# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import inspect import json import os import re import shutil import tempfile import unittest from typing import List from transformers import ( AddedToken, MarkupLMTokenizerFast, SpecialTokensMixin, is_tf_available, is_torch_available, logging, ) from transformers.models.markuplm.tokenization_markuplm import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES, MarkupLMTokenizer from transformers.testing_utils import is_pt_tf_cross_test, require_tokenizers, require_torch, slow from ...test_tokenization_common import SMALL_TRAINING_CORPUS, TokenizerTesterMixin, merge_model_tokenizer_mappings logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) @require_tokenizers class MarkupLMTokenizationTest(TokenizerTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): tokenizer_class = MarkupLMTokenizer rust_tokenizer_class = MarkupLMTokenizerFast test_rust_tokenizer = True from_pretrained_kwargs = {"cls_token": ""} test_seq2seq = False def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Adapted from Sennrich et al. 2015 and https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt # fmt: off vocab = ["l", "o", "w", "e", "r", "s", "t", "i", "d", "n", "\u0120", "\u0120l", "\u0120n", "\u0120lo", "\u0120low", "er", "\u0120lowest", "\u0120newer", "\u0120wider", "\u0120hello", "\u0120world", "",] # noqa # fmt: on vocab_tokens = dict(zip(vocab, range(len(vocab)))) merges = ["#version: 0.2", "\u0120 l", "\u0120l o", "\u0120lo w", "e r", ""] self.tags_dict = {"a": 0, "abbr": 1, "acronym": 2, "address": 3} self.special_tokens_map = {"unk_token": ""} self.vocab_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) self.merges_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"]) self.tokenizer_config_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, "tokenizer_config.json") with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(vocab_tokens) + "\n") with open(self.merges_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(merges)) with open(self.tokenizer_config_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps({"tags_dict": self.tags_dict})) def get_nodes_and_xpaths(self): nodes = ["hello", "world"] xpaths = ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span", "/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span"] return nodes, xpaths def get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch(self): nodes = [["hello world", "running"], ["hello my name is bob"]] xpaths = [ ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span", "/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span"], ["/html/body/div/li[2]/div/span"], ] return nodes, xpaths def get_question_nodes_and_xpaths(self): question = "what's his name?" nodes = ["hello world"] xpaths = ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span"] # , "/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span"] return question, nodes, xpaths def get_question_nodes_and_xpaths_batch(self): questions = ["what's his name?", "how is he called?"] nodes = [["hello world", "running"], ["hello my name is bob"]] xpaths = [ ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span", "/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span"], ["/html/body/div/li[2]/div/span"], ] return questions, nodes, xpaths def get_input_output_texts(self, tokenizer): input_text = "UNwant\u00E9d,running" output_text = "unwanted, running" return input_text, output_text def test_add_special_tokens(self): tokenizers: List[MarkupLMTokenizer] = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): special_token = "[SPECIAL_TOKEN]" special_token_xpath = "/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span" tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"cls_token": special_token}) encoded_special_token = tokenizer.encode( [special_token], xpaths=[special_token_xpath], add_special_tokens=False ) self.assertEqual(len(encoded_special_token), 1) decoded = tokenizer.decode(encoded_special_token, skip_special_tokens=True) self.assertTrue(special_token not in decoded) def test_add_tokens_tokenizer(self): tokenizers: List[MarkupLMTokenizer] = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): vocab_size = tokenizer.vocab_size all_size = len(tokenizer) self.assertNotEqual(vocab_size, 0) # We usually have added tokens from the start in tests because our vocab fixtures are # smaller than the original vocabs - let's not assert this # self.assertEqual(vocab_size, all_size) new_toks = ["aaaaa", "bbbbbb", "cccccccccdddddddd"] added_toks = tokenizer.add_tokens(new_toks) vocab_size_2 = tokenizer.vocab_size all_size_2 = len(tokenizer) self.assertNotEqual(vocab_size_2, 0) self.assertEqual(vocab_size, vocab_size_2) self.assertEqual(added_toks, len(new_toks)) self.assertEqual(all_size_2, all_size + len(new_toks)) nodes = "aaaaa bbbbbb low cccccccccdddddddd l".split() xpaths = ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span" for _ in range(len(nodes))] tokens = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(tokens), 4) self.assertGreater(tokens[0], tokenizer.vocab_size - 1) self.assertGreater(tokens[-2], tokenizer.vocab_size - 1) new_toks_2 = {"eos_token": ">>>>|||<||<<|<<", "pad_token": "<<<<<|||>|>>>>|>"} added_toks_2 = tokenizer.add_special_tokens(new_toks_2) vocab_size_3 = tokenizer.vocab_size all_size_3 = len(tokenizer) self.assertNotEqual(vocab_size_3, 0) self.assertEqual(vocab_size, vocab_size_3) self.assertEqual(added_toks_2, len(new_toks_2)) self.assertEqual(all_size_3, all_size_2 + len(new_toks_2)) nodes = ">>>>|||<||<<|<< aaaaabbbbbb low cccccccccdddddddd <<<<<|||>|>>>>|> l".split() xpaths = ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span" for _ in range(len(nodes))] tokens = tokenizer.encode( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False, ) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(tokens), 6) self.assertGreater(tokens[0], tokenizer.vocab_size - 1) self.assertGreater(tokens[0], tokens[1]) self.assertGreater(tokens[-2], tokenizer.vocab_size - 1) self.assertGreater(tokens[-2], tokens[-3]) self.assertEqual(tokens[0], tokenizer.eos_token_id) self.assertEqual(tokens[-2], tokenizer.pad_token_id) @require_tokenizers def test_encode_decode_with_spaces(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() new_toks = [AddedToken("[ABC]", normalized=False), AddedToken("[DEF]", normalized=False)] tokenizer.add_tokens(new_toks) input = "[ABC][DEF][ABC][DEF]" if self.space_between_special_tokens: output = "[ABC] [DEF] [ABC] [DEF]" else: output = input encoded = tokenizer.encode(input.split(), xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) decoded = tokenizer.decode(encoded, spaces_between_special_tokens=self.space_between_special_tokens) self.assertIn(decoded, [output, output.lower()]) @unittest.skip("Not implemented") def test_right_and_left_truncation(self): pass def test_encode_plus_with_padding(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, nodes) padding_size = 10 padding_idx = tokenizer.pad_token_id encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, return_special_tokens_mask=True) input_ids = encoded_sequence["input_ids"] special_tokens_mask = encoded_sequence["special_tokens_mask"] sequence_length = len(input_ids) # Test 'longest' and 'no_padding' don't do anything tokenizer.padding_side = "right" not_padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=False, return_special_tokens_mask=True, ) not_padded_input_ids = not_padded_sequence["input_ids"] not_padded_special_tokens_mask = not_padded_sequence["special_tokens_mask"] not_padded_sequence_length = len(not_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(sequence_length == not_padded_sequence_length) self.assertTrue(input_ids == not_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(special_tokens_mask == not_padded_special_tokens_mask) not_padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=False, return_special_tokens_mask=True, ) not_padded_input_ids = not_padded_sequence["input_ids"] not_padded_special_tokens_mask = not_padded_sequence["special_tokens_mask"] not_padded_sequence_length = len(not_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(sequence_length == not_padded_sequence_length) self.assertTrue(input_ids == not_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(special_tokens_mask == not_padded_special_tokens_mask) # Test right padding tokenizer.padding_side = "right" right_padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=sequence_length + padding_size, padding="max_length", return_special_tokens_mask=True, ) right_padded_input_ids = right_padded_sequence["input_ids"] right_padded_special_tokens_mask = right_padded_sequence["special_tokens_mask"] right_padded_sequence_length = len(right_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(sequence_length + padding_size == right_padded_sequence_length) self.assertTrue(input_ids + [padding_idx] * padding_size == right_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(special_tokens_mask + [1] * padding_size == right_padded_special_tokens_mask) # Test left padding tokenizer.padding_side = "left" left_padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=sequence_length + padding_size, padding="max_length", return_special_tokens_mask=True, ) left_padded_input_ids = left_padded_sequence["input_ids"] left_padded_special_tokens_mask = left_padded_sequence["special_tokens_mask"] left_padded_sequence_length = len(left_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue(sequence_length + padding_size == left_padded_sequence_length) self.assertTrue([padding_idx] * padding_size + input_ids == left_padded_input_ids) self.assertTrue([1] * padding_size + special_tokens_mask == left_padded_special_tokens_mask) if "token_type_ids" in tokenizer.model_input_names: token_type_ids = encoded_sequence["token_type_ids"] left_padded_token_type_ids = left_padded_sequence["token_type_ids"] right_padded_token_type_ids = right_padded_sequence["token_type_ids"] assert token_type_ids + [0] * padding_size == right_padded_token_type_ids assert [0] * padding_size + token_type_ids == left_padded_token_type_ids if "attention_mask" in tokenizer.model_input_names: attention_mask = encoded_sequence["attention_mask"] right_padded_attention_mask = right_padded_sequence["attention_mask"] left_padded_attention_mask = left_padded_sequence["attention_mask"] self.assertTrue(attention_mask + [0] * padding_size == right_padded_attention_mask) self.assertTrue([0] * padding_size + attention_mask == left_padded_attention_mask) def test_internal_consistency(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tokens = [] for word in nodes: tokens.extend(tokenizer.tokenize(word)) ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) ids_2 = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertListEqual(ids, ids_2) tokens_2 = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(ids) self.assertNotEqual(len(tokens_2), 0) text_2 = tokenizer.decode(ids) self.assertIsInstance(text_2, str) def test_mask_output(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(fast=False, do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() if ( tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens.__qualname__.split(".")[0] != "PreTrainedTokenizer" and "token_type_ids" in tokenizer.model_input_names ): information = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) sequences, mask = information["input_ids"], information["token_type_ids"] self.assertEqual(len(sequences), len(mask)) def test_number_of_added_tokens(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): # test 1: single sequence nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() sequences = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) attached_sequences = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) # Method is implemented (e.g. not GPT-2) if len(attached_sequences) != 2: self.assertEqual( tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(pair=False), len(attached_sequences) - len(sequences) ) # test 2: two sequences question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() sequences = tokenizer.encode(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) attached_sequences = tokenizer.encode(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) # Method is implemented (e.g. not GPT-2) if len(attached_sequences) != 2: self.assertEqual( tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(pair=True), len(attached_sequences) - len(sequences) ) def test_padding_to_max_length(self): """We keep this test for backward compatibility but it should be removed when `pad_to_max_length` will be deprecated""" tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() padding_size = 10 # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, nodes) padding_idx = tokenizer.pad_token_id # Check that it correctly pads when a maximum length is specified along with the padding flag set to True tokenizer.padding_side = "right" encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) sequence_length = len(encoded_sequence) # FIXME: the next line should be padding(max_length) to avoid warning padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=sequence_length + padding_size, pad_to_max_length=True ) padded_sequence_length = len(padded_sequence) assert sequence_length + padding_size == padded_sequence_length assert encoded_sequence + [padding_idx] * padding_size == padded_sequence # Check that nothing is done when a maximum length is not specified encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) sequence_length = len(encoded_sequence) tokenizer.padding_side = "right" padded_sequence_right = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, pad_to_max_length=True) padded_sequence_right_length = len(padded_sequence_right) assert sequence_length == padded_sequence_right_length assert encoded_sequence == padded_sequence_right def test_padding(self, max_length=50): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(tokenizer_p.pad_token_id, tokenizer_r.pad_token_id) pad_token_id = tokenizer_p.pad_token_id # Encode - Simple input nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() input_r = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") input_p = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") input_p = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r), pad_token_id) # Encode - Pair input question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() input_r = tokenizer_r.encode( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True ) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True ) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r), pad_token_id) # Encode_plus - Simple input nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], max_length, pad_token_id) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], max_length, pad_token_id) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) self.assert_padded_input_match( input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], len(input_r["input_ids"]), pad_token_id ) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) # Encode_plus - Pair input question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True ) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True ) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], max_length, pad_token_id) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus( question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], max_length, pad_token_id) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(question, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) self.assert_padded_input_match( input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], len(input_r["input_ids"]), pad_token_id ) self.assertSequenceEqual(input_r["attention_mask"], input_p["attention_mask"]) # Batch_encode_plus - Simple input nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, ) input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, ) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length", ) input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length", ) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="longest", ) input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding=True, ) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r["input_ids"][0]), pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r["input_ids"][0]), pad_token_id) # Batch_encode_plus - Pair input questions, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus( list(zip(questions, nodes)), is_pair=True, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length", ) input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus( list(zip(questions, nodes)), is_pair=True, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, truncation=True, padding="max_length", ) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus( list(zip(questions, nodes)), is_pair=True, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, ) input_p = tokenizer_p.batch_encode_plus( list(zip(questions, nodes)), is_pair=True, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest", ) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r["input_ids"][0]), pad_token_id) # Using pad on single examples after tokenization nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_r = tokenizer_r.pad(input_r) input_p = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_p = tokenizer_r.pad(input_p) self.assert_padded_input_match( input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], len(input_r["input_ids"]), pad_token_id ) # Using pad on single examples after tokenization input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_r = tokenizer_r.pad(input_r, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") input_p = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_p = tokenizer_r.pad(input_p, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") self.assert_padded_input_match(input_r["input_ids"], input_p["input_ids"], max_length, pad_token_id) # Using pad after tokenization nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_r = tokenizer_r.pad(input_r) input_p = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_p = tokenizer_r.pad(input_p) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, len(input_r["input_ids"][0]), pad_token_id) # Using pad after tokenization nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_r = tokenizer_r.pad(input_r, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") input_p = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_p = tokenizer_r.pad(input_p, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") self.assert_batch_padded_input_match(input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id) def test_call(self): # Tests that all call wrap to encode_plus and batch_encode_plus tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): # Test not batched nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() encoded_sequences_1 = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) encoded_sequences_2 = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(encoded_sequences_1, encoded_sequences_2) # Test not batched pairs question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() encoded_sequences_1 = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) encoded_sequences_2 = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(encoded_sequences_1, encoded_sequences_2) # Test batched nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() encoded_sequences_1 = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths) encoded_sequences_2 = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(encoded_sequences_1, encoded_sequences_2) def test_batch_encode_plus_batch_sequence_length(self): # Tests that all encoded values have the correct size tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() encoded_sequences = [ tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes_example, xpaths=xpaths_example) for nodes_example, xpaths_example in zip(nodes, xpaths) ] encoded_sequences_batch = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, padding=False ) self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences, self.convert_batch_encode_plus_format_to_encode_plus(encoded_sequences_batch) ) maximum_length = len( max([encoded_sequence["input_ids"] for encoded_sequence in encoded_sequences], key=len) ) # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, nodes) encoded_sequences_padded = [ tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes_example, xpaths=xpaths_example, max_length=maximum_length, padding="max_length" ) for nodes_example, xpaths_example in zip(nodes, xpaths) ] encoded_sequences_batch_padded = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True ) self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences_padded, self.convert_batch_encode_plus_format_to_encode_plus(encoded_sequences_batch_padded), ) # check 'longest' is unsensitive to a max length encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1 = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True ) encoded_sequences_batch_padded_2 = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=maximum_length + 10, padding="longest" ) for key in encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1.keys(): self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1[key], encoded_sequences_batch_padded_2[key], ) # check 'no_padding' is unsensitive to a max length encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1 = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, padding=False ) encoded_sequences_batch_padded_2 = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=maximum_length + 10, padding=False ) for key in encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1.keys(): self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences_batch_padded_1[key], encoded_sequences_batch_padded_2[key], ) @unittest.skip("batch_encode_plus does not handle overflowing tokens.") def test_batch_encode_plus_overflowing_tokens(self): pass def test_batch_encode_plus_padding(self): # Test that padded sequences are equivalent between batch_encode_plus and encode_plus # Right padding tests tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() max_length = 100 # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, nodes) encoded_sequences = [ tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes_example, xpaths=xpaths_example, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) for nodes_example, xpaths_example in zip(nodes, xpaths) ] encoded_sequences_batch = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences, self.convert_batch_encode_plus_format_to_encode_plus(encoded_sequences_batch) ) # Left padding tests tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): tokenizer.padding_side = "left" nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() max_length = 100 # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, nodes) encoded_sequences = [ tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes_example, xpaths=xpaths_example, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) for nodes_example, xpaths_example in zip(nodes, xpaths) ] encoded_sequences_batch = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, is_pair=False, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length" ) self.assertListEqual( encoded_sequences, self.convert_batch_encode_plus_format_to_encode_plus(encoded_sequences_batch) ) def test_padding_to_multiple_of(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): if tokenizer.pad_token is None: self.skipTest("No padding token.") else: nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # empty_tokens = tokenizer([""], [[]], padding=True, pad_to_multiple_of=8) normal_tokens = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, pad_to_multiple_of=8) # for key, value in empty_tokens.items(): # self.assertEqual(len(value) % 8, 0, f"BatchEncoding.{key} is not multiple of 8") for key, value in normal_tokens.items(): self.assertEqual(len(value) % 8, 0, f"BatchEncoding.{key} is not multiple of 8") normal_tokens = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, pad_to_multiple_of=8) for key, value in normal_tokens.items(): self.assertNotEqual(len(value) % 8, 0, f"BatchEncoding.{key} is not multiple of 8") # Should also work with truncation normal_tokens = tokenizer( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, truncation=True, pad_to_multiple_of=8 ) for key, value in normal_tokens.items(): self.assertEqual(len(value) % 8, 0, f"BatchEncoding.{key} is not multiple of 8") # truncation to something which is not a multiple of pad_to_multiple_of raises an error self.assertRaises( ValueError, tokenizer.__call__, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=12, pad_to_multiple_of=8, ) def test_tokenizer_slow_store_full_signature(self): signature = inspect.signature(self.tokenizer_class.__init__) tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() for parameter_name, parameter in signature.parameters.items(): if parameter.default != inspect.Parameter.empty: self.assertIn(parameter_name, tokenizer.init_kwargs) def test_build_inputs_with_special_tokens(self): if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: # as we don't have a slow version, we can't compare the outputs between slow and fast versions return for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) # Input tokens id nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() input_simple = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) input_pair = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) # Generate output output_r = tokenizer_r.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(input_simple) output_p = tokenizer_p.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(input_simple) self.assertEqual(output_p, output_r) # Generate pair output output_r = tokenizer_r.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(input_simple, input_pair) output_p = tokenizer_p.build_inputs_with_special_tokens(input_simple, input_pair) self.assertEqual(output_p, output_r) def test_special_tokens_mask_input_pairs(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) encoded_sequence_dict = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True, return_special_tokens_mask=True, # add_prefix_space=False, ) encoded_sequence_w_special = encoded_sequence_dict["input_ids"] special_tokens_mask = encoded_sequence_dict["special_tokens_mask"] self.assertEqual(len(special_tokens_mask), len(encoded_sequence_w_special)) filtered_sequence = [ (x if not special_tokens_mask[i] else None) for i, x in enumerate(encoded_sequence_w_special) ] filtered_sequence = [x for x in filtered_sequence if x is not None] self.assertEqual(encoded_sequence, filtered_sequence) def test_special_tokens_mask(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # Testing single inputs encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) encoded_sequence_dict = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True, return_special_tokens_mask=True ) encoded_sequence_w_special = encoded_sequence_dict["input_ids"] special_tokens_mask = encoded_sequence_dict["special_tokens_mask"] self.assertEqual(len(special_tokens_mask), len(encoded_sequence_w_special)) filtered_sequence = [x for i, x in enumerate(encoded_sequence_w_special) if not special_tokens_mask[i]] self.assertEqual(encoded_sequence, filtered_sequence) def test_save_and_load_tokenizer(self): # safety check on max_len default value so we are sure the test works tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): self.assertNotEqual(tokenizer.model_max_length, 42) # Now let's start the test tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): # Isolate this from the other tests because we save additional tokens/etc nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() before_tokens = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) before_vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab() tokenizer.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) after_tokenizer = tokenizer.__class__.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) after_tokens = after_tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) after_vocab = after_tokenizer.get_vocab() self.assertListEqual(before_tokens, after_tokens) self.assertDictEqual(before_vocab, after_vocab) shutil.rmtree(tmpdirname) def test_right_and_left_padding(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() sequence = "Sequence" padding_size = 10 # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer, sequence) padding_idx = tokenizer.pad_token_id # RIGHT PADDING - Check that it correctly pads when a maximum length is specified along with the padding flag set to True tokenizer.padding_side = "right" encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) sequence_length = len(encoded_sequence) padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=sequence_length + padding_size, padding="max_length" ) padded_sequence_length = len(padded_sequence) assert sequence_length + padding_size == padded_sequence_length assert encoded_sequence + [padding_idx] * padding_size == padded_sequence # LEFT PADDING - Check that it correctly pads when a maximum length is specified along with the padding flag set to True tokenizer.padding_side = "left" encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) sequence_length = len(encoded_sequence) padded_sequence = tokenizer.encode( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=sequence_length + padding_size, padding="max_length" ) padded_sequence_length = len(padded_sequence) assert sequence_length + padding_size == padded_sequence_length assert [padding_idx] * padding_size + encoded_sequence == padded_sequence # RIGHT & LEFT PADDING - Check that nothing is done for 'longest' and 'no_padding' encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) sequence_length = len(encoded_sequence) tokenizer.padding_side = "right" padded_sequence_right = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) padded_sequence_right_length = len(padded_sequence_right) assert sequence_length == padded_sequence_right_length assert encoded_sequence == padded_sequence_right tokenizer.padding_side = "left" padded_sequence_left = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest") padded_sequence_left_length = len(padded_sequence_left) assert sequence_length == padded_sequence_left_length assert encoded_sequence == padded_sequence_left tokenizer.padding_side = "right" padded_sequence_right = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) padded_sequence_right_length = len(padded_sequence_right) assert sequence_length == padded_sequence_right_length assert encoded_sequence == padded_sequence_right tokenizer.padding_side = "left" padded_sequence_left = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=False) padded_sequence_left_length = len(padded_sequence_left) assert sequence_length == padded_sequence_left_length assert encoded_sequence == padded_sequence_left def test_token_type_ids(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): # test 1: single sequence nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() output = tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, return_token_type_ids=True) # Assert that the token type IDs have the same length as the input IDs self.assertEqual(len(output["token_type_ids"]), len(output["input_ids"])) # Assert that the token type IDs have the same length as the attention mask self.assertEqual(len(output["token_type_ids"]), len(output["attention_mask"])) self.assertIn(0, output["token_type_ids"]) self.assertNotIn(1, output["token_type_ids"]) # test 2: two sequences (question + nodes) question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() output = tokenizer(question, nodes, xpaths, return_token_type_ids=True) # Assert that the token type IDs have the same length as the input IDs self.assertEqual(len(output["token_type_ids"]), len(output["input_ids"])) # Assert that the token type IDs have the same length as the attention mask self.assertEqual(len(output["token_type_ids"]), len(output["attention_mask"])) self.assertIn(0, output["token_type_ids"]) def test_offsets_mapping(self): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) text = ["a", "wonderful", "test"] xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(len(text))] # No pair tokens_with_offsets = tokenizer_r.encode_plus( text, xpaths=xpaths, return_special_tokens_mask=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=True, ) added_tokens = tokenizer_r.num_special_tokens_to_add(False) offsets = tokens_with_offsets["offset_mapping"] # Assert there is the same number of tokens and offsets self.assertEqual(len(offsets), len(tokens_with_offsets["input_ids"])) # Assert there is online added_tokens special_tokens self.assertEqual(sum(tokens_with_offsets["special_tokens_mask"]), added_tokens) # Pairs text = "what's his name" pair = ["a", "wonderful", "test"] xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(len(pair))] tokens_with_offsets = tokenizer_r.encode_plus( text, pair, xpaths=xpaths, return_special_tokens_mask=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=True, ) added_tokens = tokenizer_r.num_special_tokens_to_add(True) offsets = tokens_with_offsets["offset_mapping"] # Assert there is the same number of tokens and offsets self.assertEqual(len(offsets), len(tokens_with_offsets["input_ids"])) # Assert there is online added_tokens special_tokens self.assertEqual(sum(tokens_with_offsets["special_tokens_mask"]), added_tokens) @require_torch @slow def test_torch_encode_plus_sent_to_model(self): import torch from transformers import MODEL_MAPPING, TOKENIZER_MAPPING MODEL_TOKENIZER_MAPPING = merge_model_tokenizer_mappings(MODEL_MAPPING, TOKENIZER_MAPPING) tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): if tokenizer.__class__ not in MODEL_TOKENIZER_MAPPING: return config_class, model_class = MODEL_TOKENIZER_MAPPING[tokenizer.__class__] config = config_class() if config.is_encoder_decoder or config.pad_token_id is None: return model = model_class(config) # Make sure the model contains at least the full vocabulary size in its embedding matrix is_using_common_embeddings = hasattr(model.get_input_embeddings(), "weight") assert ( (model.get_input_embeddings().weight.shape[0] >= len(tokenizer)) if is_using_common_embeddings else True ) # Build sequence nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, return_tensors="pt") batch_encoded_sequence = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( [nodes, nodes], [xpaths, xpaths], return_tensors="pt" ) # This should not fail with torch.no_grad(): # saves some time model(**encoded_sequence) model(**batch_encoded_sequence) def test_rust_and_python_full_tokenizers(self): if not self.test_rust_tokenizer: return if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: # as we don't have a slow version, we can't compare the outputs between slow and fast versions return tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() rust_tokenizer = self.get_rust_tokenizer() nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() ids = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) rust_ids = rust_tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertListEqual(ids, rust_ids) ids = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) rust_ids = rust_tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) self.assertListEqual(ids, rust_ids) def test_tokenization_python_rust_equals(self): if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: # as we don't have a slow version, we can't compare the outputs between slow and fast versions return for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # Ensure basic input match input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) for key in filter( lambda x: x in ["input_ids", "token_type_ids", "attention_mask", "xpath_tags_seq", "xpath_subs_seq"], input_p.keys(), ): self.assertSequenceEqual(input_p[key], input_r[key]) input_pairs_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_pairs_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) for key in filter( lambda x: x in ["input_ids", "token_type_ids", "attention_mask", "xpath_tags_seq", "xpath_subs_seq"], input_p.keys(), ): self.assertSequenceEqual(input_pairs_p[key], input_pairs_r[key]) nodes = ["hello" for _ in range(1000)] xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(1000)] # Ensure truncation match input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=512, truncation=True) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=512, truncation=True) for key in filter( lambda x: x in ["input_ids", "token_type_ids", "attention_mask", "xpath_tags_seq", "xpath_subs_seq"], input_p.keys(), ): self.assertSequenceEqual(input_p[key], input_r[key]) # Ensure truncation with stride match input_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=512, truncation=True, stride=3, return_overflowing_tokens=True ) input_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=512, truncation=True, stride=3, return_overflowing_tokens=True ) for key in filter( lambda x: x in ["input_ids", "token_type_ids", "attention_mask", "xpath_tags_seq", "xpath_subs_seq"], input_p.keys(), ): self.assertSequenceEqual(input_p[key], input_r[key][0]) def test_embeded_special_tokens(self): if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: # as we don't have a slow version, we can't compare the outputs between slow and fast versions return for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tokens_r = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) tokens_p = tokenizer_p.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) for key in tokens_p.keys(): self.assertEqual(tokens_r[key], tokens_p[key]) if "token_type_ids" in tokens_r: self.assertEqual(sum(tokens_r["token_type_ids"]), sum(tokens_p["token_type_ids"])) tokens_r = tokenizer_r.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokens_r["input_ids"]) tokens_p = tokenizer_p.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokens_p["input_ids"]) self.assertSequenceEqual(tokens_r, tokens_p) def test_compare_add_special_tokens(self): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) simple_num_special_tokens_to_add = tokenizer_r.num_special_tokens_to_add(pair=False) nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # tokenize() no_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.tokenize(" ".join(nodes), add_special_tokens=False) with_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.tokenize(" ".join(nodes), add_special_tokens=True) self.assertEqual(len(no_special_tokens), len(with_special_tokens) - simple_num_special_tokens_to_add) # encode() no_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) with_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) self.assertEqual(len(no_special_tokens), len(with_special_tokens) - simple_num_special_tokens_to_add) # encode_plus() no_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) with_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) for key in no_special_tokens.keys(): self.assertEqual( len(no_special_tokens[key]), len(with_special_tokens[key]) - simple_num_special_tokens_to_add, ) # # batch_encode_plus nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() no_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) with_special_tokens = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) for key in no_special_tokens.keys(): for i_no, i_with in zip(no_special_tokens[key], with_special_tokens[key]): self.assertEqual(len(i_no), len(i_with) - simple_num_special_tokens_to_add) @slow def test_markuplm_truncation_integration_test(self): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tokenizer = MarkupLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base", model_max_length=512) for i in range(12, 512): new_encoded_inputs = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=i, truncation=True) # Ensure that the input IDs are less than the max length defined. self.assertLessEqual(len(new_encoded_inputs), i) tokenizer.model_max_length = 20 new_encoded_inputs = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, truncation=True) dropped_encoded_inputs = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, truncation=True) # Ensure that the input IDs are still truncated when no max_length is specified self.assertListEqual(new_encoded_inputs, dropped_encoded_inputs) self.assertLessEqual(len(new_encoded_inputs), 20) @is_pt_tf_cross_test def test_batch_encode_plus_tensors(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() # A Tensor cannot be build by sequences which are not the same size self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer.batch_encode_plus, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, return_tensors="pt") self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer.batch_encode_plus, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, return_tensors="tf") if tokenizer.pad_token_id is None: self.assertRaises( ValueError, tokenizer.batch_encode_plus, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, return_tensors="pt", ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, tokenizer.batch_encode_plus, nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest", return_tensors="tf", ) else: pytorch_tensor = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True, return_tensors="pt" ) tensorflow_tensor = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding="longest", return_tensors="tf" ) encoded_sequences = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, padding=True) for key in encoded_sequences.keys(): pytorch_value = pytorch_tensor[key].tolist() tensorflow_value = tensorflow_tensor[key].numpy().tolist() encoded_value = encoded_sequences[key] self.assertEqual(pytorch_value, tensorflow_value, encoded_value) def test_sequence_ids(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers() for tokenizer in tokenizers: if not tokenizer.is_fast: continue with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): seq_0 = "Test this method." seq_1 = ["With", "these", "inputs."] xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(len(seq_1))] # We want to have sequence 0 and sequence 1 are tagged # respectively with 0 and 1 token_ids # (regardless of whether the model use token type ids) # We use this assumption in the QA pipeline among other place output = tokenizer(seq_0.split(), xpaths=xpaths) self.assertIn(0, output.sequence_ids()) output = tokenizer(seq_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertIn(0, output.sequence_ids()) self.assertIn(1, output.sequence_ids()) if tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(pair=True): self.assertIn(None, output.sequence_ids()) def test_special_tokens_initialization(self): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): added_tokens = [AddedToken("", lstrip=True)] tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained( pretrained_name, additional_special_tokens=added_tokens, **kwargs ) nodes = "Hey this is a token".split() xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(len(nodes))] r_output = tokenizer_r.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) special_token_id = tokenizer_r.encode([""], xpaths=["html/body"], add_special_tokens=False)[0] self.assertTrue(special_token_id in r_output) if self.test_slow_tokenizer: tokenizer_cr = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained( pretrained_name, additional_special_tokens=added_tokens, **kwargs ) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained( pretrained_name, additional_special_tokens=added_tokens, **kwargs ) nodes = "Hey this is a token".split() xpaths = ["html/body" for _ in range(len(nodes))] p_output = tokenizer_p.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) cr_output = tokenizer_cr.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(p_output, r_output) self.assertEqual(cr_output, r_output) self.assertTrue(special_token_id in p_output) self.assertTrue(special_token_id in cr_output) def test_split_special_tokens(self): # TODO this is only possible for slow currently tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() special_token = "[SPECIAL_TOKEN]" tokenizer.add_special_tokens({"additional_special_tokens": [special_token]}) encoded_special_token = tokenizer.tokenize(special_token, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertEqual(len(encoded_special_token), 1) encoded_split_special_token = tokenizer.tokenize( special_token, add_special_tokens=False, split_special_tokens=True ) self.assertTrue(len(encoded_split_special_token) > 1) def test_training_new_tokenizer(self): # This feature only exists for fast tokenizers if not self.test_rust_tokenizer: return tokenizer = self.get_rust_tokenizer() new_tokenizer = tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator(SMALL_TRAINING_CORPUS, 100) # Test we can use the new tokenizer with something not seen during training text = [["this", "is", "the"], ["how", "are", "you"]] xpaths = [["html/body"] * 3, ["html/body"] * 3] inputs = new_tokenizer(text, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(len(inputs["input_ids"]), 2) decoded_input = new_tokenizer.decode(inputs["input_ids"][0], skip_special_tokens=True) expected_result = ( # original expected result "this is the" seems contradicts to roberta-based tokenizer "thisisthe" ) if tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.normalizer is not None: expected_result = tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.normalizer.normalize_str(expected_result) self.assertEqual(expected_result, decoded_input) # We check that the parameters of the tokenizer remained the same # Check we have the same number of added_tokens for both pair and non-pair inputs. self.assertEqual(tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(False), new_tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(False)) self.assertEqual(tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(True), new_tokenizer.num_special_tokens_to_add(True)) # Check we have the correct max_length for both pair and non-pair inputs. self.assertEqual(tokenizer.max_len_single_sentence, new_tokenizer.max_len_single_sentence) self.assertEqual(tokenizer.max_len_sentences_pair, new_tokenizer.max_len_sentences_pair) # Assert the set of special tokens match as we didn't ask to change them self.assertSequenceEqual( tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended, new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended, ) self.assertDictEqual(tokenizer.special_tokens_map, new_tokenizer.special_tokens_map) def test_training_new_tokenizer_with_special_tokens_change(self): # This feature only exists for fast tokenizers if not self.test_rust_tokenizer: return tokenizer = self.get_rust_tokenizer() # Test with a special tokens map class_signature = inspect.signature(tokenizer.__class__) if "cls_token" in class_signature.parameters: new_tokenizer = tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator( SMALL_TRAINING_CORPUS, 100, special_tokens_map={tokenizer.cls_token: ""} ) cls_id = new_tokenizer.get_vocab()[""] self.assertEqual(new_tokenizer.cls_token, "") self.assertEqual(new_tokenizer.cls_token_id, cls_id) # Create a new mapping from the special tokens defined in the original tokenizer special_tokens_list = SpecialTokensMixin.SPECIAL_TOKENS_ATTRIBUTES.copy() special_tokens_list.remove("additional_special_tokens") special_tokens_map = {} for token in special_tokens_list: # Get the private one to avoid unnecessary warnings. if getattr(tokenizer, f"_{token}") is not None: special_token = getattr(tokenizer, token) special_tokens_map[special_token] = f"{special_token}a" # Train new tokenizer new_tokenizer = tokenizer.train_new_from_iterator( SMALL_TRAINING_CORPUS, 100, special_tokens_map=special_tokens_map ) # Check the changes for token in special_tokens_list: # Get the private one to avoid unnecessary warnings. if getattr(tokenizer, f"_{token}") is None: continue special_token = getattr(tokenizer, token) if special_token in special_tokens_map: new_special_token = getattr(new_tokenizer, token) self.assertEqual(special_tokens_map[special_token], new_special_token) new_id = new_tokenizer.get_vocab()[new_special_token] self.assertEqual(getattr(new_tokenizer, f"{token}_id"), new_id) # Check if the AddedToken / string format has been kept for special_token in tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended: if isinstance(special_token, AddedToken) and special_token.content not in special_tokens_map: # The special token must appear identically in the list of the new tokenizer. self.assertTrue( special_token in new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended, f"'{special_token}' should be in {new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended}", ) elif isinstance(special_token, AddedToken): # The special token must appear in the list of the new tokenizer as an object of type AddedToken with # the same parameters as the old AddedToken except the content that the user has requested to change. special_token_str = special_token.content new_special_token_str = special_tokens_map[special_token_str] find = False for candidate in new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended: if ( isinstance(candidate, AddedToken) and candidate.content == new_special_token_str and candidate.lstrip == special_token.lstrip and candidate.rstrip == special_token.rstrip and candidate.normalized == special_token.normalized and candidate.single_word == special_token.single_word ): find = True break self.assertTrue( find, f"'{new_special_token_str}' doesn't appear in the list " f"'{new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended}' as an AddedToken with the same parameters as " f"'{special_token}' in the list {tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended}", ) elif special_token not in special_tokens_map: # The special token must appear identically in the list of the new tokenizer. self.assertTrue( special_token in new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended, f"'{special_token}' should be in {new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended}", ) else: # The special token must appear in the list of the new tokenizer as an object of type string. self.assertTrue(special_tokens_map[special_token] in new_tokenizer.all_special_tokens_extended) # Test we can use the new tokenizer with something not seen during training nodes = [["this", "is"], ["hello", "🤗"]] xpaths = [["html/body"] * 2, ["html/body"] * 2] inputs = new_tokenizer(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) self.assertEqual(len(inputs["input_ids"]), 2) decoded_input = new_tokenizer.decode(inputs["input_ids"][0], skip_special_tokens=True) expected_result = "thisis" # same as line 1399 if tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.normalizer is not None: expected_result = tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.normalizer.normalize_str(expected_result) self.assertEqual(expected_result, decoded_input) def test_prepare_for_model(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False) for tokenizer in tokenizers: # only test prepare_for_model for the slow tokenizer if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "MarkupLMTokenizerFast": continue with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() prepared_input_dict = tokenizer.prepare_for_model(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) input_dict = tokenizer.encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=True) self.assertEqual(input_dict, prepared_input_dict) def test_padding_different_model_input_name(self): if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: # as we don't have a slow version, we can't compare the outputs between slow and fast versions return for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_p = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(tokenizer_p.pad_token_id, tokenizer_r.pad_token_id) pad_token_id = tokenizer_p.pad_token_id nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() input_r = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) input_p = tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) # rename encoded batch to "inputs" input_r["inputs"] = input_r[tokenizer_r.model_input_names[0]] del input_r[tokenizer_r.model_input_names[0]] input_p["inputs"] = input_p[tokenizer_p.model_input_names[0]] del input_p[tokenizer_p.model_input_names[0]] # Renaming `input_ids` to `inputs` tokenizer_r.model_input_names = ["inputs"] + tokenizer_r.model_input_names[1:] tokenizer_p.model_input_names = ["inputs"] + tokenizer_p.model_input_names[1:] input_r = tokenizer_r.pad(input_r, padding="longest") input_p = tokenizer_r.pad(input_p, padding="longest") max_length = len(input_p["inputs"][0]) self.assert_batch_padded_input_match( input_r, input_p, max_length, pad_token_id, model_main_input_name="inputs" ) def test_batch_encode_dynamic_overflowing(self): """ When calling batch_encode with multiple sequences, it can return different number of overflowing encoding for each sequence: [ Sequence 1: [Encoding 1, Encoding 2], Sequence 2: [Encoding 1], Sequence 3: [Encoding 1, Encoding 2, ... Encoding N] ] This needs to be padded so that it can represented as a tensor """ for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: tokenizer = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name}, {tokenizer.__class__.__name__})"): if is_torch_available(): returned_tensor = "pt" elif is_tf_available(): returned_tensor = "tf" else: returned_tensor = "jax" # Single example nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tokens = tokenizer.encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=1, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors=returned_tensor, return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) for key in filter(lambda x: "overflow_to_sample_mapping" not in x, tokens.keys()): if "xpath" not in key: self.assertEqual(len(tokens[key].shape), 2) else: self.assertEqual(len(tokens[key].shape), 3) # Batch of examples # For these 2 examples, 3 training examples will be created nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths_batch() tokens = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( nodes, xpaths=xpaths, max_length=6, padding=True, truncation="only_first", return_tensors=returned_tensor, return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) for key in filter(lambda x: "overflow_to_sample_mapping" not in x, tokens.keys()): if "xpath" not in key: self.assertEqual(len(tokens[key].shape), 2) self.assertEqual(tokens[key].shape[-1], 6) else: self.assertEqual(len(tokens[key].shape), 3) self.assertEqual(tokens[key].shape[-2], 6) @unittest.skip("TO DO: overwrite this very extensive test.") def test_alignement_methods(self): pass def get_clean_sequence(self, tokenizer, with_prefix_space=False, max_length=20, min_length=5): toks = [(i, tokenizer.decode([i], clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)) for i in range(len(tokenizer))] toks = list(filter(lambda t: re.match(r"^[ a-zA-Z]+$", t[1]), toks)) toks = list( filter( lambda t: [t[0]] == tokenizer.encode(t[1].split(" "), xpaths=len(t[1]) * ["html/body"], add_special_tokens=False), toks, ) ) if max_length is not None and len(toks) > max_length: toks = toks[:max_length] if min_length is not None and len(toks) < min_length and len(toks) > 0: while len(toks) < min_length: toks = toks + toks # toks_str = [t[1] for t in toks] toks_ids = [t[0] for t in toks] # Ensure consistency output_txt = tokenizer.decode(toks_ids, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) # an extra blank will cause inconsistency: ["a","b",] & "a b" """ if " " not in output_txt and len(toks_ids) > 1: output_txt = ( tokenizer.decode([toks_ids[0]], clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) + " " + tokenizer.decode(toks_ids[1:], clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) ) """ if with_prefix_space: output_txt = " " + output_txt nodes = output_txt.split(" ") xpaths = ["html/body" for i in range(len(nodes))] output_ids = tokenizer.encode(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, add_special_tokens=False) return nodes, xpaths, output_ids def test_maximum_encoding_length_pair_input(self): # slow part fixed, fast part not tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False, model_max_length=100) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): # Build a sequence from our model's vocabulary stride = 2 seq_0, xpaths_0, ids = self.get_clean_sequence(tokenizer, max_length=20) question_0 = " ".join(map(str, seq_0)) if len(ids) <= 2 + stride: seq_0 = (seq_0 + " ") * (2 + stride) ids = None seq0_tokens = tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertGreater(len(seq0_tokens["input_ids"]), 2 + stride) question_1 = "This is another sentence to be encoded." seq_1 = ["hello", "world"] xpaths_1 = ["html/body" for i in range(len(seq_1))] seq1_tokens = tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) if abs(len(seq0_tokens["input_ids"]) - len(seq1_tokens["input_ids"])) <= 2: seq1_tokens_input_ids = seq1_tokens["input_ids"] + seq1_tokens["input_ids"] seq_1 = tokenizer.decode(seq1_tokens_input_ids, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False) seq_1 = seq_1.split(" ") xpaths_1 = ["html/body" for i in range(len(seq_1))] seq1_tokens = tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertGreater(len(seq1_tokens["input_ids"]), 2 + stride) smallest = ( seq1_tokens["input_ids"] if len(seq0_tokens["input_ids"]) > len(seq1_tokens["input_ids"]) else seq0_tokens["input_ids"] ) # We are not using the special tokens - a bit too hard to test all the tokenizers with this # TODO try this again later sequence = tokenizer(question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) # Test with max model input length model_max_length = tokenizer.model_max_length self.assertEqual(model_max_length, 100) seq_2 = seq_0 * model_max_length question_2 = " ".join(map(str, seq_2)) xpaths_2 = xpaths_0 * model_max_length # assertgreater -> assertgreaterequal self.assertGreaterEqual(len(seq_2), model_max_length) sequence1 = tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) total_length1 = len(sequence1["input_ids"]) sequence2 = tokenizer(question_2, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) total_length2 = len(sequence2["input_ids"]) self.assertLess(total_length1, model_max_length, "Issue with the testing sequence, please update it.") self.assertGreater( total_length2, model_max_length, "Issue with the testing sequence, please update it." ) # Simple padding_strategies = ( [False, True, "longest"] if tokenizer.pad_token and tokenizer.pad_token_id >= 0 else [False] ) for padding_state in padding_strategies: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} Padding: {padding_state}"): for truncation_state in [True, "longest_first", "only_first"]: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} Truncation: {truncation_state}"): output = tokenizer( question_2, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, padding=padding_state, truncation=truncation_state, ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"]), model_max_length) output = tokenizer( [question_2], [seq_1], xpaths=[xpaths_1], padding=padding_state, truncation=truncation_state, ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"][0]), model_max_length) # Simple output = tokenizer( question_1, seq_2, xpaths=xpaths_2, padding=padding_state, truncation="only_second" ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"]), model_max_length) output = tokenizer( [question_1], [seq_2], xpaths=[xpaths_2], padding=padding_state, truncation="only_second" ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"][0]), model_max_length) # Simple with no truncation # Reset warnings tokenizer.deprecation_warnings = {} with self.assertLogs("transformers", level="WARNING") as cm: output = tokenizer( question_1, seq_2, xpaths=xpaths_2, padding=padding_state, truncation=False ) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["input_ids"]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertTrue( cm.records[0].message.startswith( "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length" " for this model" ) ) tokenizer.deprecation_warnings = {} with self.assertLogs("transformers", level="WARNING") as cm: output = tokenizer( [question_1], [seq_2], xpaths=[xpaths_2], padding=padding_state, truncation=False ) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["input_ids"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertTrue( cm.records[0].message.startswith( "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length" " for this model" ) ) # Check the order of Sequence of input ids, overflowing tokens and xpath_tags_seq sequence with truncation truncated_first_sequence = ( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"][:-2] + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] ) truncated_second_sequence = ( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"][:-2] ) truncated_longest_sequence = ( truncated_first_sequence if len(seq0_tokens) > len(seq1_tokens) else truncated_second_sequence ) overflow_first_sequence = ( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :] + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] ) overflow_second_sequence = ( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :] ) overflow_longest_sequence = ( overflow_first_sequence if len(seq0_tokens) > len(seq1_tokens) else overflow_second_sequence ) xpath_tags_seq_first = [[5] * 50] * ( len(tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"]) - 2 ) xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence = ( xpath_tags_seq_first + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["xpath_tags_seq"] ) overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence_slow = [[5] * 50] * (2 + stride) overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence_fast = [[5] * 50] * (2 + stride) + tokenizer( seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False )["xpath_tags_seq"] xpath_tags_seq_second = [[5] * 50] * len( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] ) xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence = ( xpath_tags_seq_second + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["xpath_tags_seq"][:-2] ) overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence_slow = tokenizer( seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False )["xpath_tags_seq"][-(2 + stride) :] overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence_fast = [[5] * 50] * len( tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] ) + tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False)["xpath_tags_seq"][-(2 + stride) :] xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence = ( xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence if len(seq0_tokens) > len(seq1_tokens) else xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence ) overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence_fast = ( overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence_fast if len(seq0_tokens) > len(seq1_tokens) else overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence_fast ) # Overflowing tokens are handled quite differently in slow and fast tokenizers if isinstance(tokenizer, MarkupLMTokenizerFast): information = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation="longest_first", return_overflowing_tokens=True, # add_prefix_space=False, ) truncated_sequence = information["input_ids"][0] overflowing_tokens = information["input_ids"][1] xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][0] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][1] self.assertEqual(len(information["input_ids"]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride + len(smallest)) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, overflow_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq), 2 + stride + len(smallest)) self.assertEqual( overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence_fast ) else: # No overflowing tokens when using 'longest' in python tokenizers with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: information = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation="longest_first", return_overflowing_tokens=True, # add_prefix_space=False, ) self.assertTrue( context.exception.args[0].startswith( "Not possible to return overflowing tokens for pair of sequences with the " "`longest_first`. Please select another truncation strategy than `longest_first`, " "for instance `only_second` or `only_first`." ) ) # Overflowing tokens are handled quite differently in slow and fast tokenizers if isinstance(tokenizer, MarkupLMTokenizerFast): information = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation=True, return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) truncated_sequence = information["input_ids"][0] overflowing_tokens = information["input_ids"][1] xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][0] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][1] self.assertEqual(len(information["input_ids"]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride + len(smallest)) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, overflow_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence) self.assertEqual( overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_longest_sequence_fast ) else: # No overflowing tokens when using 'longest' in python tokenizers with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: information = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation=True, return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) self.assertTrue( context.exception.args[0].startswith( "Not possible to return overflowing tokens for pair of sequences with the " "`longest_first`. Please select another truncation strategy than `longest_first`, " "for instance `only_second` or `only_first`." ) ) information_first_truncated = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation="only_first", return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) # Overflowing tokens are handled quite differently in slow and fast tokenizers if isinstance(tokenizer, MarkupLMTokenizerFast): truncated_sequence = information_first_truncated["input_ids"][0] overflowing_tokens = information_first_truncated["input_ids"][1] xpath_tags_seq = information_first_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"][0] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information_first_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"][1] self.assertEqual(len(information_first_truncated["input_ids"]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_first_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride + len(seq1_tokens["input_ids"])) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, overflow_first_sequence) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence) # ISSUE HAPPENS HERE ↓ self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence_fast) else: truncated_sequence = information_first_truncated["input_ids"] overflowing_tokens = information_first_truncated["overflowing_tokens"] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information_first_truncated["overflowing_xpath_tags_seq"] xpath_tags_seq = information_first_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"] self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_first_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, seq0_tokens["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :]) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence) self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_first_sequence_slow) information_second_truncated = tokenizer( question_0, seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, max_length=len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation="only_second", return_overflowing_tokens=True, # add_prefix_space=False, ) # Overflowing tokens are handled quite differently in slow and fast tokenizers if isinstance(tokenizer, MarkupLMTokenizerFast): truncated_sequence = information_second_truncated["input_ids"][0] overflowing_tokens = information_second_truncated["input_ids"][1] xpath_tags_seq = information_second_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"][0] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information_second_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"][1] self.assertEqual(len(information_second_truncated["input_ids"]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_second_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride + len(seq0_tokens["input_ids"])) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, overflow_second_sequence) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence) self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence_fast) else: truncated_sequence = information_second_truncated["input_ids"] overflowing_tokens = information_second_truncated["overflowing_tokens"] xpath_tags_seq = information_second_truncated["xpath_tags_seq"] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information_second_truncated["overflowing_xpath_tags_seq"] self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), len(sequence["input_ids"]) - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, truncated_second_sequence) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, seq1_tokens["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :]) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence) self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, overflowing_token_xpath_tags_seq_second_sequence_slow) def test_maximum_encoding_length_single_input(self): tokenizers = self.get_tokenizers(do_lower_case=False, model_max_length=100) for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): seq_0, xpaths_0, ids = self.get_clean_sequence(tokenizer, max_length=20) sequence = tokenizer(seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, add_special_tokens=False) total_length = len(sequence["input_ids"]) self.assertGreater(total_length, 4, "Issue with the testing sequence, please update it it's too short") # Test with max model input length model_max_length = tokenizer.model_max_length self.assertEqual(model_max_length, 100) seq_1 = seq_0 * model_max_length xpaths_1 = xpaths_0 * model_max_length sequence1 = tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, add_special_tokens=False) total_length1 = len(sequence1["input_ids"]) self.assertGreater( total_length1, model_max_length, "Issue with the testing sequence, please update it it's too short" ) # Simple padding_strategies = ( [False, True, "longest"] if tokenizer.pad_token and tokenizer.pad_token_id >= 0 else [False] ) for padding_state in padding_strategies: with self.subTest(f"Padding: {padding_state}"): for truncation_state in [True, "longest_first", "only_first"]: with self.subTest(f"Truncation: {truncation_state}"): output = tokenizer( seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, padding=padding_state, truncation=truncation_state, ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"]), model_max_length) output = tokenizer( [seq_1], xpaths=[xpaths_1], padding=padding_state, truncation=truncation_state, ) self.assertEqual(len(output["input_ids"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"][0]), model_max_length) # Simple with no truncation # Reset warnings tokenizer.deprecation_warnings = {} with self.assertLogs("transformers", level="WARNING") as cm: output = tokenizer(seq_1, xpaths=xpaths_1, padding=padding_state, truncation=False) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["input_ids"]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertTrue( cm.records[0].message.startswith( "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length" " for this model" ) ) tokenizer.deprecation_warnings = {} with self.assertLogs("transformers", level="WARNING") as cm: output = tokenizer([seq_1], xpaths=[xpaths_1], padding=padding_state, truncation=False) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["input_ids"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_tags_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertNotEqual(len(output["xpath_subs_seq"][0]), model_max_length) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertTrue( cm.records[0].message.startswith( "Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length" " for this model" ) ) # Check the order of Sequence of input ids, overflowing tokens, xpath_tags_seq and xpath_subs_seq sequence with truncation stride = 2 information = tokenizer( seq_0, xpaths=xpaths_0, max_length=total_length - 2, add_special_tokens=False, stride=stride, truncation=True, return_overflowing_tokens=True, ) # Overflowing tokens are handled quite differently in slow and fast tokenizers if isinstance(tokenizer, MarkupLMTokenizerFast): truncated_sequence = information["input_ids"][0] overflowing_tokens = information["input_ids"][1] xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][0] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"][1] self.assertEqual(len(information["input_ids"]), 2) self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), total_length - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, sequence["input_ids"][:-2]) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, sequence["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :]) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, sequence["xpath_tags_seq"][:-2]) self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, sequence["xpath_tags_seq"][-(2 + stride) :]) else: truncated_sequence = information["input_ids"] overflowing_tokens = information["overflowing_tokens"] xpath_tags_seq = information["xpath_tags_seq"] overflowing_xpath_tags_seq = information["overflowing_xpath_tags_seq"] self.assertEqual(len(truncated_sequence), total_length - 2) self.assertEqual(truncated_sequence, sequence["input_ids"][:-2]) self.assertEqual(len(overflowing_tokens), 2 + stride) self.assertEqual(overflowing_tokens, sequence["input_ids"][-(2 + stride) :]) self.assertEqual(xpath_tags_seq, sequence["xpath_tags_seq"][:-2]) self.assertEqual(overflowing_xpath_tags_seq, sequence["xpath_tags_seq"][-(2 + stride) :]) @unittest.skip("MarkupLM tokenizer requires xpaths besides sequences.") def test_pretokenized_inputs(self): pass @unittest.skip("MarkupLM tokenizer always expects pretokenized inputs.") def test_compare_pretokenized_inputs(self): pass @unittest.skip("MarkupLM fast tokenizer does not support prepare_for_model") def test_compare_prepare_for_model(self): pass @slow def test_only_label_first_subword(self): nodes = ["hello", "niels"] xpaths = ["/html/body/div/li[1]/div/span" for _ in range(len(nodes))] node_labels = [0, 1] # test slow tokenizer tokenizer_p = MarkupLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base") encoding = tokenizer_p(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, node_labels=node_labels) self.assertListEqual(encoding.labels, [-100, 0, 1, -100, -100]) tokenizer_p = MarkupLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base", only_label_first_subword=False) encoding = tokenizer_p(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, node_labels=node_labels) self.assertListEqual(encoding.labels, [-100, 0, 1, 1, -100]) # test fast tokenizer tokenizer_r = MarkupLMTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base") encoding = tokenizer_r(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, node_labels=node_labels) self.assertListEqual(encoding.labels, [-100, 0, 1, -100, -100]) tokenizer_r = MarkupLMTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base", only_label_first_subword=False) encoding = tokenizer_r(nodes, xpaths=xpaths, node_labels=node_labels) self.assertListEqual(encoding.labels, [-100, 0, 1, 1, -100]) def test_markuplm_integration_test(self): tokenizer_p = MarkupLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base") tokenizer_r = MarkupLMTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("microsoft/markuplm-base") # There are 3 cases: # CASE 1: document image classification (training + inference), document image token classification (inference), # in which case only nodes and normalized bounding xpaths are provided to the tokenizer # CASE 2: document image token classification (training), # in which case one also provides word labels to the tokenizer # CASE 3: document image visual question answering (inference), # in which case one also provides a question to the tokenizer # We need to test all 3 cases both on batched and non-batched inputs. # CASE 1: not batched nodes, xpaths = self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() # fmt: off expected_results = {'input_ids': [0, 42891, 8331, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'xpath_tags_seq': [[216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216], [109, 25, 50, 120, 50, 178, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216], [109, 25, 50, 120, 50, 178, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 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expected_results) # CASE 3: not batched question, nodes, xpaths = self.get_question_nodes_and_xpaths() # fmt: off expected_results = {'input_ids': [0, 12196, 18, 39, 766, 116, 2, 42891, 232, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'xpath_tags_seq': [[216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216], [216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216], [216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216, 216], 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self.get_nodes_and_xpaths() tokenizer_fast = self.get_rust_tokenizer() # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer_fast, nodes) encoding_fast = tokenizer_fast(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) with self.assertLogs("transformers", level="WARNING") as cm: tokenizer_fast.pad(encoding_fast) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertIn( "Please note that with a fast tokenizer, using the `__call__` method is faster than using a method to" " encode the text followed by a call to the `pad` method to get a padded encoding.", cm.records[0].message, ) if not self.test_slow_tokenizer: return tokenizer_slow = self.get_tokenizer() # check correct behaviour if no pad_token_id exists and add it eventually self._check_no_pad_token_padding(tokenizer_slow, nodes) encoding_slow = tokenizer_slow(nodes, xpaths=xpaths) with self.assertLogs(level="WARNING") as cm: # We want to assert there are no warnings, but the 'assertLogs' method does not support that. # Therefore, we are adding a dummy warning, and then we will assert it is the only warning. logger.warning("Dummy warning") tokenizer_slow.pad(encoding_slow) self.assertEqual(len(cm.records), 1) self.assertIn( "Dummy warning", cm.records[0].message, )