import json import os import platform import socket import pkg_resources from opentelemetry import trace from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.http.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor from opentelemetry.trace import Status, StatusCode class Telemetry: """A class to handle anonymous telemetry for the crewai package. The data being collected is for development purpose, all data is anonymous. There is NO data being collected on the prompts, tasks descriptions agents backstories or goals nor responses or any data that is being processed by the agents, nor any secrets and env vars. Data collected includes: - Version of crewAI - Version of Python - General OS (e.g. number of CPUs, macOS/Windows/Linux) - Number of agents and tasks in a crew - Crew Process being used - If Agents are using memory or allowing delegation - If Tasks are being executed in parallel or sequentially - Language model being used - Roles of agents in a crew - Tools names available """ def __init__(self): telemetry_endpoint = "" self.resource = Resource(attributes={SERVICE_NAME: "crewAI-telemetry"}) provider = TracerProvider(resource=self.resource) processor = BatchSpanProcessor( OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint=f"{telemetry_endpoint}/v1/traces") ) provider.add_span_processor(processor) trace.set_tracer_provider(provider) def crew_creation(self, crew): """Records the creation of a crew.""" try: tracer = trace.get_tracer("crewai.telemetry") span = tracer.start_span("Crew Created") self.add_attribute( span, "crewai_version", pkg_resources.get_distribution("crewai").version ) self.add_attribute(span, "python_version", platform.python_version()) self.add_attribute(span, "hostname", socket.gethostname()) self.add_attribute(span, "crewid", str( self.add_attribute(span, "crew_process", crew.process) self.add_attribute(span, "crew_language", crew.language) self.add_attribute(span, "crew_number_of_tasks", len(crew.tasks)) self.add_attribute(span, "crew_number_of_agents", len(crew.agents)) self.add_attribute( span, "crew_agents", json.dumps( [ { "id": str(, "role": agent.role, "memory_enabled?": agent.memory, "llm": json.dumps(self._safe_llm_attributes(agent.llm)), "delegation_enabled?": agent.allow_delegation, "tools_names": [ for tool in], } for agent in crew.agents ] ), ) self.add_attribute( span, "crew_tasks", json.dumps( [ { "id": str(, "async_execution?": task.async_execution, "tools_names": [ for tool in], } for task in crew.tasks ] ), ) self.add_attribute(span, "platform", platform.platform()) self.add_attribute(span, "platform_release", platform.release()) self.add_attribute(span, "platform_system", platform.system()) self.add_attribute(span, "platform_version", platform.version()) self.add_attribute(span, "cpus", os.cpu_count()) span.set_status(Status(StatusCode.OK)) span.end() except Exception: pass def add_attribute(self, span, key, value): """Add an attribute to a span.""" try: return span.set_attribute(key, value) except Exception: pass def _safe_llm_attributes(self, llm): attributes = ["name", "model_name", "base_url", "model", "top_k", "temperature"] safe_attributes = {k: v for k, v in vars(llm).items() if k in attributes} safe_attributes["class"] = llm.__class__.__name__ return safe_attributes