input_prompt1 = """ ## Human-Like Resume Analysis for [User-Specified Field] **Resume Analysis Context:** Candidate's Resume:** and **Job Description:**` **Detailed Evaluation:** - **Relevance to the Field:** Assess how the candidate's experience and skills match the specific requirements of the job in [User-Specified Field]. - **Key Strengths:** Identify the strongest aspects of the candidate's resume, such as specific skills, achievements, or experiences that are particularly aligned with the job description. - **Areas for Development:** Highlight any areas where the candidate may need further development or additional experience to fully meet the job requirements. - **Career Progression:** Analyze the candidate's career trajectory and how it aligns with the expectations for the role. - **Education and Certifications:** Evaluate the relevance and level of the candidate's educational background and any professional certifications. - **Cultural Fit:** Provide insights on the candidate's potential cultural fit within the organization, based on the information in the resume. **Skills and Experience Table:** | Skill/Experience | Relevance to Job | Candidate's Proficiency | Notes | | ---------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- | ----- | | [Skill 1] | [High/Medium/Low] | [Expert/Intermediate/Novice] | [Any specific notes] | | [Skill 2] | [High/Medium/Low] | [Expert/Intermediate/Novice] | [Any specific notes] | | ... | ... | ... | ... | **Conclusion:** - Summarize the overall suitability of the candidate for the position in [User-Specified Field]. Include recommendations for any additional qualifications or experiences that might enhance the candidate’s profile for this role. """ input_prompt2 = """ ## AI/ATS Resume Analysis for [User-Specified Field] **Resume Analysis Context:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Job Description:** **Automated Evaluation:** - **Keyword Matching:** Identify key skills, technologies, and qualifications mentioned in the job description and evaluate the presence and frequency of these keywords in the candidate's resume. - **Skills Assessment:** Analyze the candidate's listed skills against those required in the job description. Provide a match percentage or rating. - **Experience Relevance:** Calculate the relevance of the candidate's previous job titles, companies, and industries in relation to the job description. - **Education and Certifications Matching:** Match the candidate's education level and certifications with the requirements specified in the job description. **AI/ATS Analysis Table:** | Category | Details from Resume | Match with Job Description | Notes | | -------- | ------------------- | -------------------------- | ----- | | Skills | [List of skills from resume] | [Match percentage/rating] | [Any specific notes] | | Experience | [List of experiences from resume] | [Relevance rating] | [Any specific notes] | | Education | [Candidate's education details] | [Match/No Match] | [Any specific notes] | | ... | ... | ... | ... | **Conclusion:** - Provide an overall rating or score of the candidate’s resume based on the AI/ATS analysis. Suggest areas where the candidate might improve their resume to better align with the job description in [User-Specified Field]. """ input_prompt3 = """ ## Detailed Comparison: Resume vs. Job Description **Comparison Context:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Job Description for [User-Specified Field]:** ### Part 1: Skills Analysis **Skills Present in Resume:** - Identify and list the skills mentioned in the resume that directly align with the job description. Assess the level of proficiency for each skill (if indicated in the resume). **Skills Missing in Resume:** - Identify and list the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description that are not present or clearly highlighted in the resume. These are areas where the candidate may lack experience or qualifications. **Skills Comparison Table:** | Skill/Qualification | Present in Resume (Y/N) | Proficiency Level (if applicable) | Importance for Job (High/Medium/Low) | | ------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | | [Skill 1] | Yes/No | [Expert/Intermediate/Novice] | High/Medium/Low | | [Skill 2] | Yes/No | [Expert/Intermediate/Novice] | High/Medium/Low | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ### Part 2: Recommendations for Candidate **Skills and Qualifications Recommended:** - Based on the job description and the current skills profile of the candidate, recommend additional skills, certifications, or experiences that would enhance the candidate's suitability for the role. This may include: - Advanced training or certification in specific areas. - Soft skills that could improve the candidate’s overall profile. - Any industry-specific skills or knowledge that are highly valued in [User-Specified Field]. **Recommendations Table:** | Recommended Skill/Qualification | Relevance to Job Description | Action Steps for Candidate | | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- | | [Recommended Skill 1] | High/Medium/Low | [Suggested action steps] | | [Recommended Skill 2] | High/Medium/Low | [Suggested action steps] | | ... | ... | ... | ### Conclusion: - Provide a summary of the overall alignment of the candidate’s resume with the job description. - Highlight key areas where the candidate excels and areas where improvement is needed. - Offer final thoughts on the candidate’s potential fit for the role and any additional steps they can take to better position themselves for such opportunities in [User-Specified Field]. """ input_prompt4 = """ ## Writing an Updated Resume which is ATS friendly **Input Requirements:** **Candidate's Current Resume:** and **Target Job Description:** ### Step-by-Step Guide for the Updated Resume #### 1. Header - **Full Name** - **Contact Information:** Phone number, Email address, LinkedIn profile (if applicable) - **Location:** City, State (optional, depending on privacy preferences) #### 2. Professional Summary - Craft a 2-3 sentence summary focusing on key qualifications and alignment with the target job description. #### 3. Skills - List skills that are relevant to the job description. - Use bullet points and ensure to include keywords from the job description for ATS optimization. #### 4. Professional Experience - For each relevant position, include **Job Title**, **Company Name**, **Location**, and **Dates of Employment**. - Under each role, list bullet points that detail responsibilities and achievements, emphasizing quantifiable outcomes and incorporating job description keywords. #### 5. Education - List degrees obtained, including **Degree Title**, **Institution Name**, **Location**, and **Graduation Date**. - Add relevant coursework or projects if they align with the job description. #### 6. Certifications (Optional) - Include certifications relevant to the job description. #### 7. Additional Sections (Optional) - Sections like Volunteer Experience, Publications, or Awards can be added if they are relevant to the job and add value. #### 8. ATS Compatibility and Formatting - Ensure the resume format is simple with a standard, easy-to-read font like Arial or Times New Roman. - Avoid complex elements like tables or columns that can confuse ATS systems. #### 9. Final Review - Proofread for any spelling or grammatical errors. - Check alignment with the job description and ensure all important keywords are included. ### Conclusion: - Provide a brief summary highlighting the key changes made to the resume and how they align with the target job description. - Offer suggestions for any additional improvements or steps the candidate can take to further tailor their resume for similar roles in the future. """ input_prompt5 = """ ## Writing a Cover Letter for [Job Title] **Input Requirements:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Target Job Description:** and **Company Information:** ### Step-by-Step Guide for the Cover Letter #### 1. Contact Information and Date - Include your contact information at the top: Name, Address (optional), Phone Number, Email. - Add the date of writing the letter. #### 2. Salutation - If possible, address the letter to a specific person (e.g., "Dear [Hiring Manager's Name]"). - If the specific contact is not known, use a general salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager". #### 3. Introduction - Open with a strong, engaging sentence that captures the reader’s attention. - Mention the job title you’re applying for and where you found the job listing. - Briefly state why you are interested in the role and the company. #### 4. Body of the Letter (1-2 Paragraphs) - In the first paragraph, summarize your relevant experience and skills, aligning them with key requirements of the job description. - In the second paragraph, provide specific examples from your past work that demonstrate your abilities and successes. Use quantifiable achievements when possible. - Explain how your skills and experiences make you an ideal fit for the role and how you can contribute to the company. #### 5. Conclusion - Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. - Mention any attached documents (like your resume or portfolio). - State your availability for an interview and propose the next steps or indicate your intention to follow up. #### 6. Sign-off - Close the letter with a professional sign-off such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. - If you’re submitting a printed letter, leave space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. ### Final Tips: - Keep the cover letter concise, ideally not exceeding one page. - Tailor the letter to the job and company – avoid using a generic template. - Proofread carefully to avoid any spelling or grammatical errors. - Use a professional tone, but allow your personality to shine through. """ input_prompt6 = """ ## Comprehensive LinkedIn Profile and Headline Update **Input Requirements:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Target Job Description:** ### Step-by-Step Guide for LinkedIn Update #### 1. LinkedIn Headline - Create a headline combining your current role or expertise, key skills from your resume, and aspects of the job you are targeting. - Example format: “[Current Role/Expertise] with [Key Skills] | Aspiring [Target Job Title]” #### 2. Profile Photo and Background Image - Choose a professional profile picture and a background image that reflects your professional brand. #### 3. About Section - Write a summary that includes your professional background, achievements, skills, and career aspirations, tailored to align with your resume and the job description. #### 4. Experience Section - Update to mirror your resume, highlighting roles, responsibilities, and achievements relevant to your career goals. - Use language and keywords from the job description to enhance alignment. #### 5. Education - Ensure your educational background matches your resume, including relevant courses and certifications. #### 6. Skills & Endorsements - Add and prioritize skills from your resume and the job description, focusing on those most relevant to your career goals. #### 7. Recommendations - Request recommendations that reinforce your skills and experiences, particularly those aligning with your target job. #### 8. Licenses and Certifications - Include any relevant certifications, aligning with both your resume and job description. #### 9. Volunteer Experience - Add volunteer work if it supports your professional image and career objectives. #### 10. Accomplishments - Include any relevant publications, patents, projects, honors, and awards. #### 11. Customized URL - Customize your LinkedIn URL for a professional touch. ### Final Steps: - Review for consistency in language and tone. - Proofread to ensure there are no errors. - Update your profile regularly to reflect your current professional status and aspirations. ### Conclusion: - Your LinkedIn profile should be a dynamic representation of your professional life, showcasing both your experience and personality, and aligned with your career goals and targeted job opportunities. """ input_prompt7 = """ ## Customized Interview Questions and Candidate Questions to Interviewer **Input Requirements:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Job Description:** ### Part 1: Tailored Interview Questions Based on Job Description #### 1. Role-Specific Technical Questions - Generate questions that assess skills and experiences directly related to the key requirements in the job description. - Example: "Your resume mentions experience in [specific skill from resume]; can you discuss how you've applied this skill in a past project?" #### 2. Behavioral Questions Related to Job Role - Formulate questions based on scenarios or challenges outlined in the job description. - Example: "The job description emphasizes teamwork. Can you share an experience where you successfully collaborated on a challenging project?" #### 3. Scenario-Based Problem-Solving Questions - Create questions that relate to potential challenges or tasks in the new role, as described in the job description. - Example: "Given a scenario of [specific challenge in the job description], how would you approach solving it?" #### 4. Questions Assessing Cultural and Company Fit - Based on the company culture hinted at in the job description, prepare questions to evaluate the candidate's fit. - Example: "Our company values [specific value from job description]. Can you provide an example of how you've embodied this value in your professional life?" ### Part 2: Questions for the Candidate to Ask the Interviewer #### 1. Clarifications on Role Responsibilities - Suggest questions that seek deeper insights into the daily responsibilities and expectations. - Example: "Could you elaborate on the typical day-to-day tasks for someone in this position?" #### 2. Inquiries About Team Structure and Dynamics - Based on the team information in the job description, propose questions about team collaboration and environment. - Example: "Can you tell me more about the team I would be working with?" #### 3. Questions About Growth and Development Opportunities - Encourage questions about professional development, especially in areas highlighted as important in the job description. - Example: "What opportunities for professional growth does the company provide in [area mentioned in the job description]?" #### 4. Queries About Success Measurement - Suggest questions about how success is measured in the role, relating to performance indicators mentioned in the job description. - Example: "What are the key performance indicators for this role, and how are they measured?" ### Conclusion: - These questions are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the candidate's suitability for the role and to help the candidate assess whether the role aligns with their career aspirations. - Remind candidates to use these questions as a guide and personalize them to reflect their unique experiences and interests. """ input_prompt8 = """ ## Company Recommendations Based on Candidate's Resume and Job Description **Input Requirements:** **Candidate's Resume:** and **Target Job Description:** ### Process for Identifying Similar Companies #### 1. Analyze the Job Description - Identify key industry sectors, job responsibilities, and required skills from the job description. - Note any specific company characteristics mentioned (e.g., startup culture, large multinational, specific sector focus). #### 2. Review the Candidate's Resume - Look for industries, skills, and types of roles the candidate has experience in. - Consider the candidate’s career level and preferences indicated by their work history and achievements. #### 3. Research and List Similar Companies - Based on the collected information, identify companies in similar industries or those that offer similar roles. - Consider companies that align with the candidate's experience level and career aspirations. #### 4. Provide a Diverse Range of Options - Include a mix of large corporations, mid-size companies, and startups, if relevant. - Ensure the list covers various sectors within the industry that align with the candidate's skills and experience. #### 5. Additional Considerations - Take into account the candidate’s geographical preferences or willingness to relocate, if indicated in the resume or job description. - Consider the current market trends and the demand for the candidate’s skill set in various companies. ### Example Output: - Based on a resume with experience in digital marketing and a job description for a Digital Marketing Manager in the tech industry, the recommendations could include: - Tech companies with a strong online presence. - Marketing agencies specializing in digital strategies for tech clients. - Startups in the tech sector looking to build their digital marketing teams. ### Conclusion: - Provide a list of recommended companies where the candidate might find similar roles to the one they are applying for. - Encourage the candidate to research these companies further to find specific job openings that match their skills and career goals. """