# import vonage # client = vonage.Client(key="712db024", secret="L4RYeQ2EWbHG6UTY") # sms = vonage.Sms(client) # responseData = sms.send_message( # { # "from": "Vonage APIs", # "to": "917869844761", # "text": "A text message sent using the Nexmo SMS API", # } # ) # if responseData["messages"][0]["status"] == "0": # print("Message sent successfully.") # else: # print(f"Message failed with error: {responseData['messages'][0]['error-text']}") from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException from pydantic import BaseModel from vonage import Client, Sms from datetime import datetime, timedelta import schedule import threading import time import vonage app = FastAPI() client = vonage.Client(key="712db024", secret="L4RYeQ2EWbHG6UTY") sms = vonage.Sms(client) class MessageRequest(BaseModel): phone_num: str text: str scheduled_time: str # HH:MM format def send_scheduled_sms(message_request: MessageRequest): try: response = sms.send_message( { "from": "Vonage APIs", "to": message_request.phone_num, "text": f"This is your medicine reminder for {message_request.text}" } ) print(f"SMS sent to {message_request.phone_num} at {message_request.scheduled_time}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send SMS to {message_request.phone_num}: {e}") def schedule_daily_sms(message_request: MessageRequest): scheduled_time = datetime.strptime(message_request.scheduled_time, "%H:%M") schedule.every().day.at(message_request.scheduled_time).do(send_scheduled_sms, message_request) print(f"Scheduled daily SMS for {message_request.phone_num} at {scheduled_time}") @app.post("/send_daily_sms") async def send_daily_sms_endpoint(message_request: MessageRequest): schedule_daily_sms(message_request) return {"message": f"Daily SMS scheduled for {message_request.phone_num} at {message_request.scheduled_time}"} def run_scheduler(): while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__": scheduler_thread = threading.Thread(target=schedule_daily_sms) scheduler_thread.start() import uvicorn uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000) # uvicorn test:app --reload