import json import uuid from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from pydantic import ( UUID4, BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, InstanceOf, Json, PrivateAttr, field_validator, model_validator, ) from pydantic_core import PydanticCustomError from crewai.agent import Agent from crewai.agents.cache import CacheHandler from crewai.process import Process from crewai.task import Task from crewai.telemtry import Telemetry from import AgentTools from crewai.utilities import I18N, Logger, RPMController class Crew(BaseModel): """ Represents a group of agents, defining how they should collaborate and the tasks they should perform. Attributes: tasks: List of tasks assigned to the crew. agents: List of agents part of this crew. manager_llm: The language model that will run manager agent. process: The process flow that the crew will follow (e.g., sequential). verbose: Indicates the verbosity level for logging during execution. config: Configuration settings for the crew. _cache_handler: Handles caching for the crew's operations. max_rpm: Maximum number of requests per minute for the crew execution to be respected. id: A unique identifier for the crew instance. """ __hash__ = object.__hash__ # type: ignore _rpm_controller: RPMController = PrivateAttr() _logger: Logger = PrivateAttr() _cache_handler: InstanceOf[CacheHandler] = PrivateAttr(default=CacheHandler()) model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) tasks: List[Task] = Field(default_factory=list) agents: List[Agent] = Field(default_factory=list) process: Process = Field(default=Process.sequential) verbose: Union[int, bool] = Field(default=0) manager_llm: Optional[Any] = Field( description="Language model that will run the agent.", default=None ) config: Optional[Union[Json, Dict[str, Any]]] = Field(default=None) id: UUID4 = Field(default_factory=uuid.uuid4, frozen=True) max_rpm: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="Maximum number of requests per minute for the crew execution to be respected.", ) language: str = Field( default="en", description="Language used for the crew, defaults to English.", ) @field_validator("id", mode="before") @classmethod def _deny_user_set_id(cls, v: Optional[UUID4]) -> None: """Prevent manual setting of the 'id' field by users.""" if v: raise PydanticCustomError( "may_not_set_field", "The 'id' field cannot be set by the user.", {} ) @field_validator("config", mode="before") @classmethod def check_config_type( cls, v: Union[Json, Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Union[Json, Dict[str, Any]]: """Validates that the config is a valid type. Args: v: The config to be validated. Returns: The config if it is valid. """ # TODO: Improve typing return json.loads(v) if isinstance(v, Json) else v # type: ignore @model_validator(mode="after") def set_private_attrs(self) -> "Crew": """Set private attributes.""" self._cache_handler = CacheHandler() self._logger = Logger(self.verbose) self._rpm_controller = RPMController(max_rpm=self.max_rpm, logger=self._logger) self._telemetry = Telemetry() self._telemetry.crew_creation(self) return self @model_validator(mode="after") def check_manager_llm(self): """Validates that the language model is set when using hierarchical process.""" if self.process == Process.hierarchical and not self.manager_llm: raise PydanticCustomError( "missing_manager_llm", "Attribute `manager_llm` is required when using hierarchical process.", {}, ) return self @model_validator(mode="after") def check_config(self): """Validates that the crew is properly configured with agents and tasks.""" if not self.config and not self.tasks and not self.agents: raise PydanticCustomError( "missing_keys", "Either 'agents' and 'tasks' need to be set or 'config'.", {}, ) if self.config: self._setup_from_config() if self.agents: for agent in self.agents: agent.set_cache_handler(self._cache_handler) if self.max_rpm: agent.set_rpm_controller(self._rpm_controller) return self def _setup_from_config(self): assert self.config is not None, "Config should not be None." """Initializes agents and tasks from the provided config.""" if not self.config.get("agents") or not self.config.get("tasks"): raise PydanticCustomError( "missing_keys_in_config", "Config should have 'agents' and 'tasks'.", {} ) self.agents = [Agent(**agent) for agent in self.config["agents"]] self.tasks = [self._create_task(task) for task in self.config["tasks"]] def _create_task(self, task_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Task: """Creates a task instance from its configuration. Args: task_config: The configuration of the task. Returns: A task instance. """ task_agent = next( agt for agt in self.agents if agt.role == task_config["agent"] ) del task_config["agent"] return Task(**task_config, agent=task_agent) def kickoff(self) -> str: """Starts the crew to work on its assigned tasks.""" for agent in self.agents: agent.i18n = I18N(language=self.language) if self.process == Process.sequential: return self._run_sequential_process() if self.process == Process.hierarchical: return self._run_hierarchical_process() raise NotImplementedError( f"The process '{self.process}' is not implemented yet." ) def _run_sequential_process(self) -> str: """Executes tasks sequentially and returns the final output.""" task_output = "" for task in self.tasks: if task.agent is not None and task.agent.allow_delegation: agents_for_delegation = [ agent for agent in self.agents if agent != task.agent ] += AgentTools(agents=agents_for_delegation).tools() role = task.agent.role if task.agent is not None else "None" self._logger.log("debug", f"Working Agent: {role}") self._logger.log("info", f"Starting Task: {task.description}") output = task.execute(context=task_output) if not task.async_execution: task_output = output role = task.agent.role if task.agent is not None else "None" self._logger.log("debug", f"[{role}] Task output: {task_output}\n\n") if self.max_rpm: self._rpm_controller.stop_rpm_counter() return task_output def _run_hierarchical_process(self) -> str: """Creates and assigns a manager agent to make sure the crew completes the tasks.""" i18n = I18N(language=self.language) manager = Agent( role=i18n.retrieve("hierarchical_manager_agent", "role"), goal=i18n.retrieve("hierarchical_manager_agent", "goal"), backstory=i18n.retrieve("hierarchical_manager_agent", "backstory"), tools=AgentTools(agents=self.agents).tools(), llm=self.manager_llm, verbose=True, ) task_output = "" for task in self.tasks: self._logger.log("debug", f"Working Agent: {manager.role}") self._logger.log("info", f"Starting Task: {task.description}") task_output = task.execute( agent=manager, context=task_output, ) self._logger.log( "debug", f"[{manager.role}] Task output: {task_output}\n\n" ) if self.max_rpm: self._rpm_controller.stop_rpm_counter() return task_output