import os, sys import traceback HUMAN_EVAL_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))), "human-eval", ) sys.path.append(HUMAN_EVAL_PATH) from import write_jsonl, read_problems from finetuning.conversation_template import msg_to_code_result_tok_temp from code_interpreter.llama_hf import build_model_from_hf_path from code_interpreter.LlamaCodeInterpreter import LlamaCodeInterpreter from code_interpreter.GPTCodeInterpreter import GPTCodeInterpreter from code_interpreter.RetrospectiveGPTCodeInterpreter import ( RetrospectiveGPTCodeInterpreter, ) import re from rich import print from rich.panel import Panel from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.text import Text from timeout_decorator import timeout wrong = 0 def extract_text(prompt, remove_lines=True): token = '"""' start = token end = ">>>" # end = '"""' start_idx = prompt.find(start) + len(start) end_idx = prompt.find(end) output = prompt[start_idx:end_idx] if remove_lines: output = output.replace("\n", " ") output = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", output).strip() return output def extract_all_code_block(input_str: str) -> str: pattern = r"\[CODE_START_TOK\](.*?)\[/CODE_END_TOK\]" matches = re.findall(pattern, input_str, re.DOTALL) return "\n".join([match.strip() for match in matches]) if matches else None def extract_all_code_block_gpt(input_str: str) -> str: pattern = r"```python(.*?)```" matches = re.findall(pattern, input_str, re.DOTALL) return "\n".join([match.strip() for match in matches]) if matches else None def delete_print_asser(code_text: str): lines = code_text.split("\n") new_lines = list() for i in lines: if i.strip().startswith("print("): continue new_lines.append(i) new_code_text = "\n".join(new_lines) return new_code_text def extract_function_from_code_block(code_block: str) -> str: lines = code_block.split("\n") function_lines = [] inside_function = False for line in lines: # Start extracting from function definition if line.startswith("def "): inside_function = True # If we are inside the function, append lines if inside_function: function_lines.append(line) # If we encounter an unindented line that isn't a comment and isn't the start of another function, stop. if ( not line.startswith(" ") and not line.startswith("#") and not line.startswith("def ") ): break # Remove trailing comments or blank lines and the last line which caused the exit from the loop while function_lines and ( function_lines[-1].strip() == "" or function_lines[-1].strip().startswith("#") or not function_lines[-1].startswith(" ") ): function_lines.pop() return "\n".join(function_lines) def get_last_outermost_function_name(function_str): matches = re.findall(r"^def (\w+)", function_str, re.MULTILINE) if matches: return matches[-1] # Return the last (outermost) function name return "" def get_last_function_name(function_str): # Regular expression to match a function definition matches = re.findall(r"def (\w+)", function_str) if matches: return matches[-1] # Return the last function name return "" def get_outermost_function_name(function_str): matches = re.findall(r"^def (\w+)", function_str, re.MULTILINE) if matches: return matches[0] # Return the first (outermost) function name return "" def get_function_name(function_str): # Regular expression to match a function definition match ="def (\w+)", function_str) if match: return return "" def extract_test_assertion(test_func: str): test_cases = list() for i in test_func.split("\n"): if "assert" in i: test_cases.append(i.strip()) return ("\n".join(test_cases)).strip() import_str = """ import re import math from typing import List, Tuple, Optional """ @timeout(100, timeout_exception=TimeoutError) def exec_with_timeout(import_str, full_test_code): env = {**locals()} code_to_exec = f"{import_str}\n{full_test_code}" try: exec(code_to_exec, env) except Exception as e: print(f"Error Type: {type(e).__name__}, Error Message: {e}") return False # Return False if there's an error during execution return True # Return True if executed without errors if __name__ == "__main__": sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process path for LLAMA2_FINETUNEED.") parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the finetuned LLAMA2 model.", default='"./output/llama-2-7b-chat-ci"', ) parser.add_argument( "--model", type=str, required=False, help="Path to the finetuned LLAMA2 model.", default='"./output/llama-2-7b-chat-ci"', ) parser.add_argument( "--max-retry", type=int, required=False, help="Maximum number of retries.", default=5, # You can set any default value you want here. ) args = parser.parse_args() PROGRAMMING_PUZZLE_Q = True problems = read_problems() correct_total = 0 total_problems = len(problems) for idx, task_id in enumerate(problems): if "gpt" not in args.model.lower(): LLAMA2_FINETUNEED_PATH = args.path interpreter = LlamaCodeInterpreter( model_path=LLAMA2_FINETUNEED_PATH, # load_in_4bit=True ) else: interpreter = RetrospectiveGPTCodeInterpreter( model=args.model, ) # dict_keys(['task_id', 'prompt', 'entry_point', 'canonical_solution', 'test']) programming_puzzle = problems[task_id]["prompt"].replace(" ", "\t") text_only_problem = extract_text(programming_puzzle) interpreter.dialog = [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are helpful robot that can generate code , excute it and debug then answer", } ] if PROGRAMMING_PUZZLE_Q: # programming puzzle output_str = user_message=f"Write a Python script to solve the following problem:\n{programming_puzzle}\nEnsure the solution is verified by printing the expected output.", MAX_TRY=args.max_retry, VERBOSE=True, code_exec_prefix=f"\nfrom typing import List,Tuple\nimport math\n", feedback_prompt="Ensure the output matches the expected result, taking into account any corner cases. If discrepancies arise, pinpoint where you went wrong. Then, refine the code to achieve the desired outcome.", append_result=True, )["content"] else: output_str = user_message=f"Write a Python script for this problem:\n{text_only_problem}", MAX_TRY=args.max_retry, VERBOSE=True, code_exec_prefix=f"\nfrom typing import List,Tuple\nimport math\n", feedback_prompt="Ensure the output matches the expected result. If not tell where you got wrong, then refine the code to achieve the desired outcome.", append_result=True, )["content"] function_str = "" if "gpt" not in args.model.lower(): code_block = extract_all_code_block(output_str) else: code_block = extract_all_code_block_gpt(output_str) if (code_block is not None) and ("def" in code_block): function_str = code_block # function_name = get_last_outermost_function_name(function_str) function_str = delete_print_asser(function_str) function_name = get_last_outermost_function_name(function_str) full_test_code = f"{function_str}\n#-----------\n{problems[task_id]['test']}\ncheck({function_name})" # Print the full_test_code with syntax highlighting syntax = Syntax( # f"{programming_puzzle}\n{full_test_code}", f"{full_test_code}", "python", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True, ) print(syntax) is_correct = False # default is wrong timeout_flag = False try: is_correct = exec_with_timeout(import_str, full_test_code) except TimeoutError as e: timeout_flag = True print(f"Timeout with error msg : {e}") if is_correct: correct_total += 1 acc = (correct_total) / (idx + 1) # save dialog interpreter.save_dialog( path=f"./eval/gpt_humaneval_output/{task_id.replace('/','_')}_{is_correct}.json" ) interpreter.close() del interpreter # Constructing the output accuracy_text = Text( f"Accuracy: {correct_total}/{idx+1}[{total_problems}] = {acc:.2%} [{is_correct}]", style="bold blue", ) panel = Panel(accuracy_text, title="Results", border_style="green") print(panel)