// This function handles the toggling of selections of all upstream search engines // options in the settings page under the tab engines. function toggleAllSelection() { document .querySelectorAll('.engine') .forEach( (engine_checkbox) => (engine_checkbox.checked = document.querySelector('.select_all').checked) ) } // This function adds the functionality to sidebar buttons to only show settings // related to that tab. function setActiveTab(current_tab) { document .querySelectorAll('.tab') .forEach((tab) => tab.classList.remove('active')) document .querySelectorAll('.btn') .forEach((tab) => tab.classList.remove('active')) current_tab.classList.add('active') document .querySelector(`.${current_tab.innerText.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_')}`) .classList.add('active') } // This function adds the functionality to save all the user selected preferences // to be saved in a cookie on the users machine. function setClientSettings() { let cookie_dictionary = new Object() document.querySelectorAll('select').forEach((select_tag) => { if (select_tag.name === 'themes') { cookie_dictionary['theme'] = select_tag.value } else if (select_tag.name === 'colorschemes') { cookie_dictionary['colorscheme'] = select_tag.value } }) let engines = [] document.querySelectorAll('.engine').forEach((engine_checkbox) => { if (engine_checkbox.checked === true) { engines.push(engine_checkbox.parentNode.parentNode.innerText.trim()) } }) cookie_dictionary['engines'] = engines let expiration_date = new Date() expiration_date.setFullYear(expiration_date.getFullYear() + 1) document.cookie = `appCookie=${JSON.stringify( cookie_dictionary )}; expires=${expiration_date.toUTCString()}` document.querySelector('.message').innerText = '✅ The settings have been saved sucessfully!!' setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.message').innerText = '' }, 10000) } // This functions gets the saved cookies if it is present on the user's machine If it // is available then it is parsed and converted to an object which is then used to // retrieve the preferences that the user had selected previously and is then loaded in the // website otherwise the function does nothing and the default server side settings are loaded. function getClientSettings() { let cookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie) if (cookie !== '') { let cookie_value = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie) .split(';') .map((item) => item.split('=')) .reduce((acc, [_, v]) => (acc = JSON.parse(v)) && acc, {}) let links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('link')).forEach( (item) => { if (item.href.includes('static/themes')) { item.href = `static/themes/${cookie_value['theme']}.css` } else if (item.href.includes('static/colorschemes')) { item.href = `static/colorschemes/${cookie_value['colorscheme']}.css` } } ) } }