import gradio as gr import pickle import pandas as pd from urlextract import URLExtract import URLFeatureExtraction with open("models/spam-clf.pkl", "rb") as f: model = pickle.load(f) with open("models/xgb.dat", "rb") as f: model2 = pickle.load(f) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['URL', 'Phishy?']) def isPhishing(link): global df features = URLFeatureExtraction.featureExtraction(link) print(features) prediction = model2.predict([features]) print(prediction) df = df._append({'URL': link, 'Phishy?': "UnSafe" if prediction[0] else "Safe"}, ignore_index=True) return prediction[0] def isSpam(Email): out = model.predict([Email]) return "Spam" if out[0] else "Not Spam" def check_URL(Email): extractor = URLExtract() urls = extractor.find_urls(Email) n_urls = len(urls) if urls: bad_urls = sum([isPhishing(url) for url in urls]) else: bad_urls = 0 print("Out of {} urls {} are phishing".format(n_urls, bad_urls)) return bad_urls def check_Mail(Email): state = max(URLFeatureExtraction.state, 0) return [isSpam(Email), check_URL(Email), state, df] iface = gr.Interface( fn=check_Mail, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=6, placeholder="Enter or paste email here", label="Email"), outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Spam or Not"), gr.Textbox(label="Phishing Links Detected"), gr.Textbox(label="Consider this Mail as"), gr.Dataframe(label="Insights", interactive=False) ] ) # Launch the Gradio app iface.launch()