import re import time import py3Dmol import requests import stmol import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.header("Grid visualization of folded protein sequences") default_sequences = """MINDLLDISRIISGKMTLDRAEVNLTAIARQVVEEQRQAAEAKSIQLLCSTPDTNHYVFGDFDRLKQTLWNLLSNAVKFTPSGGTVELELGY MQGDSSISSSNRMFTLCKPLTVANETSTLSTTRNSKSNKRVSKQRVNLAESPERNAPSPASIKTNETEEFSTIKTTNNEVLGYEPNYVSYDF MSTHVSLENTLASLQATFFSLEARHTALETQLLSTRTELAATKQELVRVQAEISRADAQAQDLKAQILTLKEKADQAEVEAAAATQRAEESQ MVLLSTGPLPILFLGPSLAELNQKYQVVSDTLLRFTNTVTFNTLKFLGSDS MNNDEQPFIMSTSGYAGNTTSSMNSTSDFNTNNKSNTWSNRFSNFIAYFSGVGWFIGAISVIFFIIYVIVFLSRKTKPSGQKQYSRTERNNR MEAVYSFTITETGTGTVEVTPLDRTISGADIVYPPDTACVPLTVQPVINANGTWTLGSGCTGHFSVDTTGHVNCLTGGFGAAGVHTVIYTVE MGLTTSGGARGFCSLAVLQELVPRPELLFVIDRAFHSGKHAVDMQVVDQEGLGDGVATLLYAHQGLYTCLLQAEARLLGREWAAVPALEPNF MGLTTSGGARGFCSLAVLQELVPRPELLFVIDRAFHSGKHAVDMQVVDQEGLGDGVATLLYAHQGLYTCLLQAEARLLGREWAAVPALEPNF MGAAGYTGSLILAALKQNPDIAVYALNRNDEKLKDVCGQYSNLKGQVCDLSNESQVEALLSGPRKTVVNLVGPYSFYGSRVLNACIEANCHY """ input_sequences = st.text_area("Sequences separated by a newline (max 400 resis each)", default_sequences) @st.cache_data def get_sequences(sequences_string): sequences = [] # Parse and clean input sequences for seq in sequences_string.split("\n"): seq = seq.strip() if len(seq) > 400: seq = seq[:400] seq = re.sub("[^ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY]", "", seq) if len(seq) > 0: sequences.append(seq) return sequences sequences = get_sequences(input_sequences) st.write(f"Found {len(sequences)} valid sequences") pdb_strings = [] url = "" @st.cache_data def get_pdb(sequence): retries = 0 pdb_str = None while retries < 3 and pdb_str is None: response =, data=sequence) pdb_str = response.text if pdb_str == "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR": retries += 1 time.sleep(0.1) pdb_str = None return pdb_str # Fold sequences with ESMfold for seq in sequences: if pdb := get_pdb(seq): pdb_strings.append(pdb) else: st.write(f"Failed to retrieve PDB structure from ESMFold for {seq}") num_pdb_structures = len(pdb_strings) if num_pdb_structures == 0: grid_columns = 1 grid_rows = 1 else: grid_columns = int(num_pdb_structures ** 0.5) if grid_columns ** 2 < num_pdb_structures: grid_columns += 1 grid_columns = min(grid_columns, 12) grid_rows = (num_pdb_structures + grid_columns - 1) // grid_columns # Get the width of the viewer from the sidebar viewer_width = int(st.sidebar.number_input("Viewer Width", 100, 2000, 900)) # Calculate the width and height of each grid cell grid_cell_width = int(viewer_width / grid_columns) grid_cell_height = grid_cell_width viewer_height = grid_rows * grid_cell_height xyzview = py3Dmol.view( width=viewer_width, height=viewer_height, linked=False, viewergrid=(grid_rows, grid_columns), ) for row in range(grid_rows): for col in range(grid_columns): index = row * grid_columns + col pdb_string = pdb_strings[index] if index < len(pdb_strings) else None if pdb_string: xyzview.addModel(pdb_string, "pdb", viewer=(row, col)) xyzview.setStyle({"cartoon": {"color": "spectrum"}}) # Focus the chains we added xyzview.zoomTo() # Draw our grid! stmol.showmol(xyzview, height=viewer_height, width=viewer_width)