This directory contains few tools for MaskFormer. * `` Tool to convert torchvision pre-trained weights for D2. ``` wget python tools/ resnet101-63fe2227.pth R-101.pkl ``` * `` Tool to convert Swin Transformer pre-trained weights for D2. ``` pip install timm wget python tools/ swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pkl wget python tools/ swin_small_patch4_window7_224.pth swin_small_patch4_window7_224.pkl wget python tools/ swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pkl wget python tools/ swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pkl ``` * `` Tool to evaluate PQ (PQ-stuff) for semantic segmentation predictions. Usage: ``` python tools/ --dataset-name ade20k_sem_seg_val --json-file OUTPUT_DIR/inference/sem_seg_predictions.json ``` where `OUTPUT_DIR` is set in the config file. * `` Tool to evaluate Boundary AP for instance segmentation predictions. Usage: ``` python tools/ --gt-json-file COCO_GT_JSON --dt-json-file COCO_DT_JSON ``` To install Boundary IoU API, run: ``` pip install git+ ``` * `` Tool to analyze model parameters and flops. Usage for semantic segmentation (ADE20K only, use with caution!): ``` python tools/ --num-inputs 1 --tasks flop --use-fixed-input-size --config-file CONFIG_FILE ``` Note that, for semantic segmentation (ADE20K only), we use a dummy image with fixed size that equals to `cfg.INPUT.CROP.SIZE[0] x cfg.INPUT.CROP.SIZE[0]`. Please do not use `--use-fixed-input-size` for calculating FLOPs on other datasets like Cityscapes! Usage for panoptic and instance segmentation: ``` python tools/ --num-inputs 100 --tasks flop --config-file CONFIG_FILE ``` Note that, for panoptic and instance segmentation, we compute the average flops over 100 real validation images.