# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # XXX: we want transformers master here - in the absense of conftest manipulating sys.path: # hack it in for now: import sys from pathlib import Path git_repo_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[3] / "src" sys.path.insert(1, str(git_repo_path)) import dataclasses # noqa import io # noqa import itertools # noqa import json # noqa import os # noqa import unittest # noqa from copy import deepcopy # noqa from parameterized import parameterized # noqa from transformers import TrainingArguments, is_torch_available # noqa from transformers.integrations.deepspeed import is_deepspeed_available # noqa from transformers.file_utils import WEIGHTS_NAME # noqa from transformers.testing_utils import ( # noqa CaptureLogger, ExtendSysPath, TestCasePlus, execute_subprocess_async, get_gpu_count, mockenv_context, require_deepspeed, require_torch_gpu, require_torch_multi_gpu, slow, ) from transformers.trainer_utils import set_seed # noqa set_seed(42) models = {"base": "patrickvonplaten/wav2vec2_tiny_random", "robust": "patrickvonplaten/wav2vec2_tiny_random_robust"} ZERO2 = "zero2" ZERO3 = "zero3" stages = [ZERO2, ZERO3] def custom_name_func(func, param_num, param): # customize the test name generator function as we want both params to appear in the sub-test # name, as by default it shows only the first param param_based_name = parameterized.to_safe_name("_".join(str(x) for x in param.args)) return f"{func.__name__}_{param_based_name}" # Cartesian-product of zero stages with models to test params = list(itertools.product(stages, models.keys())) @slow @require_deepspeed @require_torch_gpu class TestDeepSpeedWav2Vec2(TestCasePlus): @parameterized.expand(params, name_func=custom_name_func) def test_fp32_non_distributed(self, stage, model): self.run_and_check( stage=stage, model=model, distributed=False, fp16=False, ) @require_torch_multi_gpu @parameterized.expand(params, name_func=custom_name_func) def test_fp32_distributed(self, stage, model): self.run_and_check( stage=stage, model=model, distributed=True, fp16=False, ) @parameterized.expand(params, name_func=custom_name_func) def test_fp16_non_distributed(self, stage, model): self.run_and_check( stage=stage, model=model, distributed=False, fp16=True, ) @require_torch_multi_gpu @parameterized.expand(params, name_func=custom_name_func) def test_fp16_distributed(self, stage, model): self.run_and_check( stage=stage, model=model, distributed=True, fp16=True, ) def do_checks(self, output_dir): # XXX: run_asr is premature and doesn't save any results # so all we check for now is that the process didn't fail pass # XXX: need to do better validation beyond just that the run was successful def run_and_check( self, stage: str, model: str, eval_steps: int = 10, distributed: bool = True, quality_checks: bool = True, fp16: bool = True, ): model_name = models[model] output_dir = self.run_trainer( stage=stage, model_name=model_name, eval_steps=eval_steps, num_train_epochs=1, distributed=distributed, fp16=fp16, ) self.do_checks(output_dir) return output_dir def run_trainer( self, stage: str, model_name: str, eval_steps: int = 10, num_train_epochs: int = 1, distributed: bool = True, fp16: bool = True, ): output_dir = self.get_auto_remove_tmp_dir("./xxx", after=False) args = f""" --model_name_or_path {model_name} --dataset_name hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy --dataset_config_name clean --train_split_name validation --validation_split_name validation --output_dir {output_dir} --num_train_epochs {str(num_train_epochs)} --per_device_train_batch_size 2 --per_device_eval_batch_size 2 --evaluation_strategy steps --learning_rate 5e-4 --warmup_steps 8 --orthography timit --preprocessing_num_workers 1 --group_by_length --freeze_feature_extractor --report_to none --save_steps 0 --eval_steps {eval_steps} --report_to none """.split() if fp16: args.extend(["--fp16"]) # currently ds_config_wav2vec2_zero.json requires "zero_optimization.find_unused_parameters": true, # hence the separate config files ds_args = f"--deepspeed {self.test_file_dir_str}/ds_config_wav2vec2_{stage}.json".split() script = [f"{self.examples_dir_str}/research_projects/wav2vec2/run_asr.py"] launcher = self.get_launcher(distributed) cmd = launcher + script + args + ds_args # keep for quick debug # print(" ".join([f"\nPYTHONPATH={self.src_dir_str}"] +cmd)); die execute_subprocess_async(cmd, env=self.get_env()) return output_dir def get_launcher(self, distributed=False): # 1. explicitly set --num_nodes=1 just in case these tests end up run on a multi-node setup # - it won't be able to handle that # 2. for now testing with just 2 gpus max (since some quality tests may give different # results with mode gpus because we use very little data) num_gpus = min(2, get_gpu_count()) if distributed else 1 return f"deepspeed --num_nodes 1 --num_gpus {num_gpus}".split()