import threading import uuid from typing import Any, List, Optional from pydantic import UUID4, BaseModel, Field, field_validator, model_validator from pydantic_core import PydanticCustomError from crewai.agent import Agent from crewai.tasks.task_output import TaskOutput from crewai.utilities import I18N class Task(BaseModel): """Class that represent a task to be executed.""" class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True __hash__ = object.__hash__ # type: ignore i18n: I18N = I18N() thread: threading.Thread = None description: str = Field(description="Description of the actual task.") callback: Optional[Any] = Field( description="Callback to be executed after the task is completed.", default=None ) agent: Optional[Agent] = Field( description="Agent responsible for execution the task.", default=None ) expected_output: Optional[str] = Field( description="Clear definition of expected output for the task.", default=None, ) context: Optional[List["Task"]] = Field( description="Other tasks that will have their output used as context for this task.", default=None, ) async_execution: Optional[bool] = Field( description="Whether the task should be executed asynchronously or not.", default=False, ) output: Optional[TaskOutput] = Field( description="Task output, it's final result after being executed", default=None ) tools: List[Any] = Field( default_factory=list, description="Tools the agent is limited to use for this task.", ) id: UUID4 = Field( default_factory=uuid.uuid4, frozen=True, description="Unique identifier for the object, not set by user.", ) @field_validator("id", mode="before") @classmethod def _deny_user_set_id(cls, v: Optional[UUID4]) -> None: if v: raise PydanticCustomError( "may_not_set_field", "This field is not to be set by the user.", {} ) @model_validator(mode="after") def check_tools(self): """Check if the tools are set.""" if not and self.agent and return self def execute( self, agent: Agent | None = None, context: Optional[str] = None, tools: Optional[List[Any]] = None, ) -> str: """Execute the task. Returns: Output of the task. """ agent = agent or self.agent if not agent: raise Exception( f"The task '{self.description}' has no agent assigned, therefore it can't be executed directly and should be executed in a Crew using a specific process that support that, like hierarchical." ) if self.context: context = [] for task in self.context: if task.async_execution: task.thread.join() context.append(task.output.result) context = "\n".join(context) tools = tools or if self.async_execution: self.thread = threading.Thread( target=self._execute, args=(agent, self._prompt(), context, tools) ) self.thread.start() else: result = self._execute( agent=agent, task_prompt=self._prompt(), context=context, tools=tools, ) return result def _execute(self, agent, task_prompt, context, tools): result = agent.execute_task(task=task_prompt, context=context, tools=tools) self.output = TaskOutput(description=self.description, result=result) self.callback(self.output) if self.callback else None return result def _prompt(self) -> str: """Prompt the task. Returns: Prompt of the task. """ tasks_slices = [self.description] if self.expected_output: output = self.i18n.slice("expected_output").format( expected_output=self.expected_output ) tasks_slices = [self.description, output] return "\n".join(tasks_slices)