from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, File,BackgroundTasks from rembg import remove from fastapi.responses import FileResponse import os # from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware # from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles app = FastAPI() # origins = [ # "http://localhost:3000", # ] # app.add_middleware( # CORSMiddleware, # allow_origins=origins, # allow_credentials=True, # allow_methods=["*"], # allow_headers=["*"], # ) # Directory to store processed images output_dir = "output" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # app.mount("/processed_images", StaticFiles(directory=output_dir), name="processed_images")"/remove-background/") async def remove_background(file: UploadFile): # Ensure the uploaded file is an image (you can add more validation) if not file.content_type.startswith("image/"): return {"error": "Invalid file format"} # Read the uploaded image file image_bytes = await # Process the image to remove the background using Rembg output_image_bytes = remove(image_bytes) # Save the processed image to a file output_filename = f"{output_dir}/{file.filename}" # output_filename = f"processed_images/{file.filename.split('/')[-1]}" with open(output_filename, "wb") as output_file: output_file.write(output_image_bytes) return {"result": "Background removed successfully", "output_filename": output_filename} @app.get("/download/{filename}") async def download_processed_image(filename: str): file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) # file_path = f"/output/{filename}" if not os.path.exists(file_path): return {"error": "File not found"} return FileResponse(file_path) @app.get("/delete") def deleteAll(): os.rmdir("output")