from typing import List, NoReturn import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F def init_embedding(layer: nn.Module) -> NoReturn: r"""Initialize a Linear or Convolutional layer.""" nn.init.uniform_(layer.weight, -1.0, 1.0) if hasattr(layer, 'bias'): if layer.bias is not None: def init_layer(layer: nn.Module) -> NoReturn: r"""Initialize a Linear or Convolutional layer.""" nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight) if hasattr(layer, "bias"): if layer.bias is not None: def init_bn(bn: nn.Module) -> NoReturn: r"""Initialize a Batchnorm layer.""" def act(x: torch.Tensor, activation: str) -> torch.Tensor: if activation == "relu": return F.relu_(x) elif activation == "leaky_relu": return F.leaky_relu_(x, negative_slope=0.01) elif activation == "swish": return x * torch.sigmoid(x) else: raise Exception("Incorrect activation!") class Base: def __init__(self): r"""Base function for extracting spectrogram, cos, and sin, etc.""" pass def spectrogram(self, input: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 0.0) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Calculate spectrogram. Args: input: (batch_size, segments_num) eps: float Returns: spectrogram: (batch_size, time_steps, freq_bins) """ (real, imag) = self.stft(input) return torch.clamp(real ** 2 + imag ** 2, eps, np.inf) ** 0.5 def spectrogram_phase( self, input: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 0.0 ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: r"""Calculate the magnitude, cos, and sin of the STFT of input. Args: input: (batch_size, segments_num) eps: float Returns: mag: (batch_size, time_steps, freq_bins) cos: (batch_size, time_steps, freq_bins) sin: (batch_size, time_steps, freq_bins) """ (real, imag) = self.stft(input) mag = torch.clamp(real ** 2 + imag ** 2, eps, np.inf) ** 0.5 cos = real / mag sin = imag / mag return mag, cos, sin def wav_to_spectrogram_phase( self, input: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-10 ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: r"""Convert waveforms to magnitude, cos, and sin of STFT. Args: input: (batch_size, channels_num, segment_samples) eps: float Outputs: mag: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) cos: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) sin: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) """ batch_size, channels_num, segment_samples = input.shape # Reshape input with shapes of (n, segments_num) to meet the # requirements of the stft function. x = input.reshape(batch_size * channels_num, segment_samples) mag, cos, sin = self.spectrogram_phase(x, eps=eps) # mag, cos, sin: (batch_size * channels_num, 1, time_steps, freq_bins) _, _, time_steps, freq_bins = mag.shape mag = mag.reshape(batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) cos = cos.reshape(batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) sin = sin.reshape(batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) return mag, cos, sin def wav_to_spectrogram( self, input: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-10 ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: mag, cos, sin = self.wav_to_spectrogram_phase(input, eps) return mag class Subband: def __init__(self, subbands_num: int): r"""Warning!! This class is not used!! This class does not work as good as [1] which split subbands in the time-domain. Please refere to [1] for formal implementation. [1] Liu, Haohe, et al. "Channel-wise subband input for better voice and accompaniment separation on high resolution music." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.05216 (2020). Args: subbands_num: int, e.g., 4 """ self.subbands_num = subbands_num def analysis(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Analysis time-frequency representation into subbands. Stack the subbands along the channel axis. Args: x: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) Returns: output: (batch_size, channels_num * subbands_num, time_steps, freq_bins // subbands_num) """ batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins = x.shape x = x.reshape( batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, self.subbands_num, freq_bins // self.subbands_num, ) # x: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, subbands_num, freq_bins // subbands_num) x = x.transpose(2, 3) output = x.reshape( batch_size, channels_num * self.subbands_num, time_steps, freq_bins // self.subbands_num, ) # output: (batch_size, channels_num * subbands_num, time_steps, freq_bins // subbands_num) return output def synthesis(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Synthesis subband time-frequency representations into original time-frequency representation. Args: x: (batch_size, channels_num * subbands_num, time_steps, freq_bins // subbands_num) Returns: output: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) """ batch_size, subband_channels_num, time_steps, subband_freq_bins = x.shape channels_num = subband_channels_num // self.subbands_num freq_bins = subband_freq_bins * self.subbands_num x = x.reshape( batch_size, channels_num, self.subbands_num, time_steps, subband_freq_bins, ) # x: (batch_size, channels_num, subbands_num, time_steps, freq_bins // subbands_num) x = x.transpose(2, 3) # x: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, subbands_num, freq_bins // subbands_num) output = x.reshape(batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) # x: (batch_size, channels_num, time_steps, freq_bins) return output