- sections: - local: index title: 🤗 Transformers - local: quicktour title: Quick tour - local: installation title: Installation title: Get started - sections: - local: pipeline_tutorial title: Run inference with pipelines - local: autoclass_tutorial title: Write portable code with AutoClass - local: preprocessing title: Preprocess data - local: training title: Fine-tune a pretrained model - local: run_scripts title: Train with a script - local: accelerate title: Set up distributed training with 🤗 Accelerate - local: peft title: Load and train adapters with 🤗 PEFT - local: model_sharing title: Share your model - local: transformers_agents title: Agents - local: llm_tutorial title: Generation with LLMs title: Tutorials - sections: - isExpanded: false sections: - local: tasks/sequence_classification title: Text classification - local: tasks/token_classification title: Token classification - local: tasks/question_answering title: Question answering - local: tasks/language_modeling title: Causal language modeling - local: tasks/masked_language_modeling title: Masked language modeling - local: tasks/translation title: Translation - local: tasks/summarization title: Summarization - local: tasks/multiple_choice title: Multiple choice title: Natural Language Processing - isExpanded: false sections: - local: tasks/audio_classification title: Audio classification - local: tasks/asr title: Automatic speech recognition title: Audio - isExpanded: false sections: - local: tasks/image_classification title: Image classification - local: tasks/semantic_segmentation title: Semantic segmentation - local: tasks/video_classification title: Video classification - local: tasks/object_detection title: Object detection - local: tasks/zero_shot_object_detection title: Zero-shot object detection - local: tasks/zero_shot_image_classification title: Zero-shot image classification - local: tasks/monocular_depth_estimation title: Depth estimation title: Computer Vision - isExpanded: false sections: - local: tasks/image_captioning title: Image captioning - local: tasks/document_question_answering title: Document Question Answering - local: tasks/visual_question_answering title: Visual Question Answering - local: tasks/text-to-speech title: Text to speech title: Multimodal - isExpanded: false sections: - local: generation_strategies title: Customize the generation strategy title: Generation title: Task Guides - sections: - local: fast_tokenizers title: Use fast tokenizers from 🤗 Tokenizers - local: multilingual title: Run inference with multilingual models - local: create_a_model title: Use model-specific APIs - local: custom_models title: Share a custom model - local: sagemaker title: Run training on Amazon SageMaker - local: serialization title: Export to ONNX - local: tflite title: Export to TFLite - local: torchscript title: Export to TorchScript - local: benchmarks title: Benchmarks - local: notebooks title: Notebooks with examples - local: community title: Community resources - local: custom_tools title: Custom Tools and Prompts - local: troubleshooting title: Troubleshoot title: Developer guides - sections: - local: performance title: Overview - sections: - local: perf_train_gpu_one title: Methods and tools for efficient training on a single GPU - local: perf_train_gpu_many title: Multiple GPUs and parallelism - local: perf_train_cpu title: Efficient training on CPU - local: perf_train_cpu_many title: Distributed CPU training - local: perf_train_tpu title: Training on TPUs - local: perf_train_tpu_tf title: Training on TPU with TensorFlow - local: perf_train_special title: Training on Specialized Hardware - local: perf_hardware title: Custom hardware for training - local: hpo_train title: Hyperparameter Search using Trainer API title: Efficient training techniques - sections: - local: perf_infer_cpu title: Inference on CPU - local: perf_infer_gpu_one title: Inference on one GPU - local: perf_infer_gpu_many title: Inference on many GPUs - local: perf_infer_special title: Inference on Specialized Hardware title: Optimizing inference - local: big_models title: Instantiating a big model - local: debugging title: Troubleshooting - local: tf_xla title: XLA Integration for TensorFlow Models - local: perf_torch_compile title: Optimize inference using `torch.compile()` title: Performance and scalability - sections: - local: contributing title: How to contribute to transformers? - local: add_new_model title: How to add a model to 🤗 Transformers? - local: add_tensorflow_model title: How to convert a 🤗 Transformers model to TensorFlow? - local: add_new_pipeline title: How to add a pipeline to 🤗 Transformers? - local: testing title: Testing - local: pr_checks title: Checks on a Pull Request title: Contribute - sections: - local: philosophy title: Philosophy - local: glossary title: Glossary - local: task_summary title: What 🤗 Transformers can do - local: tasks_explained title: How 🤗 Transformers solve tasks - local: model_summary title: The Transformer model family - local: tokenizer_summary title: Summary of the tokenizers - local: attention title: Attention mechanisms - local: pad_truncation title: Padding and truncation - local: bertology title: BERTology - local: perplexity title: Perplexity of fixed-length models - local: pipeline_webserver title: Pipelines for webserver inference - local: model_memory_anatomy title: Model training anatomy title: Conceptual guides - sections: - sections: - local: main_classes/agent title: Agents and Tools - local: model_doc/auto title: Auto Classes - local: main_classes/callback title: Callbacks - local: main_classes/configuration title: Configuration - local: main_classes/data_collator title: Data Collator - local: main_classes/keras_callbacks title: Keras callbacks - local: main_classes/logging title: Logging - local: main_classes/model title: Models - local: main_classes/text_generation title: Text Generation - local: main_classes/onnx title: ONNX - local: main_classes/optimizer_schedules title: Optimization - local: main_classes/output title: Model outputs - local: main_classes/pipelines title: Pipelines - local: main_classes/processors title: Processors - local: main_classes/quantization title: Quantization - local: main_classes/tokenizer title: Tokenizer - local: main_classes/trainer title: Trainer - local: main_classes/deepspeed title: DeepSpeed Integration - local: main_classes/feature_extractor title: Feature Extractor - local: main_classes/image_processor title: Image Processor title: Main Classes - sections: - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/albert title: ALBERT - local: model_doc/bart title: BART - local: model_doc/barthez title: BARThez - local: model_doc/bartpho title: BARTpho - local: model_doc/bert title: BERT - local: model_doc/bert-generation title: BertGeneration - local: model_doc/bert-japanese title: BertJapanese - local: model_doc/bertweet title: Bertweet - local: model_doc/big_bird title: BigBird - local: model_doc/bigbird_pegasus title: BigBirdPegasus - local: model_doc/biogpt title: BioGpt - local: model_doc/blenderbot title: Blenderbot - local: model_doc/blenderbot-small title: Blenderbot Small - local: model_doc/bloom title: BLOOM - local: model_doc/bort title: BORT - local: model_doc/byt5 title: ByT5 - local: model_doc/camembert title: CamemBERT - local: model_doc/canine title: CANINE - local: model_doc/codegen title: CodeGen - local: model_doc/code_llama title: CodeLlama - local: model_doc/convbert title: ConvBERT - local: model_doc/cpm title: CPM - local: model_doc/cpmant title: CPMANT - local: model_doc/ctrl title: CTRL - local: model_doc/deberta title: DeBERTa - local: model_doc/deberta-v2 title: DeBERTa-v2 - local: model_doc/dialogpt title: DialoGPT - local: model_doc/distilbert title: DistilBERT - local: model_doc/dpr title: DPR - local: model_doc/electra title: ELECTRA - local: model_doc/encoder-decoder title: Encoder Decoder Models - local: model_doc/ernie title: ERNIE - local: model_doc/ernie_m title: ErnieM - local: model_doc/esm title: ESM - local: model_doc/falcon title: Falcon - local: model_doc/flan-t5 title: FLAN-T5 - local: model_doc/flan-ul2 title: FLAN-UL2 - local: model_doc/flaubert title: FlauBERT - local: model_doc/fnet title: FNet - local: model_doc/fsmt title: FSMT - local: model_doc/funnel title: Funnel Transformer - local: model_doc/openai-gpt title: GPT - local: model_doc/gpt_neo title: GPT Neo - local: model_doc/gpt_neox title: GPT NeoX - local: model_doc/gpt_neox_japanese title: GPT NeoX Japanese - local: model_doc/gptj title: GPT-J - local: model_doc/gpt2 title: GPT2 - local: model_doc/gpt_bigcode title: GPTBigCode - local: model_doc/gptsan-japanese title: GPTSAN Japanese - local: model_doc/gpt-sw3 title: GPTSw3 - local: model_doc/herbert title: HerBERT - local: model_doc/ibert title: I-BERT - local: model_doc/jukebox title: Jukebox - local: model_doc/led title: LED - local: model_doc/llama title: LLaMA - local: model_doc/llama2 title: Llama2 - local: model_doc/longformer title: Longformer - local: model_doc/longt5 title: LongT5 - local: model_doc/luke title: LUKE - local: model_doc/m2m_100 title: M2M100 - local: model_doc/marian title: MarianMT - local: model_doc/markuplm title: MarkupLM - local: model_doc/mbart title: MBart and MBart-50 - local: model_doc/mega title: MEGA - local: model_doc/megatron-bert title: MegatronBERT - local: model_doc/megatron_gpt2 title: MegatronGPT2 - local: model_doc/mluke title: mLUKE - local: model_doc/mobilebert title: MobileBERT - local: model_doc/mpnet title: MPNet - local: model_doc/mpt title: MPT - local: model_doc/mra title: MRA - local: model_doc/mt5 title: MT5 - local: model_doc/mvp title: MVP - local: model_doc/nezha title: NEZHA - local: model_doc/nllb title: NLLB - local: model_doc/nllb-moe title: NLLB-MoE - local: model_doc/nystromformer title: Nyströmformer - local: model_doc/open-llama title: Open-Llama - local: model_doc/opt title: OPT - local: model_doc/pegasus title: Pegasus - local: model_doc/pegasus_x title: PEGASUS-X - local: model_doc/persimmon title: Persimmon - local: model_doc/phobert title: PhoBERT - local: model_doc/plbart title: PLBart - local: model_doc/prophetnet title: ProphetNet - local: model_doc/qdqbert title: QDQBert - local: model_doc/rag title: RAG - local: model_doc/realm title: REALM - local: model_doc/reformer title: Reformer - local: model_doc/rembert title: RemBERT - local: model_doc/retribert title: RetriBERT - local: model_doc/roberta title: RoBERTa - local: model_doc/roberta-prelayernorm title: RoBERTa-PreLayerNorm - local: model_doc/roc_bert title: RoCBert - local: model_doc/roformer title: RoFormer - local: model_doc/rwkv title: RWKV - local: model_doc/splinter title: Splinter - local: model_doc/squeezebert title: SqueezeBERT - local: model_doc/switch_transformers title: SwitchTransformers - local: model_doc/t5 title: T5 - local: model_doc/t5v1.1 title: T5v1.1 - local: model_doc/tapex title: TAPEX - local: model_doc/transfo-xl title: Transformer XL - local: model_doc/ul2 title: UL2 - local: model_doc/umt5 title: UMT5 - local: model_doc/xmod title: X-MOD - local: model_doc/xglm title: XGLM - local: model_doc/xlm title: XLM - local: model_doc/xlm-prophetnet title: XLM-ProphetNet - local: model_doc/xlm-roberta title: XLM-RoBERTa - local: model_doc/xlm-roberta-xl title: XLM-RoBERTa-XL - local: model_doc/xlm-v title: XLM-V - local: model_doc/xlnet title: XLNet - local: model_doc/yoso title: YOSO title: Text models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/beit title: BEiT - local: model_doc/bit title: BiT - local: model_doc/conditional_detr title: Conditional DETR - local: model_doc/convnext title: ConvNeXT - local: model_doc/convnextv2 title: ConvNeXTV2 - local: model_doc/cvt title: CvT - local: model_doc/deformable_detr title: Deformable DETR - local: model_doc/deit title: DeiT - local: model_doc/deta title: DETA - local: model_doc/detr title: DETR - local: model_doc/dinat title: DiNAT - local: model_doc/dinov2 title: DINO V2 - local: model_doc/dit title: DiT - local: model_doc/dpt title: DPT - local: model_doc/efficientformer title: EfficientFormer - local: model_doc/efficientnet title: EfficientNet - local: model_doc/focalnet title: FocalNet - local: model_doc/glpn title: GLPN - local: model_doc/imagegpt title: ImageGPT - local: model_doc/levit title: LeViT - local: model_doc/mask2former title: Mask2Former - local: model_doc/maskformer title: MaskFormer - local: model_doc/mobilenet_v1 title: MobileNetV1 - local: model_doc/mobilenet_v2 title: MobileNetV2 - local: model_doc/mobilevit title: MobileViT - local: model_doc/mobilevitv2 title: MobileViTV2 - local: model_doc/nat title: NAT - local: model_doc/poolformer title: PoolFormer - local: model_doc/pvt title: Pyramid Vision Transformer (PVT) - local: model_doc/regnet title: RegNet - local: model_doc/resnet title: ResNet - local: model_doc/segformer title: SegFormer - local: model_doc/swiftformer title: SwiftFormer - local: model_doc/swin title: Swin Transformer - local: model_doc/swinv2 title: Swin Transformer V2 - local: model_doc/swin2sr title: Swin2SR - local: model_doc/table-transformer title: Table Transformer - local: model_doc/timesformer title: TimeSformer - local: model_doc/upernet title: UperNet - local: model_doc/van title: VAN - local: model_doc/videomae title: VideoMAE - local: model_doc/vit title: Vision Transformer (ViT) - local: model_doc/vit_hybrid title: ViT Hybrid - local: model_doc/vitdet title: ViTDet - local: model_doc/vit_mae title: ViTMAE - local: model_doc/vit_msn title: ViTMSN - local: model_doc/vivit title: ViViT - local: model_doc/yolos title: YOLOS title: Vision models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/audio-spectrogram-transformer title: Audio Spectrogram Transformer - local: model_doc/bark title: Bark - local: model_doc/clap title: CLAP - local: model_doc/encodec title: EnCodec - local: model_doc/hubert title: Hubert - local: model_doc/mctct title: MCTCT - local: model_doc/mms title: MMS - local: model_doc/musicgen title: MusicGen - local: model_doc/pop2piano title: Pop2Piano - local: model_doc/sew title: SEW - local: model_doc/sew-d title: SEW-D - local: model_doc/speech_to_text title: Speech2Text - local: model_doc/speech_to_text_2 title: Speech2Text2 - local: model_doc/speecht5 title: SpeechT5 - local: model_doc/unispeech title: UniSpeech - local: model_doc/unispeech-sat title: UniSpeech-SAT - local: model_doc/vits title: VITS - local: model_doc/wav2vec2 title: Wav2Vec2 - local: model_doc/wav2vec2-conformer title: Wav2Vec2-Conformer - local: model_doc/wav2vec2_phoneme title: Wav2Vec2Phoneme - local: model_doc/wavlm title: WavLM - local: model_doc/whisper title: Whisper - local: model_doc/xls_r title: XLS-R - local: model_doc/xlsr_wav2vec2 title: XLSR-Wav2Vec2 title: Audio models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/align title: ALIGN - local: model_doc/altclip title: AltCLIP - local: model_doc/blip title: BLIP - local: model_doc/blip-2 title: BLIP-2 - local: model_doc/bridgetower title: BridgeTower - local: model_doc/chinese_clip title: Chinese-CLIP - local: model_doc/clip title: CLIP - local: model_doc/clipseg title: CLIPSeg - local: model_doc/data2vec title: Data2Vec - local: model_doc/deplot title: DePlot - local: model_doc/donut title: Donut - local: model_doc/flava title: FLAVA - local: model_doc/git title: GIT - local: model_doc/groupvit title: GroupViT - local: model_doc/idefics title: IDEFICS - local: model_doc/instructblip title: InstructBLIP - local: model_doc/layoutlm title: LayoutLM - local: model_doc/layoutlmv2 title: LayoutLMV2 - local: model_doc/layoutlmv3 title: LayoutLMV3 - local: model_doc/layoutxlm title: LayoutXLM - local: model_doc/lilt title: LiLT - local: model_doc/lxmert title: LXMERT - local: model_doc/matcha title: MatCha - local: model_doc/mgp-str title: MGP-STR - local: model_doc/oneformer title: OneFormer - local: model_doc/owlvit title: OWL-ViT - local: model_doc/perceiver title: Perceiver - local: model_doc/pix2struct title: Pix2Struct - local: model_doc/sam title: Segment Anything - local: model_doc/speech-encoder-decoder title: Speech Encoder Decoder Models - local: model_doc/tapas title: TAPAS - local: model_doc/trocr title: TrOCR - local: model_doc/tvlt title: TVLT - local: model_doc/vilt title: ViLT - local: model_doc/vision-encoder-decoder title: Vision Encoder Decoder Models - local: model_doc/vision-text-dual-encoder title: Vision Text Dual Encoder - local: model_doc/visual_bert title: VisualBERT - local: model_doc/xclip title: X-CLIP title: Multimodal models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/decision_transformer title: Decision Transformer - local: model_doc/trajectory_transformer title: Trajectory Transformer title: Reinforcement learning models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/autoformer title: Autoformer - local: model_doc/informer title: Informer - local: model_doc/time_series_transformer title: Time Series Transformer title: Time series models - isExpanded: false sections: - local: model_doc/graphormer title: Graphormer title: Graph models title: Models - sections: - local: internal/modeling_utils title: Custom Layers and Utilities - local: internal/pipelines_utils title: Utilities for pipelines - local: internal/tokenization_utils title: Utilities for Tokenizers - local: internal/trainer_utils title: Utilities for Trainer - local: internal/generation_utils title: Utilities for Generation - local: internal/image_processing_utils title: Utilities for Image Processors - local: internal/audio_utils title: Utilities for Audio processing - local: internal/file_utils title: General Utilities - local: internal/time_series_utils title: Utilities for Time Series title: Internal Helpers title: API