# Part of the code is from https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/metrics/oid_challenge_evaluation.py # Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # The original code is under Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # Part of the code is from https://github.com/lvis-dataset/lvis-api/blob/master/lvis/eval.py # Copyright (c) 2019, Agrim Gupta and Ross Girshick # Modified by Xingyi Zhou # This script re-implement OpenImages evaluation in detectron2 # The code is from https://github.com/xingyizhou/UniDet/blob/master/projects/UniDet/unidet/evaluation/oideval.py # The original code is under Apache-2.0 License # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import os import datetime import logging import itertools from collections import OrderedDict from collections import defaultdict import copy import json import numpy as np import torch from tabulate import tabulate from lvis.lvis import LVIS from lvis.results import LVISResults import pycocotools.mask as mask_utils from fvcore.common.file_io import PathManager import detectron2.utils.comm as comm from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog from detectron2.evaluation.coco_evaluation import instances_to_coco_json from detectron2.utils.logger import create_small_table from detectron2.evaluation import DatasetEvaluator def compute_average_precision(precision, recall): """Compute Average Precision according to the definition in VOCdevkit. Precision is modified to ensure that it does not decrease as recall decrease. Args: precision: A float [N, 1] numpy array of precisions recall: A float [N, 1] numpy array of recalls Raises: ValueError: if the input is not of the correct format Returns: average_precison: The area under the precision recall curve. NaN if precision and recall are None. """ if precision is None: if recall is not None: raise ValueError("If precision is None, recall must also be None") return np.NAN if not isinstance(precision, np.ndarray) or not isinstance( recall, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("precision and recall must be numpy array") if precision.dtype != np.float or recall.dtype != np.float: raise ValueError("input must be float numpy array.") if len(precision) != len(recall): raise ValueError("precision and recall must be of the same size.") if not precision.size: return 0.0 if np.amin(precision) < 0 or np.amax(precision) > 1: raise ValueError("Precision must be in the range of [0, 1].") if np.amin(recall) < 0 or np.amax(recall) > 1: raise ValueError("recall must be in the range of [0, 1].") if not all(recall[i] <= recall[i + 1] for i in range(len(recall) - 1)): raise ValueError("recall must be a non-decreasing array") recall = np.concatenate([[0], recall, [1]]) precision = np.concatenate([[0], precision, [0]]) for i in range(len(precision) - 2, -1, -1): precision[i] = np.maximum(precision[i], precision[i + 1]) indices = np.where(recall[1:] != recall[:-1])[0] + 1 average_precision = np.sum( (recall[indices] - recall[indices - 1]) * precision[indices]) return average_precision class OIDEval: def __init__( self, lvis_gt, lvis_dt, iou_type="bbox", expand_pred_label=False, oid_hierarchy_path='./datasets/oid/annotations/challenge-2019-label500-hierarchy.json'): """Constructor for OIDEval. Args: lvis_gt (LVIS class instance, or str containing path of annotation file) lvis_dt (LVISResult class instance, or str containing path of result file, or list of dict) iou_type (str): segm or bbox evaluation """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if iou_type not in ["bbox", "segm"]: raise ValueError("iou_type: {} is not supported.".format(iou_type)) if isinstance(lvis_gt, LVIS): self.lvis_gt = lvis_gt elif isinstance(lvis_gt, str): self.lvis_gt = LVIS(lvis_gt) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type {} of lvis_gt.".format(lvis_gt)) if isinstance(lvis_dt, LVISResults): self.lvis_dt = lvis_dt elif isinstance(lvis_dt, (str, list)): # self.lvis_dt = LVISResults(self.lvis_gt, lvis_dt, max_dets=-1) self.lvis_dt = LVISResults(self.lvis_gt, lvis_dt) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type {} of lvis_dt.".format(lvis_dt)) if expand_pred_label: oid_hierarchy = json.load(open(oid_hierarchy_path, 'r')) cat_info = self.lvis_gt.dataset['categories'] freebase2id = {x['freebase_id']: x['id'] for x in cat_info} id2freebase = {x['id']: x['freebase_id'] for x in cat_info} id2name = {x['id']: x['name'] for x in cat_info} fas = defaultdict(set) def dfs(hierarchy, cur_id): all_childs = set() all_keyed_child = {} if 'Subcategory' in hierarchy: for x in hierarchy['Subcategory']: childs = dfs(x, freebase2id[x['LabelName']]) all_childs.update(childs) if cur_id != -1: for c in all_childs: fas[c].add(cur_id) all_childs.add(cur_id) return all_childs dfs(oid_hierarchy, -1) expanded_pred = [] id_count = 0 for d in self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations']: cur_id = d['category_id'] ids = [cur_id] + [x for x in fas[cur_id]] for cat_id in ids: new_box = copy.deepcopy(d) id_count = id_count + 1 new_box['id'] = id_count new_box['category_id'] = cat_id expanded_pred.append(new_box) print('Expanding original {} preds to {} preds'.format( len(self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations']), len(expanded_pred) )) self.lvis_dt.dataset['annotations'] = expanded_pred self.lvis_dt._create_index() # per-image per-category evaluation results self.eval_imgs = defaultdict(list) self.eval = {} # accumulated evaluation results self._gts = defaultdict(list) # gt for evaluation self._dts = defaultdict(list) # dt for evaluation self.params = Params(iou_type=iou_type) # parameters self.results = OrderedDict() self.ious = {} # ious between all gts and dts self.params.img_ids = sorted(self.lvis_gt.get_img_ids()) self.params.cat_ids = sorted(self.lvis_gt.get_cat_ids()) def _to_mask(self, anns, lvis): for ann in anns: rle = lvis.ann_to_rle(ann) ann["segmentation"] = rle def _prepare(self): """Prepare self._gts and self._dts for evaluation based on params.""" cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids if self.params.cat_ids else None gts = self.lvis_gt.load_anns( self.lvis_gt.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.params.img_ids, cat_ids=cat_ids) ) dts = self.lvis_dt.load_anns( self.lvis_dt.get_ann_ids(img_ids=self.params.img_ids, cat_ids=cat_ids) ) # convert ground truth to mask if iou_type == 'segm' if self.params.iou_type == "segm": self._to_mask(gts, self.lvis_gt) self._to_mask(dts, self.lvis_dt) for gt in gts: self._gts[gt["image_id"], gt["category_id"]].append(gt) # For federated dataset evaluation we will filter out all dt for an # image which belong to categories not present in gt and not present in # the negative list for an image. In other words detector is not penalized # for categories about which we don't have gt information about their # presence or absence in an image. img_data = self.lvis_gt.load_imgs(ids=self.params.img_ids) # per image map of categories not present in image img_nl = {d["id"]: d["neg_category_ids"] for d in img_data} # per image list of categories present in image img_pl = {d["id"]: d["pos_category_ids"] for d in img_data} # img_pl = defaultdict(set) for ann in gts: # img_pl[ann["image_id"]].add(ann["category_id"]) assert ann["category_id"] in img_pl[ann["image_id"]] # print('check pos ids OK.') for dt in dts: img_id, cat_id = dt["image_id"], dt["category_id"] if cat_id not in img_nl[img_id] and cat_id not in img_pl[img_id]: continue self._dts[img_id, cat_id].append(dt) def evaluate(self): """ Run per image evaluation on given images and store results (a list of dict) in self.eval_imgs. """ self.logger.info("Running per image evaluation.") self.logger.info("Evaluate annotation type *{}*".format(self.params.iou_type)) self.params.img_ids = list(np.unique(self.params.img_ids)) if self.params.use_cats: cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids else: cat_ids = [-1] self._prepare() self.ious = { (img_id, cat_id): self.compute_iou(img_id, cat_id) for img_id in self.params.img_ids for cat_id in cat_ids } # loop through images, area range, max detection number print('Evaluating ...') self.eval_imgs = [ self.evaluate_img_google(img_id, cat_id, area_rng) for cat_id in cat_ids for area_rng in self.params.area_rng for img_id in self.params.img_ids ] def _get_gt_dt(self, img_id, cat_id): """Create gt, dt which are list of anns/dets. If use_cats is true only anns/dets corresponding to tuple (img_id, cat_id) will be used. Else, all anns/dets in image are used and cat_id is not used. """ if self.params.use_cats: gt = self._gts[img_id, cat_id] dt = self._dts[img_id, cat_id] else: gt = [ _ann for _cat_id in self.params.cat_ids for _ann in self._gts[img_id, cat_id] ] dt = [ _ann for _cat_id in self.params.cat_ids for _ann in self._dts[img_id, cat_id] ] return gt, dt def compute_iou(self, img_id, cat_id): gt, dt = self._get_gt_dt(img_id, cat_id) if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0: return [] # Sort detections in decreasing order of score. idx = np.argsort([-d["score"] for d in dt], kind="mergesort") dt = [dt[i] for i in idx] # iscrowd = [int(False)] * len(gt) iscrowd = [int('iscrowd' in g and g['iscrowd'] > 0) for g in gt] if self.params.iou_type == "segm": ann_type = "segmentation" elif self.params.iou_type == "bbox": ann_type = "bbox" else: raise ValueError("Unknown iou_type for iou computation.") gt = [g[ann_type] for g in gt] dt = [d[ann_type] for d in dt] # compute iou between each dt and gt region # will return array of shape len(dt), len(gt) ious = mask_utils.iou(dt, gt, iscrowd) return ious def evaluate_img_google(self, img_id, cat_id, area_rng): gt, dt = self._get_gt_dt(img_id, cat_id) if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0: return None if len(dt) == 0: return { "image_id": img_id, "category_id": cat_id, "area_rng": area_rng, "dt_ids": [], "dt_matches": np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), "dt_scores": [], "dt_ignore": np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), 'num_gt': len(gt) } no_crowd_inds = [i for i, g in enumerate(gt) \ if ('iscrowd' not in g) or g['iscrowd'] == 0] crowd_inds = [i for i, g in enumerate(gt) \ if 'iscrowd' in g and g['iscrowd'] == 1] dt_idx = np.argsort([-d["score"] for d in dt], kind="mergesort") if len(self.ious[img_id, cat_id]) > 0: ious = self.ious[img_id, cat_id] iou = ious[:, no_crowd_inds] iou = iou[dt_idx] ioa = ious[:, crowd_inds] ioa = ioa[dt_idx] else: iou = np.zeros((len(dt_idx), 0)) ioa = np.zeros((len(dt_idx), 0)) scores = np.array([dt[i]['score'] for i in dt_idx]) num_detected_boxes = len(dt) tp_fp_labels = np.zeros(num_detected_boxes, dtype=bool) is_matched_to_group_of = np.zeros(num_detected_boxes, dtype=bool) def compute_match_iou(iou): max_overlap_gt_ids = np.argmax(iou, axis=1) is_gt_detected = np.zeros(iou.shape[1], dtype=bool) for i in range(num_detected_boxes): gt_id = max_overlap_gt_ids[i] is_evaluatable = (not tp_fp_labels[i] and iou[i, gt_id] >= 0.5 and not is_matched_to_group_of[i]) if is_evaluatable: if not is_gt_detected[gt_id]: tp_fp_labels[i] = True is_gt_detected[gt_id] = True def compute_match_ioa(ioa): scores_group_of = np.zeros(ioa.shape[1], dtype=float) tp_fp_labels_group_of = np.ones( ioa.shape[1], dtype=float) max_overlap_group_of_gt_ids = np.argmax(ioa, axis=1) for i in range(num_detected_boxes): gt_id = max_overlap_group_of_gt_ids[i] is_evaluatable = (not tp_fp_labels[i] and ioa[i, gt_id] >= 0.5 and not is_matched_to_group_of[i]) if is_evaluatable: is_matched_to_group_of[i] = True scores_group_of[gt_id] = max(scores_group_of[gt_id], scores[i]) selector = np.where((scores_group_of > 0) & (tp_fp_labels_group_of > 0)) scores_group_of = scores_group_of[selector] tp_fp_labels_group_of = tp_fp_labels_group_of[selector] return scores_group_of, tp_fp_labels_group_of if iou.shape[1] > 0: compute_match_iou(iou) scores_box_group_of = np.ndarray([0], dtype=float) tp_fp_labels_box_group_of = np.ndarray([0], dtype=float) if ioa.shape[1] > 0: scores_box_group_of, tp_fp_labels_box_group_of = compute_match_ioa(ioa) valid_entries = (~is_matched_to_group_of) scores = np.concatenate( (scores[valid_entries], scores_box_group_of)) tp_fps = np.concatenate( (tp_fp_labels[valid_entries].astype(float), tp_fp_labels_box_group_of)) return { "image_id": img_id, "category_id": cat_id, "area_rng": area_rng, "dt_matches": np.array([1 if x > 0 else 0 for x in tp_fps], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), "dt_scores": [x for x in scores], "dt_ignore": np.array([0 for x in scores], dtype=np.int32).reshape(1, -1), 'num_gt': len(gt) } def accumulate(self): """Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in self.eval. """ self.logger.info("Accumulating evaluation results.") if not self.eval_imgs: self.logger.warn("Please run evaluate first.") if self.params.use_cats: cat_ids = self.params.cat_ids else: cat_ids = [-1] num_thrs = 1 num_recalls = 1 num_cats = len(cat_ids) num_area_rngs = 1 num_imgs = len(self.params.img_ids) # -1 for absent categories precision = -np.ones( (num_thrs, num_recalls, num_cats, num_area_rngs) ) recall = -np.ones((num_thrs, num_cats, num_area_rngs)) # Initialize dt_pointers dt_pointers = {} for cat_idx in range(num_cats): dt_pointers[cat_idx] = {} for area_idx in range(num_area_rngs): dt_pointers[cat_idx][area_idx] = {} # Per category evaluation for cat_idx in range(num_cats): Nk = cat_idx * num_area_rngs * num_imgs for area_idx in range(num_area_rngs): Na = area_idx * num_imgs E = [ self.eval_imgs[Nk + Na + img_idx] for img_idx in range(num_imgs) ] # Remove elements which are None E = [e for e in E if not e is None] if len(E) == 0: continue dt_scores = np.concatenate([e["dt_scores"] for e in E], axis=0) dt_idx = np.argsort(-dt_scores, kind="mergesort") dt_scores = dt_scores[dt_idx] dt_m = np.concatenate([e["dt_matches"] for e in E], axis=1)[:, dt_idx] dt_ig = np.concatenate([e["dt_ignore"] for e in E], axis=1)[:, dt_idx] num_gt = sum([e['num_gt'] for e in E]) if num_gt == 0: continue tps = np.logical_and(dt_m, np.logical_not(dt_ig)) fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dt_m), np.logical_not(dt_ig)) tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) dt_pointers[cat_idx][area_idx] = { "tps": tps, "fps": fps, } for iou_thr_idx, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)): tp = np.array(tp) fp = np.array(fp) num_tp = len(tp) rc = tp / num_gt if num_tp: recall[iou_thr_idx, cat_idx, area_idx] = rc[ -1 ] else: recall[iou_thr_idx, cat_idx, area_idx] = 0 # np.spacing(1) ~= eps pr = tp / (fp + tp + np.spacing(1)) pr = pr.tolist() for i in range(num_tp - 1, 0, -1): if pr[i] > pr[i - 1]: pr[i - 1] = pr[i] mAP = compute_average_precision( np.array(pr, np.float).reshape(-1), np.array(rc, np.float).reshape(-1)) precision[iou_thr_idx, :, cat_idx, area_idx] = mAP self.eval = { "params": self.params, "counts": [num_thrs, num_recalls, num_cats, num_area_rngs], "date": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "dt_pointers": dt_pointers, } def _summarize(self, summary_type): s = self.eval["precision"] if len(s[s > -1]) == 0: mean_s = -1 else: mean_s = np.mean(s[s > -1]) # print(s.reshape(1, 1, -1, 1)) return mean_s def summarize(self): """Compute and display summary metrics for evaluation results.""" if not self.eval: raise RuntimeError("Please run accumulate() first.") max_dets = self.params.max_dets self.results["AP50"] = self._summarize('ap') def run(self): """Wrapper function which calculates the results.""" self.evaluate() self.accumulate() self.summarize() def print_results(self): template = " {:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} catIds={:>3s}] = {:0.3f}" for key, value in self.results.items(): max_dets = self.params.max_dets if "AP" in key: title = "Average Precision" _type = "(AP)" else: title = "Average Recall" _type = "(AR)" if len(key) > 2 and key[2].isdigit(): iou_thr = (float(key[2:]) / 100) iou = "{:0.2f}".format(iou_thr) else: iou = "{:0.2f}:{:0.2f}".format( self.params.iou_thrs[0], self.params.iou_thrs[-1] ) cat_group_name = "all" area_rng = "all" print(template.format(title, _type, iou, area_rng, max_dets, cat_group_name, value)) def get_results(self): if not self.results: self.logger.warn("results is empty. Call run().") return self.results class Params: def __init__(self, iou_type): self.img_ids = [] self.cat_ids = [] # np.arange causes trouble. the data point on arange is slightly # larger than the true value self.iou_thrs = np.linspace( 0.5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - 0.5) / 0.05)) + 1, endpoint=True ) self.google_style = True # print('Using google style PR curve') self.iou_thrs = self.iou_thrs[:1] self.max_dets = 1000 self.area_rng = [ [0 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2], ] self.area_rng_lbl = ["all"] self.use_cats = 1 self.iou_type = iou_type class OIDEvaluator(DatasetEvaluator): def __init__(self, dataset_name, cfg, distributed, output_dir=None): self._distributed = distributed self._output_dir = output_dir self._cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(dataset_name) json_file = PathManager.get_local_path(self._metadata.json_file) self._oid_api = LVIS(json_file) # Test set json files do not contain annotations (evaluation must be # performed using the LVIS evaluation server). self._do_evaluation = len(self._oid_api.get_ann_ids()) > 0 self._mask_on = cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON def reset(self): self._predictions = [] self._oid_results = [] def process(self, inputs, outputs): for input, output in zip(inputs, outputs): prediction = {"image_id": input["image_id"]} instances = output["instances"].to(self._cpu_device) prediction["instances"] = instances_to_coco_json( instances, input["image_id"]) self._predictions.append(prediction) def evaluate(self): if self._distributed: comm.synchronize() self._predictions = comm.gather(self._predictions, dst=0) self._predictions = list(itertools.chain(*self._predictions)) if not comm.is_main_process(): return if len(self._predictions) == 0: self._logger.warning("[LVISEvaluator] Did not receive valid predictions.") return {} self._logger.info("Preparing results in the OID format ...") self._oid_results = list( itertools.chain(*[x["instances"] for x in self._predictions])) # unmap the category ids for LVIS (from 0-indexed to 1-indexed) for result in self._oid_results: result["category_id"] += 1 PathManager.mkdirs(self._output_dir) file_path = os.path.join( self._output_dir, "oid_instances_results.json") self._logger.info("Saving results to {}".format(file_path)) with PathManager.open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self._oid_results)) f.flush() if not self._do_evaluation: self._logger.info("Annotations are not available for evaluation.") return self._logger.info("Evaluating predictions ...") self._results = OrderedDict() res, mAP = _evaluate_predictions_on_oid( self._oid_api, file_path, eval_seg=self._mask_on, class_names=self._metadata.get("thing_classes"), ) self._results['bbox'] = res mAP_out_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, "oid_mAP.npy") self._logger.info('Saving mAP to' + mAP_out_path) np.save(mAP_out_path, mAP) return copy.deepcopy(self._results) def _evaluate_predictions_on_oid( oid_gt, oid_results_path, eval_seg=False, class_names=None): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) metrics = ["AP50", "AP50_expand"] results = {} oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'bbox', expand_pred_label=False) oid_eval.run() oid_eval.print_results() results["AP50"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] if eval_seg: oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'segm', expand_pred_label=False) oid_eval.run() oid_eval.print_results() results["AP50_segm"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] else: oid_eval = OIDEval(oid_gt, oid_results_path, 'bbox', expand_pred_label=True) oid_eval.run() oid_eval.print_results() results["AP50_expand"] = oid_eval.get_results()["AP50"] mAP = np.zeros(len(class_names)) - 1 precisions = oid_eval.eval['precision'] assert len(class_names) == precisions.shape[2] results_per_category = [] id2apiid = sorted(oid_gt.get_cat_ids()) inst_aware_ap, inst_count = 0, 0 for idx, name in enumerate(class_names): precision = precisions[:, :, idx, 0] precision = precision[precision > -1] ap = np.mean(precision) if precision.size else float("nan") inst_num = len(oid_gt.get_ann_ids(cat_ids=[id2apiid[idx]])) if inst_num > 0: results_per_category.append(("{} {}".format( name.replace(' ', '_'), inst_num if inst_num < 1000 else '{:.1f}k'.format(inst_num / 1000)), float(ap * 100))) inst_aware_ap += inst_num * ap inst_count += inst_num mAP[idx] = ap # logger.info("{} {} {:.2f}".format(name, inst_num, ap * 100)) inst_aware_ap = inst_aware_ap * 100 / inst_count N_COLS = min(6, len(results_per_category) * 2) results_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*results_per_category)) results_2d = itertools.zip_longest(*[results_flatten[i::N_COLS] for i in range(N_COLS)]) table = tabulate( results_2d, tablefmt="pipe", floatfmt=".3f", headers=["category", "AP"] * (N_COLS // 2), numalign="left", ) logger.info("Per-category {} AP: \n".format('bbox') + table) logger.info("Instance-aware {} AP: {:.4f}".format('bbox', inst_aware_ap)) logger.info("Evaluation results for bbox: \n" + \ create_small_table(results)) return results, mAP