name: Self-hosted runner (past-ci) # Note that each job's dependencies go into a corresponding docker file. # # For example for `run_all_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu` the docker image is # `huggingface/transformers-pytorch-deepspeed-latest-gpu`, which can be found at # `docker/transformers-pytorch-deepspeed-latest-gpu/Dockerfile` on: workflow_call: inputs: framework: required: true type: string version: required: true type: string # Use this to control the commit to test against sha: default: 'main' required: false type: string env: HF_HOME: /mnt/cache TRANSFORMERS_IS_CI: yes OMP_NUM_THREADS: 8 MKL_NUM_THREADS: 8 RUN_SLOW: yes SIGOPT_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SIGOPT_API_TOKEN }} TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH: true RUN_PT_TF_CROSS_TESTS: 1 jobs: check_runner_status: name: Check Runner Status runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout transformers uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 2 - name: Check Runner Status run: python utils/ --target_runners single-gpu-past-ci-runner-docker,multi-gpu-past-ci-runner-docker --token ${{ secrets.ACCESS_REPO_INFO_TOKEN }} check_runners: name: Check Runners needs: check_runner_status strategy: matrix: machine_type: [single-gpu, multi-gpu] runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-{1}', matrix.machine_type, 'docker-past-ci') }} container: image: huggingface/transformers-${{ inputs.framework }}-past-${{ inputs.version }}-gpu options: --gpus 0 --shm-size "16gb" --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ steps: - name: NVIDIA-SMI run: | nvidia-smi setup: name: Setup needs: check_runners strategy: matrix: machine_type: [single-gpu, multi-gpu] runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-{1}', matrix.machine_type, 'docker-past-ci') }} container: image: huggingface/transformers-${{ inputs.framework }}-past-${{ inputs.version }}-gpu options: --gpus 0 --shm-size "16gb" --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ outputs: matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrix.outputs.matrix }} steps: - name: Update clone working-directory: /transformers run: git fetch && git checkout ${{ inputs.sha }} - name: Cleanup working-directory: /transformers run: | rm -rf tests/__pycache__ rm -rf tests/models/__pycache__ rm -rf reports - name: Show installed libraries and their versions working-directory: /transformers run: pip freeze - id: set-matrix working-directory: /transformers name: Identify models to test run: | cd tests echo "matrix=$(python3 -c 'import os; tests = os.getcwd(); model_tests = os.listdir(os.path.join(tests, "models")); d1 = sorted(list(filter(os.path.isdir, os.listdir(tests)))); d2 = sorted(list(filter(os.path.isdir, [f"models/{x}" for x in model_tests]))); d1.remove("models"); d = d2 + d1; print(d)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT run_tests_single_gpu: name: Model tests strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: folders: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup.outputs.matrix) }} machine_type: [single-gpu] runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-{1}', matrix.machine_type, 'docker-past-ci') }} container: image: huggingface/transformers-${{ inputs.framework }}-past-${{ inputs.version }}-gpu options: --gpus 0 --shm-size "16gb" --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ needs: setup steps: - name: Update clone working-directory: /transformers run: git fetch && git checkout ${{ inputs.sha }} - name: Reinstall transformers in edit mode (remove the one installed during docker image build) working-directory: /transformers run: python3 -m pip uninstall -y transformers && python3 -m pip install -e . - name: Echo folder ${{ matrix.folders }} shell: bash # For folders like `models/bert`, set an env. var. (`matrix_folders`) to `models_bert`, which will be used to # set the artifact folder names (because the character `/` is not allowed). run: | echo "${{ matrix.folders }}" matrix_folders=${{ matrix.folders }} matrix_folders=${matrix_folders/'models/'/'models_'} echo "$matrix_folders" echo "matrix_folders=$matrix_folders" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: NVIDIA-SMI run: | nvidia-smi - name: Install if: inputs.framework == 'pytorch' working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir git+ - name: Environment working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 utils/ - name: Show installed libraries and their versions working-directory: /transformers run: pip freeze - name: Run all tests on GPU working-directory: /transformers run: python3 -m pytest -v --make-reports=${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }} tests/${{ matrix.folders }} - name: Failure short reports if: ${{ failure() }} continue-on-error: true run: cat /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }}/failures_short.txt - name: Save job name if: ${{ always() }} shell: bash run: | matrix_folders=${matrix_folders/'models_'/'models/'} job_name="Model tests ($matrix_folders, ${{ matrix.machine_type }})" echo "$job_name" echo "$job_name" > /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }}/job_name.txt - name: Test suite reports artifacts if: ${{ always() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.machine_type }}_run_all_tests_gpu_${{ env.matrix_folders }}_test_reports_postfix_${{ inputs.framework }}-${{ inputs.version }} path: /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }} run_tests_multi_gpu: name: Model tests strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: folders: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup.outputs.matrix) }} machine_type: [multi-gpu] runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-{1}', matrix.machine_type, 'docker-past-ci') }} container: image: huggingface/transformers-${{ inputs.framework }}-past-${{ inputs.version }}-gpu options: --gpus all --shm-size "16gb" --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ needs: setup steps: - name: Update clone working-directory: /transformers run: git fetch && git checkout ${{ inputs.sha }} - name: Reinstall transformers in edit mode (remove the one installed during docker image build) working-directory: /transformers run: python3 -m pip uninstall -y transformers && python3 -m pip install -e . - name: Echo folder ${{ matrix.folders }} shell: bash # For folders like `models/bert`, set an env. var. (`matrix_folders`) to `models_bert`, which will be used to # set the artifact folder names (because the character `/` is not allowed). run: | echo "${{ matrix.folders }}" matrix_folders=${{ matrix.folders }} matrix_folders=${matrix_folders/'models/'/'models_'} echo "$matrix_folders" echo "matrix_folders=$matrix_folders" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: NVIDIA-SMI run: | nvidia-smi - name: Install if: inputs.framework == 'pytorch' working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir git+ - name: Environment working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 utils/ - name: Show installed libraries and their versions working-directory: /transformers run: pip freeze - name: Run all tests on GPU working-directory: /transformers run: python3 -m pytest -v --make-reports=${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }} tests/${{ matrix.folders }} - name: Failure short reports if: ${{ failure() }} continue-on-error: true run: cat /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }}/failures_short.txt - name: Save job name if: ${{ always() }} shell: bash run: | matrix_folders=${matrix_folders/'models_'/'models/'} job_name="Model tests ($matrix_folders, ${{ matrix.machine_type }})" echo "$job_name" echo "$job_name" > /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }}/job_name.txt - name: Test suite reports artifacts if: ${{ always() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.machine_type }}_run_all_tests_gpu_${{ env.matrix_folders }}_test_reports_postfix_${{ inputs.framework }}-${{ inputs.version }} path: /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_gpu_${{ matrix.folders }} run_all_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu: name: Torch CUDA extension tests if: inputs.framework == 'pytorch' strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: machine_type: [single-gpu, multi-gpu] runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-{1}', matrix.machine_type, 'docker-past-ci') }} needs: setup container: image: huggingface/transformers-${{ inputs.framework }}-past-${{ inputs.version }}-gpu options: --gpus all --shm-size "16gb" --ipc host -v /mnt/cache/.cache/huggingface:/mnt/cache/ steps: - name: Update clone working-directory: /transformers run: git fetch && git checkout ${{ github.sha }} - name: Reinstall transformers in edit mode (remove the one installed during docker image build) working-directory: /transformers run: python3 -m pip uninstall -y transformers && python3 -m pip install -e . - name: Install working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir git+ - name: Remove cached torch extensions run: rm -rf /github/home/.cache/torch_extensions/ # To avoid unknown test failures - name: Pre build DeepSpeed *again* working-directory: / run: | python3 -m pip uninstall -y deepspeed rm -rf DeepSpeed git clone && cd DeepSpeed && rm -rf build DS_BUILD_CPU_ADAM=1 DS_BUILD_FUSED_ADAM=1 DS_BUILD_UTILS=1 python3 -m pip install . --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="-j8" --no-cache -v --disable-pip-version-check - name: NVIDIA-SMI run: | nvidia-smi - name: Environment working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 utils/ - name: Show installed libraries and their versions working-directory: /transformers run: pip freeze - name: Run all tests on GPU working-directory: /transformers run: | python3 -m pytest -v --make-reports=${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu tests/deepspeed tests/extended - name: Failure short reports if: ${{ failure() }} continue-on-error: true run: cat /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu/failures_short.txt - name: Test suite reports artifacts if: ${{ always() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.machine_type }}_run_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu_test_reports_postfix_${{ inputs.framework }}-${{ inputs.version }} path: /transformers/reports/${{ matrix.machine_type }}_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu send_results: name: Send results to webhook runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: always() needs: [ check_runner_status, check_runners, setup, run_tests_single_gpu, run_tests_multi_gpu, run_all_tests_torch_cuda_extensions_gpu ] steps: - name: Preliminary job status shell: bash # For the meaning of these environment variables, see the job `Setup` run: | echo "Runner availability: ${{ needs.check_runner_status.result }}" echo "Runner status: ${{ needs.check_runners.result }}" echo "Setup status: ${{ needs.setup.result }}" - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # Create a directory to store test failure tables in the next step - name: Create directory run: mkdir test_failure_tables - name: Send message to Slack env: CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CI_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN }} CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID: ${{ secrets.CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }} CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY: ${{ secrets.CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_DAILY }} CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_DUMMY_TESTS: ${{ secrets.CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_DUMMY_TESTS }} CI_SLACK_REPORT_CHANNEL_ID: ${{ secrets.CI_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID_PAST_FUTURE }} ACCESS_REPO_INFO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_REPO_INFO_TOKEN }} CI_EVENT: Past CI - ${{ inputs.framework }}-${{ inputs.version }} RUNNER_STATUS: ${{ needs.check_runner_status.result }} RUNNER_ENV_STATUS: ${{ needs.check_runners.result }} SETUP_STATUS: ${{ needs.setup.result }} # We pass `needs.setup.outputs.matrix` as the argument. A processing in `` to change # `models/bert` to `models_bert` is required, as the artifact names use `_` instead of `/`. run: | pip install slack_sdk pip show slack_sdk python utils/ "${{ needs.setup.outputs.matrix }}" # Upload complete failure tables, as they might be big and only truncated versions could be sent to Slack. - name: Failure table artifacts if: ${{ always() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: test_failure_tables_${{ inputs.framework }}-${{ inputs.version }} path: test_failure_tables # delete-artifact - uses: geekyeggo/delete-artifact@v2 with: name: | single-* multi-*