# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import argparse import json import torch import numpy as np import itertools from nltk.corpus import wordnet import sys if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--ann', default='datasets/lvis/lvis_v1_val.json') parser.add_argument('--out_path', default='') parser.add_argument('--prompt', default='a') parser.add_argument('--model', default='clip') parser.add_argument('--clip_model', default="ViT-B/32") parser.add_argument('--fix_space', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use_underscore', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--avg_synonyms', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use_wn_name', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() print('Loading', args.ann) data = json.load(open(args.ann, 'r')) cat_names = [x['name'] for x in \ sorted(data['categories'], key=lambda x: x['id'])] if 'synonyms' in data['categories'][0]: if args.use_wn_name: synonyms = [ [xx.name() for xx in wordnet.synset(x['synset']).lemmas()] \ if x['synset'] != 'stop_sign.n.01' else ['stop_sign'] \ for x in sorted(data['categories'], key=lambda x: x['id'])] else: synonyms = [x['synonyms'] for x in \ sorted(data['categories'], key=lambda x: x['id'])] else: synonyms = [] if args.fix_space: cat_names = [x.replace('_', ' ') for x in cat_names] if args.use_underscore: cat_names = [x.strip().replace('/ ', '/').replace(' ', '_') for x in cat_names] print('cat_names', cat_names) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" if args.prompt == 'a': sentences = ['a ' + x for x in cat_names] sentences_synonyms = [['a ' + xx for xx in x] for x in synonyms] if args.prompt == 'none': sentences = [x for x in cat_names] sentences_synonyms = [[xx for xx in x] for x in synonyms] elif args.prompt == 'photo': sentences = ['a photo of a {}'.format(x) for x in cat_names] sentences_synonyms = [['a photo of a {}'.format(xx) for xx in x] \ for x in synonyms] elif args.prompt == 'scene': sentences = ['a photo of a {} in the scene'.format(x) for x in cat_names] sentences_synonyms = [['a photo of a {} in the scene'.format(xx) for xx in x] \ for x in synonyms] print('sentences_synonyms', len(sentences_synonyms), \ sum(len(x) for x in sentences_synonyms)) if args.model == 'clip': import clip print('Loading CLIP') model, preprocess = clip.load(args.clip_model, device=device) if args.avg_synonyms: sentences = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sentences_synonyms)) print('flattened_sentences', len(sentences)) text = clip.tokenize(sentences).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): if len(text) > 10000: text_features = torch.cat([ model.encode_text(text[:len(text) // 2]), model.encode_text(text[len(text) // 2:])], dim=0) else: text_features = model.encode_text(text) print('text_features.shape', text_features.shape) if args.avg_synonyms: synonyms_per_cat = [len(x) for x in sentences_synonyms] text_features = text_features.split(synonyms_per_cat, dim=0) text_features = [x.mean(dim=0) for x in text_features] text_features = torch.stack(text_features, dim=0) print('after stack', text_features.shape) text_features = text_features.cpu().numpy() elif args.model in ['bert', 'roberta']: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel if args.model == 'bert': model_name = 'bert-large-uncased' if args.model == 'roberta': model_name = 'roberta-large' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name) model.eval() if args.avg_synonyms: sentences = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sentences_synonyms)) print('flattened_sentences', len(sentences)) inputs = tokenizer(sentences, padding=True, return_tensors="pt") with torch.no_grad(): model_outputs = model(**inputs) outputs = model_outputs.pooler_output text_features = outputs.detach().cpu() if args.avg_synonyms: synonyms_per_cat = [len(x) for x in sentences_synonyms] text_features = text_features.split(synonyms_per_cat, dim=0) text_features = [x.mean(dim=0) for x in text_features] text_features = torch.stack(text_features, dim=0) print('after stack', text_features.shape) text_features = text_features.numpy() print('text_features.shape', text_features.shape) else: assert 0, args.model if args.out_path != '': print('saveing to', args.out_path) np.save(open(args.out_path, 'wb'), text_features) import pdb; pdb.set_trace()