import os from evalplus.sanitize import sanitize from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import itertools import multiprocessing import time from multiprocessing import Array, Value from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pickle from import CACHE_DIR from evalplus.eval import * from evalplus.gen.util import trusted_exec from evalplus.eval._special_oracle import MBPP_OUTPUT_NOT_NONE_TASKS, _poly from evalplus.eval.utils import TimeoutException from evalplus.eval.utils import ( create_tempdir, reliability_guard, swallow_io, time_limit, ) import re import resource import traceback SUCCESS = "success" FAILED = "failed" TIMEOUT = "timed out" _SUCCESS = 0 _FAILED = 1 _TIMEOUT = 2 _UNKNOWN = 3 _mapping = {_SUCCESS: SUCCESS, _FAILED: FAILED, _TIMEOUT: TIMEOUT, _UNKNOWN: None} class MyCustomException(BaseException): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def get_groundtruth(problems, hashcode, tasks_only_output_not_none): cache_file = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, f"{hashcode}.pkl") if os.path.exists(cache_file): print(f"Load from ground-truth from {cache_file}") with open(cache_file, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True) print("Computing expected output...") tbegin = time.time() expected_output = {} for task_id, problem in problems.items(): oracle = {} oracle["base"], oracle["base_time"] = trusted_exec( problem["prompt"] + problem["canonical_solution"], problem["base_input"], problem["entry_point"], record_time=True, output_not_none=problem["entry_point"] in tasks_only_output_not_none, ) oracle["plus"], oracle["plus_time"] = trusted_exec( problem["prompt"] + problem["canonical_solution"], problem["plus_input"], problem["entry_point"], record_time=True, output_not_none=problem["entry_point"] in tasks_only_output_not_none, ) expected_output[task_id] = oracle print(f"Expected outputs computed in {time.time() - tbegin:.2f}s") with open(cache_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(expected_output, f) return expected_output def remove_unindented_lines(code, protect_before, execeptions, trim_tails): lines = code.splitlines() cut_idx = [] cut_enabled = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not cut_enabled and line.startswith(protect_before): cut_enabled = True continue if line.strip() == "": continue if any(line.startswith(e) for e in execeptions): continue lspace = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) if lspace == 0: cut_idx.append(i) if any(line.rstrip().startswith(t) for t in trim_tails): # cut off everything behind cut_idx.extend(list(range(i, len(lines)))) break return "\n".join([line for i, line in enumerate(lines) if i not in cut_idx]) def to_four_space_indents(old_code): new_code = "" for line in old_code.splitlines(): lspace = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) if lspace == 3: new_code += " " new_code += line + "\n" return new_code def sanitize_solution(solution,eofs): task_id = solution["task_id"] dbg_identifier = task_id entry_point = solution["entry_point"] old_code = solution["solution"] old_code = old_code.strip() new_code = sanitize( old_code=old_code, entry_point=entry_point, rm_prefix_lines=None, eofs=eofs, ).strip() # if changed, print the message if new_code != old_code: msg = "Sanitized: " + dbg_identifier print(msg) solution["solution"]=new_code return solution ################################eval funcs############################ # 1st item: the status # 2nd item (optional): the detailed pass/fail boolean for each input Result = Tuple[str, List[bool]] def is_floats(x) -> bool: # check if it is float; List[float]; Tuple[float] if isinstance(x, float): return True if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return all(isinstance(i, float) for i in x) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x.dtype == np.float64 or x.dtype == np.float32 return False def unsafe_execute( dataset: str, entry_point: str, code: str, inputs, expected: List, time_limits, atol, fast_check, stat: Value, details: Array, progress: Value, feedback: Value, feedback_size: int, ): with create_tempdir(): # These system calls are needed when cleaning up tempdir. import os import shutil rmtree = shutil.rmtree rmdir = os.rmdir chdir = os.chdir maximum_memory_bytes = None reliability_guard(maximum_memory_bytes=maximum_memory_bytes) exec_globals = {} try: with swallow_io(): exec(code, exec_globals) try: fn = exec_globals[entry_point] except KeyError as e: raise f"Please rename your function to {entry_point} as there is no function named {entry_point}." except BaseException as e: raise MyCustomException("An error occurred.") for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): # try: with time_limit(time_limits[i]): out = fn(*inp) exp = expected[i] exact_match = out == exp # ================================================ # # ============== special oracles ================= # if dataset == "mbpp": if ( "are_equivalent" == entry_point ): # Mbpp/164 special oracle exact_match = exact_match or True elif "sum_div" == entry_point: # Mbpp/295 special oracle exact_match = exact_match or out == 0 elif entry_point in MBPP_OUTPUT_NOT_NONE_TASKS: if isinstance(out, bool): exact_match = out == exp else: exact_match = exp == (out is not None) if dataset == "humaneval": if "find_zero" == entry_point: assert _poly(*out, inp) <= atol, f"The results aren't as expected.\nInput: {inp}\nExpected Output: {exp}\nActual Output: {out}" # ============== special oracles ================= # if atol == 0 and is_floats(exp): atol = 1e-6 # enforce atol for float comparison if not exact_match and atol != 0: try: np.testing.assert_allclose(out, exp, atol=atol) except BaseException as e: raise AssertionError(f"The results aren't as expected.\nInput: {inp}\nExpected Output: {exp}\nActual Output: {out}") else: assert exact_match, f"The results aren't as expected.\nInput: {inp}\nExpected Output: {exp}\nActual Output: {out}" details[i] = True progress.value += 1 stat.value = _SUCCESS padding = feedback_size - len(SUCCESS) feedback.value = (SUCCESS + " " * padding).encode('utf-8') except TimeoutException as e: stat.value = _FAILED error_str="Execution timed out." padding = max(0, feedback_size - len(error_str)) feedback.value = (error_str + " " * padding).encode('utf-8') except AssertionError as e: stat.value = _FAILED error_str=str(e)[:feedback_size] padding = max(0, feedback_size - len(error_str)) feedback.value = (error_str + " " * padding).encode('utf-8') except MyCustomException as e: stat.value = _FAILED error_str=e.message[:feedback_size] padding = max(0, feedback_size - len(error_str)) feedback.value = (error_str + " " * padding).encode('utf-8') except BaseException as e: stat.value = _FAILED error_traceback = traceback.format_exc() match ='(File "".*)', error_traceback, re.DOTALL) if match: error_traceback = elif "assert _poly" in error_traceback: if "TypeError: _poly() argument after *" in error_traceback: error_traceback = "TypeError: Invalid output type, output must be an iterable." else: delimiter = r'f"Input: \{inp\}\\nExpected Output: \{exp\}\\nActual Output: \{out\}"' error_traceback = re.split(delimiter, error_traceback)[-1] error_str=str(error_traceback)[:feedback_size] padding = max(0, feedback_size - len(error_str)) feedback.value = (error_str + " " * padding).encode('utf-8') # Needed for cleaning up. shutil.rmtree = rmtree os.rmdir = rmdir os.chdir = chdir def untrusted_check( dataset: str, code: str, inputs: List[Any], entry_point: str, expected, atol, ref_time: List[float], fast_check: bool = False, min_time_limit: float = 0.1, gt_time_limit_factor: float = 2.0, ) -> Tuple[str, np.ndarray]: time_limits = [max(min_time_limit, gt_time_limit_factor * t) for t in ref_time] timeout = sum(time_limits) + 1 if not fast_check: timeout += 1 # extra time for data collection # shared memory objects progress = Value("i", 0) stat = Value("i", _UNKNOWN) details = Array("b", [False for _ in range(len(inputs))]) feedback_size = 500 feedback = Array('c', b'\0' * feedback_size) p = multiprocessing.Process( target=unsafe_execute, args=( dataset, entry_point, code, inputs, expected, time_limits, atol, fast_check, stat, details, progress, feedback, feedback_size, ), ) p.start() p.join(timeout=timeout + 1) if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() time.sleep(0.1) if p.is_alive(): p.kill() time.sleep(0.1) stat = _mapping[stat.value] details = details[: progress.value] feedback = feedback.value.decode("utf-8").strip() if entry_point not in code: feedback = f"Please rename your function to {entry_point} as there is no function named {entry_point}." if not stat: stat = TIMEOUT if stat == SUCCESS: if len(details) != len(inputs) or not all(details): stat = FAILED return stat, details, feedback def check_correctness( dataset: str, completion_id: int, problem: Dict[str, Any], solution: str, expected_output: Dict[str, List], version="base", fast_check=False, identifier=None, min_time_limit: float = 0.1, gt_time_limit_factor: float = 2.0, ) -> Dict[str, Union[int, Optional[Result]]]: ret = { "completion_id": completion_id, "task_id": problem["task_id"], "_identifier": identifier, } ret["base"] = untrusted_check( dataset, solution, problem["base_input"], problem["entry_point"], expected=expected_output["base"], atol=problem["atol"], ref_time=expected_output["base_time"], fast_check=fast_check, min_time_limit=min_time_limit, gt_time_limit_factor=gt_time_limit_factor, ) if version=="plus": ret["plus"] = untrusted_check( dataset, solution, problem["plus_input"], problem["entry_point"], expected=expected_output["plus"], atol=problem["atol"], ref_time=expected_output["plus_time"], fast_check=fast_check, min_time_limit=min_time_limit, gt_time_limit_factor=gt_time_limit_factor, ) return ret