import chord_recognition import numpy as np import miditoolkit import copy # parameters for input DEFAULT_VELOCITY_BINS = np.linspace(0, 128, 32+1, DEFAULT_FRACTION = 16 DEFAULT_DURATION_BINS = np.arange(60, 3841, 60, dtype=int) DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS = [range(30, 90), range(90, 150), range(150, 210)] # parameters for output DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = 480 # define "Item" for general storage class Item(object): def __init__(self, name, start, end, velocity, pitch): = name self.start = start self.end = end self.velocity = velocity self.pitch = pitch def __repr__(self): return 'Item(name={}, start={}, end={}, velocity={}, pitch={})'.format(, self.start, self.end, self.velocity, self.pitch) # read notes and tempo changes from midi (assume there is only one track) def read_items(file_path): midi_obj = miditoolkit.midi.parser.MidiFile(file_path) # note note_items = [] notes = midi_obj.instruments[0].notes notes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.start, x.pitch)) for note in notes: note_items.append(Item( name='Note', start=note.start, end=note.end, velocity=note.velocity, pitch=note.pitch)) note_items.sort(key=lambda x: x.start) # tempo tempo_items = [] for tempo in midi_obj.tempo_changes: tempo_items.append(Item( name='Tempo', start=tempo.time, end=None, velocity=None, pitch=int(tempo.tempo))) tempo_items.sort(key=lambda x: x.start) # expand to all beat max_tick = tempo_items[-1].start existing_ticks = {item.start: item.pitch for item in tempo_items} wanted_ticks = np.arange(0, max_tick+1, DEFAULT_RESOLUTION) output = [] for tick in wanted_ticks: if tick in existing_ticks: output.append(Item( name='Tempo', start=tick, end=None, velocity=None, pitch=existing_ticks[tick])) else: output.append(Item( name='Tempo', start=tick, end=None, velocity=None, pitch=output[-1].pitch)) tempo_items = output return note_items, tempo_items # quantize items def quantize_items(items, ticks=120): # grid grids = np.arange(0, items[-1].start, ticks, dtype=int) # process for item in items: index = np.argmin(abs(grids - item.start)) shift = grids[index] - item.start item.start += shift item.end += shift return items # extract chord def extract_chords(items): method = chord_recognition.MIDIChord() chords = method.extract(notes=items) output = [] for chord in chords: output.append(Item( name='Chord', start=chord[0], end=chord[1], velocity=None, pitch=chord[2].split('/')[0])) return output # group items def group_items(items, max_time, ticks_per_bar=DEFAULT_RESOLUTION*4): items.sort(key=lambda x: x.start) downbeats = np.arange(0, max_time+ticks_per_bar, ticks_per_bar) groups = [] for db1, db2 in zip(downbeats[:-1], downbeats[1:]): insiders = [] for item in items: if (item.start >= db1) and (item.start < db2): insiders.append(item) overall = [db1] + insiders + [db2] groups.append(overall) return groups # define "Event" for event storage class Event(object): def __init__(self, name, time, value, text): = name self.time = time self.value = value self.text = text def __repr__(self): return 'Event(name={}, time={}, value={}, text={})'.format(, self.time, self.value, self.text) # item to event def item2event(groups): events = [] n_downbeat = 0 for i in range(len(groups)): if 'Note' not in [ for item in groups[i][1:-1]]: continue bar_st, bar_et = groups[i][0], groups[i][-1] n_downbeat += 1 events.append(Event( name='Bar', time=None, value=None, text='{}'.format(n_downbeat))) for item in groups[i][1:-1]: # position flags = np.linspace(bar_st, bar_et, DEFAULT_FRACTION, endpoint=False) index = np.argmin(abs(flags-item.start)) events.append(Event( name='Position', time=item.start, value='{}/{}'.format(index+1, DEFAULT_FRACTION), text='{}'.format(item.start))) if == 'Note': # velocity velocity_index = np.searchsorted( DEFAULT_VELOCITY_BINS, item.velocity, side='right') - 1 events.append(Event( name='Note Velocity', time=item.start, value=velocity_index, text='{}/{}'.format(item.velocity, DEFAULT_VELOCITY_BINS[velocity_index]))) # pitch events.append(Event( name='Note On', time=item.start, value=item.pitch, text='{}'.format(item.pitch))) # duration duration = item.end - item.start index = np.argmin(abs(DEFAULT_DURATION_BINS-duration)) events.append(Event( name='Note Duration', time=item.start, value=index, text='{}/{}'.format(duration, DEFAULT_DURATION_BINS[index]))) elif == 'Chord': events.append(Event( name='Chord', time=item.start, value=item.pitch, text='{}'.format(item.pitch))) elif == 'Tempo': tempo = item.pitch if tempo in DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[0]: tempo_style = Event('Tempo Class', item.start, 'slow', None) tempo_value = Event('Tempo Value', item.start, tempo-DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[0].start, None) elif tempo in DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[1]: tempo_style = Event('Tempo Class', item.start, 'mid', None) tempo_value = Event('Tempo Value', item.start, tempo-DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[1].start, None) elif tempo in DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[2]: tempo_style = Event('Tempo Class', item.start, 'fast', None) tempo_value = Event('Tempo Value', item.start, tempo-DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[2].start, None) elif tempo < DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[0].start: tempo_style = Event('Tempo Class', item.start, 'slow', None) tempo_value = Event('Tempo Value', item.start, 0, None) elif tempo > DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[2].stop: tempo_style = Event('Tempo Class', item.start, 'fast', None) tempo_value = Event('Tempo Value', item.start, 59, None) events.append(tempo_style) events.append(tempo_value) return events ############################################################################################# # WRITE MIDI ############################################################################################# def word_to_event(words, word2event): events = [] for word in words: event_name, event_value = word2event.get(word).split('_') events.append(Event(event_name, None, event_value, None)) return events def write_midi(words, word2event, output_path, prompt_path=None): events = word_to_event(words, word2event) # get downbeat and note (no time) temp_notes = [] temp_chords = [] temp_tempos = [] for i in range(len(events)-3): if events[i].name == 'Bar' and i > 0: temp_notes.append('Bar') temp_chords.append('Bar') temp_tempos.append('Bar') elif events[i].name == 'Position' and \ events[i+1].name == 'Note Velocity' and \ events[i+2].name == 'Note On' and \ events[i+3].name == 'Note Duration': # start time and end time from position position = int(events[i].value.split('/')[0]) - 1 # velocity index = int(events[i+1].value) velocity = int(DEFAULT_VELOCITY_BINS[index]) # pitch pitch = int(events[i+2].value) # duration index = int(events[i+3].value) duration = DEFAULT_DURATION_BINS[index] # adding temp_notes.append([position, velocity, pitch, duration]) elif events[i].name == 'Position' and events[i+1].name == 'Chord': position = int(events[i].value.split('/')[0]) - 1 temp_chords.append([position, events[i+1].value]) elif events[i].name == 'Position' and \ events[i+1].name == 'Tempo Class' and \ events[i+2].name == 'Tempo Value': position = int(events[i].value.split('/')[0]) - 1 if events[i+1].value == 'slow': tempo = DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[0].start + int(events[i+2].value) elif events[i+1].value == 'mid': tempo = DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[1].start + int(events[i+2].value) elif events[i+1].value == 'fast': tempo = DEFAULT_TEMPO_INTERVALS[2].start + int(events[i+2].value) temp_tempos.append([position, tempo]) # get specific time for notes ticks_per_beat = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION ticks_per_bar = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION * 4 # assume 4/4 notes = [] current_bar = 0 for note in temp_notes: if note == 'Bar': current_bar += 1 else: position, velocity, pitch, duration = note # position (start time) current_bar_st = current_bar * ticks_per_bar current_bar_et = (current_bar + 1) * ticks_per_bar flags = np.linspace(current_bar_st, current_bar_et, DEFAULT_FRACTION, endpoint=False, dtype=int) st = flags[position] # duration (end time) et = st + duration notes.append(miditoolkit.Note(velocity, pitch, st, et)) # get specific time for chords if len(temp_chords) > 0: chords = [] current_bar = 0 for chord in temp_chords: if chord == 'Bar': current_bar += 1 else: position, value = chord # position (start time) current_bar_st = current_bar * ticks_per_bar current_bar_et = (current_bar + 1) * ticks_per_bar flags = np.linspace(current_bar_st, current_bar_et, DEFAULT_FRACTION, endpoint=False, dtype=int) st = flags[position] chords.append([st, value]) # get specific time for tempos tempos = [] current_bar = 0 for tempo in temp_tempos: if tempo == 'Bar': current_bar += 1 else: position, value = tempo # position (start time) current_bar_st = current_bar * ticks_per_bar current_bar_et = (current_bar + 1) * ticks_per_bar flags = np.linspace(current_bar_st, current_bar_et, DEFAULT_FRACTION, endpoint=False, dtype=int) st = flags[position] tempos.append([int(st), value]) # write if prompt_path: midi = miditoolkit.midi.parser.MidiFile(prompt_path) # last_time = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION * 4 * 4 # note shift for note in notes: note.start += last_time note.end += last_time midi.instruments[0].notes.extend(notes) # tempo changes temp_tempos = [] for tempo in midi.tempo_changes: if tempo.time < DEFAULT_RESOLUTION*4*4: temp_tempos.append(tempo) else: break for st, bpm in tempos: st += last_time temp_tempos.append(miditoolkit.midi.containers.TempoChange(bpm, st)) midi.tempo_changes = temp_tempos # write chord into marker if len(temp_chords) > 0: for c in chords: midi.markers.append( miditoolkit.midi.containers.Marker(text=c[1], time=c[0]+last_time)) else: midi = miditoolkit.midi.parser.MidiFile() midi.ticks_per_beat = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION # write instrument inst = miditoolkit.midi.containers.Instrument(0, is_drum=False) inst.notes = notes midi.instruments.append(inst) # write tempo tempo_changes = [] for st, bpm in tempos: tempo_changes.append(miditoolkit.midi.containers.TempoChange(bpm, st)) midi.tempo_changes = tempo_changes # write chord into marker if len(temp_chords) > 0: for c in chords: midi.markers.append( miditoolkit.midi.containers.Marker(text=c[1], time=c[0])) # write midi.dump(output_path)