import time import click import gin import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from tqdm import trange from neural_waveshaping_synthesis.models.neural_waveshaping import NeuralWaveshaping from neural_waveshaping_synthesis.models.modules.shaping import FastNEWT BUFFER_SIZES = [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768] @click.command() @click.option("--gin-file", prompt="Model config gin file") @click.option("--output-file", prompt="output file") @click.option("--num-iters", default=100) @click.option("--batch-size", default=1) @click.option("--device", default="cpu") @click.option("--length-in-seconds", default=4) @click.option("--use-fast-newt", is_flag=True) @click.option("--model-name", default="ours") def main( gin_file, output_file, num_iters, batch_size, device, length_in_seconds, use_fast_newt, model_name, ): gin.parse_config_file(gin_file) model = NeuralWaveshaping() if use_fast_newt: model.newt = FastNEWT(model.newt) model.eval() model = # eliminate any lazy init costs with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(10): model( torch.rand(4, 1, 250, device=device), torch.rand(4, 2, 250, device=device), ) times = [] with torch.no_grad(): for bs in BUFFER_SIZES: dummy_control = torch.rand( batch_size, 2, bs // 128, device=device, requires_grad=False, ) dummy_f0 = torch.rand( batch_size, 1, bs // 128, device=device, requires_grad=False, ) for i in trange(num_iters): start_time = time.time() model(dummy_f0, dummy_control) time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time times.append( [model_name, device if device == "cpu" else "gpu", bs, time_elapsed] ) df = pd.DataFrame(times) df.to_csv(output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()