
n_connection = int(os.getenv("N_CONNECTION", N_CONNECTION))
n_max_retries = int(os.getenv("N_MAX_RETRIES", N_MAX_RETRIES))
n_wait = int(os.getenv("N_WAIT", N_WAIT))
zoom_auto_string = os.getenv("ZOOM_AUTO", ZOOM_AUTO)

def download_extent(w: float, s: float, e: float, n: float, zoom: int or str = zoom_auto_string,
                    source: TileProvider or str = None,
                    wait: int = n_wait, max_retries: int = n_max_retries, n_connections: int = n_connection,
                    use_cache: bool = bool_use_cache) -> tuple_ndarray_transform:
    Download, merge and crop a list of tiles into a single geo-referenced image or a raster geodata

        w: West edge
        s: South edge
        e: East edge
        n: North edge
        zoom: Level of detail
        source: The tile source: web tile provider or path to local file. The web tile provider can be in the form of
            a :class:`xyzservices.TileProvider` object or a URL. The placeholders for the XYZ in the URL need to be
            `{x}`, `{y}`, `{z}`, respectively. For local file paths, the file is read with `rasterio` and all bands are
            loaded into the basemap. IMPORTANT: tiles are assumed to be in the Spherical Mercator projection
            (EPSG:3857), unless the `crs` keyword is specified.
        wait: if the tile API is rate-limited, the number of seconds to wait
            between a failed request and the next try
        max_retries: total number of rejected requests allowed before contextily will stop trying to fetch more tiles
            from a rate-limited API.
        n_connections: Number of connections for downloading tiles in parallel. Be careful not to overload the tile
            server and to check the tile provider's terms of use before increasing this value. E.g., OpenStreetMap has
            a max. value of 2 ( If allowed to download in
            parallel, a recommended value for n_connections is 16, and should never be larger than 64.
        use_cache: If False, caching of the downloaded tiles will be disabled. This can be useful in resource
            constrained environments, especially when using n_connections > 1, or when a tile provider's terms of use
            don't allow caching.

        parsed request input
        from samgis import contextily_tile
        from import _from4326_to3857"connection number:{n_connections}, type:{type(n_connections)}.")"zoom:{zoom}, type:{type(zoom)}.")
        app_logger.debug(f"download raster from source:{source} with bounding box w:{w}, s:{s}, e:{e}, n:{n}.")
        app_logger.debug(f"types w:{type(w)}, s:{type(s)}, e:{type(e)}, n:{type(n)}.")
        downloaded_raster, bbox_raster = contextily_tile.bounds2img(
            w, s, e, n, zoom=zoom, source=source, ll=True, wait=wait, max_retries=max_retries,
            n_connections=n_connections, use_cache=use_cache)
        xp0, yp0 = _from4326_to3857(n, e)
        xp1, yp1 = _from4326_to3857(s, w)
        cropped_image_ndarray, cropped_transform = crop_raster(yp1, xp1, yp0, xp0, downloaded_raster, bbox_raster)
        return cropped_image_ndarray, cropped_transform
    except Exception as e_download_extent:
        app_logger.exception(f"e_download_extent:{e_download_extent}.", exc_info=True)
        raise e_download_extent

def crop_raster(w: float, s: float, e: float, n: float, raster: ndarray, raster_bbox: tuple_float,
                crs: str = OUTPUT_CRS_STRING, driver: str = DRIVER_RASTERIO_GTIFF) -> tuple_ndarray_transform:
    Crop a raster using given bounding box (w, s, e, n) values

        w: cropping west edge
        s: cropping south edge
        e: cropping east edge
        n: cropping north edge
        raster: raster image to crop
        raster_bbox: bounding box of raster to crop
        crs: The coordinate reference system. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
        driver: A short format driver name (e.g. "GTiff" or "JPEG") or a list of such names (see GDAL docs at
   ). In 'w' or 'w+' modes a single name is required. In 'r' or 'r+'
            modes the driver can usually be omitted. Registered drivers will be tried sequentially until a match is
            found. When multiple drivers are available for a format such as JPEG2000, one of them can be selected by
            using this keyword argument.

        cropped raster with its Affine transform
        from import MemoryFile
        from rasterio.mask import mask as rio_mask
        from shapely.geometry import Polygon
        from geopandas import GeoSeries

        app_logger.debug(f"raster: type {type(raster)}, raster_ext:{type(raster_bbox)}, {raster_bbox}.")
        img_to_save, transform = get_transform_raster(raster, raster_bbox)
        img_height, img_width, number_bands = img_to_save.shape
        with MemoryFile() as rio_mem_file:
            app_logger.debug("writing raster in-memory to crop it with rasterio.mask.mask()")
            ) as src_raster_rw:
                for band in range(number_bands):
                    src_raster_rw.write(img_to_save[:, :, band], band + 1)
            app_logger.debug("cropping raster in-memory with rasterio.mask.mask()")
            with as src_raster_ro:
                shapes_crop_polygon = Polygon([(n, e), (s, e), (s, w), (n, w), (n, e)])
                shapes_crop = GeoSeries([shapes_crop_polygon])
                app_logger.debug(f"cropping with polygon::{shapes_crop_polygon}.")
                cropped_image, cropped_transform = rio_mask(src_raster_ro, shapes=shapes_crop, crop=True)
                cropped_image_ndarray = reshape_as_image(cropped_image)"cropped image::{cropped_image_ndarray.shape}.")
        return cropped_image_ndarray, cropped_transform
    except Exception as e_crop_raster:
            app_logger.error(f"raster type:{type(raster)}.")
            app_logger.error(f"raster shape:{raster.shape}, dtype:{raster.dtype}.")
        except Exception as e_shape_dtype:
            app_logger.exception(f"raster shape or dtype not found:{e_shape_dtype}.", exc_info=True)
        app_logger.exception(f"e_crop_raster:{e_crop_raster}.", exc_info=True)
        raise e_crop_raster

def get_transform_raster(raster: ndarray, raster_bbox: tuple_float) -> tuple_ndarray_transform:
    Convert the input raster image to RGB and extract the Affine 

        raster: raster image to geo-reference
        raster_bbox: bounding box of raster to crop

        rgb raster image and its Affine transform
        from rasterio.transform import from_origin
        from numpy import array as np_array, linspace as np_linspace, uint8 as np_uint8
        from PIL.Image import fromarray

        app_logger.debug(f"raster: type {type(raster)}, raster_ext:{type(raster_bbox)}, {raster_bbox}.")
        rgb = fromarray(np_uint8(raster)).convert('RGB')
        np_rgb = np_array(rgb)
        img_height, img_width, _ = np_rgb.shape

        min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = raster_bbox
        app_logger.debug(f"raster rgb shape:{np_rgb.shape}, raster rgb bbox {raster_bbox}.")
        x = np_linspace(min_x, max_x, img_width)
        y = np_linspace(min_y, max_y, img_height)
        res_x = (x[-1] - x[0]) / img_width
        res_y = (y[-1] - y[0]) / img_height
        transform = from_origin(x[0] - res_x / 2, y[-1] + res_y / 2, res_x, res_y)
        return np_rgb, transform
    except Exception as e_get_transform_raster:
        app_logger.error(f"arguments raster: {type(raster)}, {raster}.")
        app_logger.error(f"arguments raster_bbox: {type(raster_bbox)}, {raster_bbox}.")
        app_logger.exception(f"e_get_transform_raster:{e_get_transform_raster}.", exc_info=True)
        raise e_get_transform_raster

def reshape_as_image(arr):
        from numpy import swapaxes

        return swapaxes(swapaxes(arr, 0, 2), 0, 1)
    except Exception as e_reshape_as_image:
        app_logger.error(f"arguments: {type(arr)}, {arr}.")
        app_logger.exception(f"e_reshape_as_image:{e_reshape_as_image}.", exc_info=True)
        raise e_reshape_as_image