all: clean dist PACKAGE_VERSION := `cat version.txt | tr -d '\n'` BUILD_TAG_FILES := requirements.txt Dockerfile `ls reqs_optional/*.txt | sort` BUILD_TAG := $(shell md5sum $(BUILD_TAG_FILES) 2> /dev/null | sort | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1) DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE :=$(BUILD_TAG) DOCKER_RUN_IMAGE := $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE)-runtime PYTHON_BINARY ?= `which python` DEFAULT_MARKERS ?= "not need_tokens and not need_gpu" .PHONY: reqs_optional/req_constraints.txt venv dist test publish docker_build reqs_optional/req_constraints.txt: grep -v '#\|peft\|transformers\|accelerate' requirements.txt > $@ clean: rm -rf dist build h2ogpt.egg-info venv: $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m virtualenv -p $(PYTHON_BINARY) venv install: $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m pip install dist/h2ogpt-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-py3-none-any.whl install-%: $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m pip install dist/h2ogpt-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-py3-none-any.whl[$*] dist: $(PYTHON_BINARY) bdist_wheel test: $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m pip install requirements-parser -c reqs_optional/req_constraints.txt $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m pytest tests --disable-warnings --junit-xml=test_report.xml -m "$(DEFAULT_MARKERS)" test_imports: $(PYTHON_BINARY) -m pytest tests/ --disable-warnings --junit-xml=test_report.xml -m "$(DEFAULT_MARKERS)" publish: echo "Publishing not implemented yet." docker_build: ifeq ($(shell curl --write-out %{http_code} -sS --output /dev/null -X GET$(BUILD_TAG)/tags),200) @echo "Image already pushed to Harbor: $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE)" else DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE) -f Dockerfile . docker push $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE) endif .PHONY: Dockerfile-runner.dockerfile Dockerfile-runner.dockerfile: cat $< \ | sed 's|BASE_DOCKER_IMAGE_SUBST|$(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE)|g' \ > $@ docker_build_runner: docker_build Dockerfile-runner.dockerfile docker pull $(DOCKER_TEST_IMAGE) DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t $(DOCKER_RUN_IMAGE) -f Dockerfile-runner.dockerfile . docker push $(DOCKER_RUN_IMAGE) docker tag $(DOCKER_RUN_IMAGE)$(BUILD_TAG) print-%: @echo $($*)