datadir: val_large indir: ${location.root_dir}/${datadir} outdir: ${location.out_dir}/${datadir}/segm_512 n_jobs: 2 generator_kind: segmentation mask_generator_kwargs: confidence_threshold: 0.5 max_object_area: 0.5 min_mask_area: 0.05 downsample_levels: 6 num_variants_per_mask: 3 rigidness_mode: 1 max_foreground_coverage: 1 # turn off filtering by overlap max_foreground_intersection: 1 # turn off filtering by overlap max_mask_intersection: 0.2 # the lower this value the higher diversity max_hidden_area: 0.5 max_scale_change: 0.25 horizontal_flip: True max_vertical_shift: 0.3 position_shuffle: True max_masks_per_image: 1 cropping: out_min_size: 512 handle_small_mode: upscale out_square_crop: True crop_min_overlap: 1 max_tamper_area: 0.5 defaults: - location: mml7-places