### Motivation Without processing, english-> romanian mbart-large-en-ro gets BLEU score 26.8 on the WMT data. With post processing, it can score 37.. Here is the postprocessing code, stolen from @mjpost in this [issue](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/issues/1758) ### Instructions Note: You need to have your test_generations.txt before you start this process. (1) Setup `mosesdecoder` and `wmt16-scripts` ```bash cd $HOME git clone git@github.com:moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git cd mosesdecoder git clone git@github.com:rsennrich/wmt16-scripts.git ``` (2) define a function for post processing. It removes diacritics and does other things I don't understand ```bash ro_post_process () { sys=$1 ref=$2 export MOSES_PATH=$HOME/mosesdecoder REPLACE_UNICODE_PUNCT=$MOSES_PATH/scripts/tokenizer/replace-unicode-punctuation.perl NORM_PUNC=$MOSES_PATH/scripts/tokenizer/normalize-punctuation.perl REM_NON_PRINT_CHAR=$MOSES_PATH/scripts/tokenizer/remove-non-printing-char.perl REMOVE_DIACRITICS=$MOSES_PATH/wmt16-scripts/preprocess/remove-diacritics.py NORMALIZE_ROMANIAN=$MOSES_PATH/wmt16-scripts/preprocess/normalise-romanian.py TOKENIZER=$MOSES_PATH/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl lang=ro for file in $sys $ref; do cat $file \ | $REPLACE_UNICODE_PUNCT \ | $NORM_PUNC -l $lang \ | $REM_NON_PRINT_CHAR \ | $NORMALIZE_ROMANIAN \ | $REMOVE_DIACRITICS \ | $TOKENIZER -no-escape -l $lang \ > $(basename $file).tok done # compute BLEU cat $(basename $sys).tok | sacrebleu -tok none -s none -b $(basename $ref).tok } ``` (3) Call the function on test_generations.txt and test.target For example, ```bash ro_post_process enro_finetune/test_generations.txt wmt_en_ro/test.target ``` This will split out a new blue score and write a new fine called `test_generations.tok` with post-processed outputs. ```