import os secret = os.getenv("VerySecret") print(secret) # from pathlib import Path # import gradio as gr # #import openai # import os # import tiktoken # from openai import OpenAI # # Set secret key # #HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("NextStar") # # Set client and secret key # client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("NextStar")) # #Set prompt engineering paths (so globally available) # inStructionPath = "intro_instructions_combine.txt" # inRulesPath = "formatting_rules_expanded.txt" # inExamplesPath = "examples_longer1.txt" # inDialoguesPath = "examples_dialogues.txt" # #Set to read in prompting files # def openReadFiles(inpath): # infile = Path (inpath) # with open(infile) as f: # data = # return data # # Set up prompting data (so globally available) # instruct = openReadFiles(inStructionPath) # rules = openReadFiles(inRulesPath) # examples = openReadFiles(inExamplesPath) # exampleDialogues = openReadFiles(inDialoguesPath) # def formatQuery(engText): # """Add prompt instructions to English text for GPT4""" # instruct = "Now, translate the following sentences to perfect ASL gloss using the grammatical, syntactic, and notation rules you just learned. \n\n" # query = instruct+engText # return query # def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str) -> int: # """Returns the number of tokens in a text string.""" # encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) # num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string)) # return num_tokens # def checkTokens(tokens): # """Checks tokens to ensrue we can translate to ASL gloss""" # goAhead = None # if tokens >= 553: # print(f"Cannot translate to ASL gloss at this time: too many tokens ({tokens})") # goAhead = False # else: # goAhead = True # print(f"Number of tokens is acceptable: can continue translating") # return goAhead # def getGlossFromText(query): # """Sets all for getting ASL gloss""" # text = formatQuery(query) # tokens = num_tokens_from_string(text, "cl100k_base") # goAhead = checkTokens(tokens) # if goAhead == True: # results = getASLGloss(text) # else: # results = "Too many tokens: cannot translate" # return results # def getASLGloss(testQs): # """Get ASL gloss from OpenAI using our prompt engineering""" # #openai.api_key = HF_TOKENS # completion = # model = 'gpt-4-0125-preview', # messages = [ # {"role": "system", "content": instruct}, # {"role": "system", "content": rules}, # {"role": "system", "content": examples}, # {"role": "system", "content": exampleDialogues}, # {"role": "user", "content": testQs}, # ], # temperature = 0 # ) # #results = completion['choices'][0]['message']['content'] # results = completion.choices[0].message.content # return results # def main(): # title = "English to ASL Gloss" # #description = """Translate English text to ASL Gloss""" # description = "This program uses GPT4 alongside prompt engineering to \ # translate English text to ASL gloss.\n \ # Type in the English sentence you would like to translate into ASL Gloss. \ # \n \n This program was last updated on February 27, 2024, and uses GPT4-Turbo (0125 preview version) \ # \n\n \ # \n \n This version of EngToASLGloss contains superscript notation which adds \ # grammatical context to assist in ASL generation. \ # \n Below are the guidelines we are using to express grammatical concepts \ # in ASL gloss.\ # Anything within the angle brackets < > indicates this additional grammatical notation.\ # If the angle brackets are directly next to a word, the notation inside \ # the angle brackets is associate with just that word, e.g. WILL < A >. \ # If the angle brackets are next to a whitespace after a word,\ # the notation inside the angle bracket is associated with all of the words\ # before it, up until a comma, another angle bracket, or a double space.\ # \n \n This sentence is an example of this rule:\ # \n NEXT-YEAR < Ti >, MY FIANCE < T >, TWO-OF-US MARRY \< A \>.\ # \n\r \ # \n The superscript notation options that will appear in results are as follows:\ # \n Ti marks time\ # \n T marks topic\ # \n A marks comment\ # \n Y/N marks yes-no question\ # \n WHQ marks wh-question\ # \n RHQ marks rhetorical question\ # \n < Cond > marks conditional sentences\ # \n lower case marks directional verbs\ # \n ++ marks emphesis ('very' or 'a lot of')\ # \n \# marks lexical fingerspelling \ # \n \- marks space between individual letters of fingerspelling\ # \n \n Note: This is a prototype and is still in development. \ # Do not use it in a production deployment. \ # \n For additional details on how the program works, please see \ # [the README](" # interface = gr.Interface( # fn=getGlossFromText, # inputs="textbox", # outputs="text", # title = title, # description = description) # #examples = [[("Prompt: Every year I buy my dad a gift \n", "Result: EVERY-YEAR, MY DAD GIFT, ME BUY")]]) # # examples=[["Every year I buy my dad a gift"], ["I always look forward to the family vacation"], # # ["If I don't travel often, I am sad."]]) # interface.launch() # if __name__ == "__main__": # main() # # def getAnswer(query, texts = texts, embeddings = embeddings): # # docsearch = FAISS.from_texts(texts, embeddings) # # docs = docsearch.similarity_search(query) # # chain = load_qa_chain(OpenAI(openai_api_key = HF_TOKEN, temperature=0), chain_type="map_reduce", return_map_steps=False) # # response = chain({"input_documents": docs, "question": query}, return_only_outputs=True) # # #interum_q = list(response.keys()) # # interum_a = list(response.values()) # # q = query # # a = interum_a[0] # # return a # # # query = "describe the fisher database" # # # docs = docsearch.similarity_search(query) # # # chain = load_qa_chain(OpenAI(openai_api_key = "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", temperature=0), chain_type="map_reduce", return_map_steps=False) # # # chain({"input_documents": docs, "question": query}, return_only_outputs=True) # # title = "Query the S Drive!" # # description = """This QA system will answer questions based on information in [data descriptions](""" # # interface = gr.Interface( # # fn=getAnswer, # # inputs="textbox", # # outputs="text", # # title = title, # # description = description, # # examples=[["Where is the Fisher database?"], ["Where is the Defined Crowd audio?"], ["Do we have any Spanish audio data?"], # # ["How many audio files do we have in the CallHome database?"]]) # # interface.launch() # # if __name__ == "__main__": # # main() # # def main(): # # results = setMode() # # print (results) # # main()