import streamlit as st from utils.levels import complete_level, initialize_level, render_page, get_level from utils.login import initialize_login initialize_login() initialize_level() LEVEL=0 def intro_page(): st.header("Weather Forecasting") st.subheader("Introduction") st.write("""Welcome to the interactive tutorial on creating your very own Weather Forecasting Application!""") st.image( "", use_column_width=True, ) st.write( """ In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a simple application that can forecast weather conditions to make informed decisions. Weather forecasting plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, influencing our travel plans, agricultural activities, energy consumption, and overall decision-making. """ )"Click on the button below to start the tutorial!") if st.button("I am Ready!"): complete_level(LEVEL) render_page(intro_page, LEVEL)