# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Utility that sorts the names in the auto mappings defines in the auto modules in alphabetical order. Use from the root of the repo with: ```bash python utils/sort_auto_mappings.py ``` to auto-fix all the auto mappings (used in `make style`). To only check if the mappings are properly sorted (as used in `make quality`), do: ```bash python utils/sort_auto_mappings.py --check_only ``` """ import argparse import os import re from typing import Optional # Path are set with the intent you should run this script from the root of the repo. PATH_TO_AUTO_MODULE = "src/transformers/models/auto" # re pattern that matches mapping introductions: # SUPER_MODEL_MAPPING_NAMES = OrderedDict or SUPER_MODEL_MAPPING = OrderedDict _re_intro_mapping = re.compile(r"[A-Z_]+_MAPPING(\s+|_[A-Z_]+\s+)=\s+OrderedDict") # re pattern that matches identifiers in mappings _re_identifier = re.compile(r'\s*\(\s*"(\S[^"]+)"') def sort_auto_mapping(fname: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> Optional[bool]: """ Sort all auto mappings in a file. Args: fname (`str`): The name of the file where we want to sort auto-mappings. overwrite (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to fix and overwrite the file. Returns: `Optional[bool]`: Returns `None` if `overwrite=True`. Otherwise returns `True` if the file has an auto-mapping improperly sorted, `False` if the file is okay. """ with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = f.read() lines = content.split("\n") new_lines = [] line_idx = 0 while line_idx < len(lines): if _re_intro_mapping.search(lines[line_idx]) is not None: # Start of a new mapping! indent = len(re.search(r"^(\s*)\S", lines[line_idx]).groups()[0]) + 8 while not lines[line_idx].startswith(" " * indent + "("): new_lines.append(lines[line_idx]) line_idx += 1 blocks = [] while lines[line_idx].strip() != "]": # Blocks either fit in one line or not if lines[line_idx].strip() == "(": start_idx = line_idx while not lines[line_idx].startswith(" " * indent + ")"): line_idx += 1 blocks.append("\n".join(lines[start_idx : line_idx + 1])) else: blocks.append(lines[line_idx]) line_idx += 1 # Sort blocks by their identifiers blocks = sorted(blocks, key=lambda x: _re_identifier.search(x).groups()[0]) new_lines += blocks else: new_lines.append(lines[line_idx]) line_idx += 1 if overwrite: with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(new_lines)) else: return "\n".join(new_lines) != content def sort_all_auto_mappings(overwrite: bool = False): """ Sort all auto mappings in the library. Args: overwrite (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to fix and overwrite the file. """ fnames = [os.path.join(PATH_TO_AUTO_MODULE, f) for f in os.listdir(PATH_TO_AUTO_MODULE) if f.endswith(".py")] diffs = [sort_auto_mapping(fname, overwrite=overwrite) for fname in fnames] if not overwrite and any(diffs): failures = [f for f, d in zip(fnames, diffs) if d] raise ValueError( f"The following files have auto mappings that need sorting: {', '.join(failures)}. Run `make style` to fix" " this." ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--check_only", action="store_true", help="Whether to only check or fix style.") args = parser.parse_args() sort_all_auto_mappings(not args.check_only)