# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The Deeplab2 Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Converts Cityscapes data to sharded TFRecord file format with Example protos. Please check ../g3doc/setup/cityscapes.md for instructions. """ import collections import json import math import os from absl import app from absl import flags from absl import logging import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from deeplab2.data import data_utils from deeplab2.data import dataset FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('cityscapes_root', None, 'Cityscapes dataset root folder.') flags.DEFINE_string('output_dir', None, 'Path to save converted TFRecord of TensorFlow examples.') flags.DEFINE_boolean('create_panoptic_data', True, 'Whether to create semantic or panoptic dataset.') flags.DEFINE_boolean('treat_crowd_as_ignore', True, 'Whether to apply ignore labels to crowd pixels in ' 'panoptic label.') _NUM_SHARDS = 10 _SPLITS_TO_SIZES = dataset.CITYSCAPES_INFORMATION.splits_to_sizes _IGNORE_LABEL = dataset.CITYSCAPES_PANOPTIC_INFORMATION.ignore_label _CLASS_HAS_INSTANCE_LIST = dataset.CITYSCAPES_PANOPTIC_INFORMATION.class_has_instances_list _PANOPTIC_LABEL_DIVISOR = dataset.CITYSCAPES_PANOPTIC_INFORMATION.panoptic_label_divisor # A map from data type to folder name that saves the data. _FOLDERS_MAP = { 'image': 'leftImg8bit', 'label': 'gtFine', } # A map from data type to filename postfix. _POSTFIX_MAP = { 'image': '_leftImg8bit', 'label': '_gtFine_labelTrainIds', } # A map from data type to data format. _DATA_FORMAT_MAP = { 'image': 'png', 'label': 'png', } _PANOPTIC_LABEL_FORMAT = 'raw' def _get_images(cityscapes_root, dataset_split): """Gets files for the specified data type and dataset split. Args: cityscapes_root: String, path to Cityscapes dataset root folder. dataset_split: String, dataset split ('train', 'val', 'test') Returns: A list of sorted file names or None when getting label for test set. """ pattern = '*%s.%s' % (_POSTFIX_MAP['image'], _DATA_FORMAT_MAP['image']) search_files = os.path.join( cityscapes_root, _FOLDERS_MAP['image'], dataset_split, '*', pattern) filenames = tf.io.gfile.glob(search_files) return sorted(filenames) def _split_image_path(image_path): """Helper method to extract split paths from input image path. Args: image_path: String, path to the image file. Returns: A tuple of (cityscape root, dataset split, cityname and shared filename prefix). """ image_path = os.path.normpath(image_path) path_list = image_path.split(os.sep) image_folder, dataset_split, city_name, file_name = path_list[-4:] if image_folder != _FOLDERS_MAP['image']: raise ValueError('Expects image path %s containing image folder.' % image_path) pattern = '%s.%s' % (_POSTFIX_MAP['image'], _DATA_FORMAT_MAP['image']) if not file_name.endswith(pattern): raise ValueError('Image file name %s should end with %s' % (file_name, pattern)) file_prefix = file_name[:-len(pattern)] return os.sep.join(path_list[:-4]), dataset_split, city_name, file_prefix def _get_semantic_annotation(image_path): cityscapes_root, dataset_split, city_name, file_prefix = _split_image_path( image_path) semantic_annotation = '%s%s.%s' % (file_prefix, _POSTFIX_MAP['label'], _DATA_FORMAT_MAP['label']) return os.path.join(cityscapes_root, _FOLDERS_MAP['label'], dataset_split, city_name, semantic_annotation) def _get_panoptic_annotation(cityscapes_root, dataset_split, annotation_file_name): panoptic_folder = 'cityscapes_panoptic_%s_trainId' % dataset_split return os.path.join(cityscapes_root, _FOLDERS_MAP['label'], panoptic_folder, annotation_file_name) def _read_segments(cityscapes_root, dataset_split): """Reads segments information from json file. Args: cityscapes_root: String, path to Cityscapes dataset root folder. dataset_split: String, dataset split. Returns: segments_dict: A dictionary that maps `image_id` (common file prefix) to a tuple of (panoptic annotation file name, segments). Please refer to _generate_panoptic_label() method on the detail structure of `segments`. """ json_filename = os.path.join( cityscapes_root, _FOLDERS_MAP['label'], 'cityscapes_panoptic_%s_trainId.json' % dataset_split) with tf.io.gfile.GFile(json_filename) as f: panoptic_dataset = json.load(f) segments_dict = {} for annotation in panoptic_dataset['annotations']: image_id = annotation['image_id'] if image_id in segments_dict: raise ValueError('Image ID %s already exists' % image_id) annotation_file_name = annotation['file_name'] segments = annotation['segments_info'] segments_dict[image_id] = (annotation_file_name, segments) return segments_dict def _generate_panoptic_label(panoptic_annotation_file, segments): """Creates panoptic label map from annotations. Args: panoptic_annotation_file: String, path to panoptic annotation (populated with `trainId`). segments: A list of dictionaries containing information of every segment. Read from panoptic_${DATASET_SPLIT}_trainId.json. This method consumes the following fields in each dictionary: - id: panoptic id - category_id: semantic class id - area: pixel area of this segment - iscrowd: if this segment is crowd region Returns: A 2D numpy int32 array with the same height / width with panoptic annotation. Each pixel value represents its panoptic ID. Please refer to ../g3doc/setup/cityscapes.md for more details about how panoptic ID is assigned. """ with tf.io.gfile.GFile(panoptic_annotation_file, 'rb') as f: panoptic_label = data_utils.read_image(f.read()) if panoptic_label.mode != 'RGB': raise ValueError('Expect RGB image for panoptic label, gets %s' % panoptic_label.mode) panoptic_label = np.array(panoptic_label, dtype=np.int32) # Cityscapes panoptic map is created by: # color = [segmentId % 256, segmentId // 256, segmentId // 256 // 256] panoptic_label = np.dot(panoptic_label, [1, 256, 256 * 256]) semantic_label = np.ones_like(panoptic_label) * _IGNORE_LABEL instance_label = np.zeros_like(panoptic_label) # Running count of instances per semantic category. instance_count = collections.defaultdict(int) for segment in segments: selected_pixels = panoptic_label == segment['id'] pixel_area = np.sum(selected_pixels) if pixel_area != segment['area']: raise ValueError('Expect %d pixels for segment %s, gets %d.' % (segment['area'], segment, pixel_area)) category_id = segment['category_id'] semantic_label[selected_pixels] = category_id if category_id in _CLASS_HAS_INSTANCE_LIST: if segment['iscrowd']: # Cityscapes crowd pixels will have instance ID of 0. if FLAGS.treat_crowd_as_ignore: semantic_label[selected_pixels] = _IGNORE_LABEL continue # Non-crowd pixels will have instance ID starting from 1. instance_count[category_id] += 1 if instance_count[category_id] >= _PANOPTIC_LABEL_DIVISOR: raise ValueError('Too many instances for category %d in this image.' % category_id) instance_label[selected_pixels] = instance_count[category_id] elif segment['iscrowd']: raise ValueError('Stuff class should not have `iscrowd` label.') panoptic_label = semantic_label * _PANOPTIC_LABEL_DIVISOR + instance_label return panoptic_label.astype(np.int32) def _convert_split_name(dataset_split): return dataset_split + '_fine' def _create_semantic_label(image_path): """Creates labels for semantic segmentation.""" with tf.io.gfile.GFile(_get_semantic_annotation(image_path), 'rb') as f: label_data = f.read() return label_data, _DATA_FORMAT_MAP['label'] def _create_panoptic_label(image_path, segments_dict): """Creates labels for panoptic segmentation.""" cityscapes_root, dataset_split, _, file_prefix = _split_image_path(image_path) annotation_file_name, segments = segments_dict[file_prefix] panoptic_annotation_file = _get_panoptic_annotation(cityscapes_root, dataset_split, annotation_file_name) panoptic_label = _generate_panoptic_label(panoptic_annotation_file, segments) return panoptic_label.tostring(), _PANOPTIC_LABEL_FORMAT def _convert_dataset(cityscapes_root, dataset_split, output_dir): """Converts the specified dataset split to TFRecord format. Args: cityscapes_root: String, path to Cityscapes dataset root folder. dataset_split: String, the dataset split (one of `train`, `val` and `test`). output_dir: String, directory to write output TFRecords to. Raises: RuntimeError: If loaded image and label have different shape, or if the image file with specified postfix could not be found. """ image_files = _get_images(cityscapes_root, dataset_split) num_images = len(image_files) expected_dataset_size = _SPLITS_TO_SIZES[_convert_split_name(dataset_split)] if num_images != expected_dataset_size: raise ValueError('Expects %d images, gets %d' % (expected_dataset_size, num_images)) segments_dict = None if FLAGS.create_panoptic_data: segments_dict = _read_segments(FLAGS.cityscapes_root, dataset_split) num_per_shard = int(math.ceil(len(image_files) / _NUM_SHARDS)) for shard_id in range(_NUM_SHARDS): shard_filename = '%s-%05d-of-%05d.tfrecord' % ( dataset_split, shard_id, _NUM_SHARDS) output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, shard_filename) with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(output_filename) as tfrecord_writer: start_idx = shard_id * num_per_shard end_idx = min((shard_id + 1) * num_per_shard, num_images) for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): # Read the image. with tf.io.gfile.GFile(image_files[i], 'rb') as f: image_data = f.read() if dataset_split == 'test': label_data, label_format = None, None elif FLAGS.create_panoptic_data: label_data, label_format = _create_panoptic_label( image_files[i], segments_dict) else: label_data, label_format = _create_semantic_label(image_files[i]) # Convert to tf example. _, _, _, file_prefix = _split_image_path(image_files[i]) example = data_utils.create_tfexample(image_data, _DATA_FORMAT_MAP['image'], file_prefix, label_data, label_format) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) def main(unused_argv): tf.io.gfile.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) for dataset_split in ('train', 'val', 'test'): logging.info('Starts to processing dataset split %s.', dataset_split) _convert_dataset(FLAGS.cityscapes_root, dataset_split, FLAGS.output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': flags.mark_flags_as_required(['cityscapes_root', 'output_dir']) app.run(main)