# Include global ARGs at the dockerfile top ARG ARCH="x86_64" ARG LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT="/var/task" ARG FASTAPI_STATIC="${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/static" ARG PYTHONPATH="${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}:${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages" ARG POETRY_NO_INTERACTION=1 ARG POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=1 ARG POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_CREATE=1 ARG POETRY_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/poetry_cache FROM pytorch/pytorch:2.4.1-cuda12.4-cudnn9-runtime as builder_global LABEL authors="alessandro@trinca.tornidor.com" ARG ARCH ARG LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT ARG PYTHONPATH ARG POETRY_NO_INTERACTION ARG POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT ARG POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_CREATE ARG POETRY_CACHE_DIR RUN echo "ARCH: $ARCH ..." RUN echo "ARG POETRY_CACHE_DIR: ${POETRY_CACHE_DIR} ..." RUN echo "ARG PYTHONPATH: $PYTHONPATH ..." # Set working directory to function root directory WORKDIR ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN apt update && apt install git git-lfs software-properties-common -y RUN git lfs install RUN git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/aletrn/samgis-lisa-on-cuda ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda && \ ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/dockerfiles/apt_preferences_ubuntu && \ cp ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/dockerfiles/apt_preferences_ubuntu /etc/apt/preferences && \ ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/pyproject.toml && \ cp ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/pyproject.toml ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/pyproject.toml && \ ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/poetry.lock && \ cp ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/poetry.lock ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/poetry.lock COPY ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/dockerfiles/ubuntu.sources /etc/apt/ubuntu.sources RUN echo "ls samgis-lisa-on-cuda ..." RUN ls -l /etc/apt/preferences ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/pyproject.toml ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/static RUN add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main universe restricted multiverse" && \ add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main universe restricted multiverse" && \ add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates main universe restricted multiverse" && \ add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main universe restricted multiverse" && \ add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-security main universe restricted multiverse" && \ add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble-updates main universe restricted multiverse" RUN cat /etc/lsb-release # avoid segment-geospatial exception caused by missing libGL.so.1 library RUN echo "BUILDER: check libz.s* before start" && ls -l /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y libgl1 curl python3-pip && apt clean #RUN echo "run update noble..." #RUN apt update #RUN apt update && apt install -t noble zlib1g -y RUN echo "BUILDER: check libz.s* after install from trixie" && ls -l /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* RUN ls -l /etc/apt/sources* /etc/apt/preferences* # poetry installation path is NOT within ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}: not needed for runtime docker image RUN python -m pip install -r ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/requirements_poetry.txt RUN which poetry && poetry --version && poetry config --list RUN poetry config virtualenvs.path ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN poetry config installer.max-workers 7 RUN echo "# poetry config --list #" && poetry config --list RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ #RUN . ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin/activate && ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin/python --version && ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin/python -m pip install pip wheel setuptools --upgrade RUN poetry run python -m pip install pip wheel setuptools --upgrade RUN poetry install --no-root --no-cache RUN git clone https://huggingface.co/aletrn/sam-quantized/ ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/sam-quantized RUN git clone -n --depth=1 --filter=tree:0 https://huggingface.co/spaces/aletrn/lisa-on-cuda ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/lisa-on-cuda && \ cd ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/lisa-on-cuda && \ git sparse-checkout set --no-cone resources && \ git checkout WORKDIR ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/* FROM pytorch/pytorch:2.4.1-cuda12.4-cudnn9-runtime as runtime ARG ARCH ARG LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv \ PATH="${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin:$PATH" RUN echo "COPY --from=builder_global /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libGL.so* /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/" COPY --from=builder_global /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libGL.so* /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/ RUN echo "RUNTIME: check libz.s* before upgrade" && ls -l /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* RUN echo "RUNTIME: remove libz.s* to force upgrade" && rm /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* COPY --from=builder_global /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/ RUN echo "RUNTIME: check libz.s* after copy" && ls -l /usr/lib/${ARCH}-linux-gnu/libz.so* COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv RUN echo "COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/scripts/docker_entrypoint.sh ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/" COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/scripts/docker_entrypoint.sh ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN echo "COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/scripts/entrypoint.sh ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/" COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/scripts/entrypoint.sh ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN echo "new LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT after hidden venv copy => ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}" RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN ls -lA ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN echo "content of LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/.venv => ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv" RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv RUN ls -lA ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv RUN ls -lA ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/docker_entrypoint.sh RUN ls -lA ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/entrypoint.sh RUN cat /etc/lsb-release # deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ noble main universe restricted multiverse # add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main universe restricted multiverse" RUN echo "install software-properties-common ..." COPY --from=builder_global /etc/apt/ubuntu.sources /etc/apt/ubuntu.sources RUN apt update && apt install software-properties-common -y RUN echo "install nodejs from source ..." RUN add-apt-repository "deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble main universe restricted multiverse" RUN apt update && apt build-dep nodejs && apt -b source -t noble nodejs && apt remove software-properties-common -y && \ apt autoremove && apt clean RUN which node RUN which npm ### conditional section FROM node:20-slim AS node_fastapi ENV PNPM_HOME="/pnpm" ENV PATH="$PNPM_HOME:$PATH" ARG LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT RUN corepack enable COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/samgis-lisa-on-cuda/static /appnode WORKDIR /appnode # RUN echo "pnpm store path:" && pnpm store path RUN ls -l /appnode RUN ls -l /appnode/list_files.html FROM node_fastapi AS node_prod_deps RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --prod --frozen-lockfile # here multiple conditions concatenated to avoid failing on check RUN if [ ! -d /appnode/node_modules ]; then echo "no node_modules folder" && exit 1; fi FROM node_fastapi AS node_build ARG VITE__MAP_DESCRIPTION ARG VITE__SAMGIS_SPACE RUN echo "VITE__MAP_DESCRIPTION:" ${VITE__MAP_DESCRIPTION} RUN echo "VITE__SAMGIS_SPACE:" ${VITE__SAMGIS_SPACE} RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --frozen-lockfile RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm build RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm tailwindcss -i /appnode/src/input.css -o /appnode/dist/output.css RUN if [ ! -d /appnode/dist ]; then echo "no dist folder" && exit 1; fi FROM runtime ARG FASTAPI_STATIC RUN echo "show disk space, df -h ..." RUN df -h RUN echo "creating FASTAPI_STATIC folder: ${FASTAPI_STATIC}, use `mkdir -p` to avoid failure if missing parent folder ..." RUN mkdir -p ${FASTAPI_STATIC} COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/sam-quantized/machine_learning_models \ ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/machine_learning_models RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/machine_learning_models RUN ls -lh ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/machine_learning_models COPY --from=builder_global ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/lisa-on-cuda/resources ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/resources COPY --from=node_prod_deps /appnode/node_modules* ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/node_modules COPY --from=node_build /appnode/dist* ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/dist COPY --from=node_build /appnode/list_files.html ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/list_files.html RUN ls -l ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/ RUN ls -l ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/list_files.html # Include global arg in this stage of the build ARG LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT="/var/task" ARG PYTHONPATH="${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}:${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages" ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv \ PATH="${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin:$PATH" ENV IS_AWS_LAMBDA="" # Set working directory to function root directory WORKDIR ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN ls -l /usr/bin/which RUN /usr/bin/which python RUN python --version RUN node --version RUN npm --version RUN echo "PYTHONPATH: ${PYTHONPATH}." RUN echo "PATH: ${PATH}." RUN echo "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT: ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}." RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT} RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/machine_learning_models RUN python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" RUN python -c "import cv2" RUN python -c "import fastapi" RUN python -c "import geopandas" RUN python -c "import loguru" RUN python -c "import rasterio" RUN python -c "import uvicorn" RUN df -h RUN echo "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT /static/:" RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/static/ || true RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/static/dist || true RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/static/node_modules || true RUN echo "FASTAPI_STATIC:" RUN ls -l ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/ || true RUN ls -l ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/dist || true RUN ls -l ${FASTAPI_STATIC}/node_modules || true RUN ls -ld ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN ls -lA ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/ RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv RUN ls -l ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/.venv/bin/activate #CMD [ # "source", "/var/task/.venv/bin/activate", "&&", # "uvicorn", "app:app", "--host","", "--port", "7860" #] # CMD ["/usr/bin/bash", "-c", "source /var/task/.venv/bin/activate && uvicorn app:app --host --port 7860"] CMD ["/var/task/docker_entrypoint.sh"]