import re import os os.system(f"pip install open-interpreter") os.system(f"pip install matplotlib") import json import gradio as gr from interpreter import interpreter import time import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') #get openaiapikey from environment variable openaiapikey = os.environ.get('OPENAI_API_KEY') #install open-interpreter package os.system(f"pip install open-interpreter") interpreter.auto_run = True interpreter.llm.model = "gpt-4-turbo" interpreter.custom_instructions = "First ask the user what they want to do. Based on the input, describe the next steps. If user agrees, proceed; if not, ask what they want next.If it is anything to display , always at the end open up the file." def json_to_markdown(json_data): full_message = "" images = [] for item in json_data: if item['role'] == 'assistant': if item['type'] == 'message': content = item.get('content', " ") full_message += content + " " elif item['type'] == 'image' and 'path' in item: images.append(item['path']) return full_message.strip(), images def list_png_files(directory): """List .png files in a given directory, sorted by modification time.""" png_files = [os.path.join(directory, f) for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('.png')] png_files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x), reverse=True) # Newest first return png_files def update_images(image_component): """Update the image component with the latest image from the current directory.""" current_directory = os.getcwd() # Get the current working directory png_files = list_png_files(current_directory) if png_files: return png_files[0] # Load the most recent image file return "No images available" def create_chat_widget(): with gr.Blocks() as chatblock: # Declare chatbot and txt here so they are accessible later chatbot = gr.Chatbot( [], elem_id="gpt4", elem_classes="gpt4", layout="llm", bubble_full_width=False, height=600, ) txt = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Enter text and press enter to chat with the bot.", show_label=False, ) # Main chat interface row with gr.Row(): send_button = gr.Button("Send") txt.submit(update_bot, inputs=[txt, chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, txt]), inputs=[txt, chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, txt]) # Adding a row for the New Chat button at the top with gr.Row(): new_chat_button = gr.Button("New Chat", scale=3, interactive=True) # Ensure new_chat function resets both chatbot and txt components, inputs=[], outputs=[chatbot, txt]) # Image display row with gr.Row(): image_display = gr.Image() update_image_button = gr.Button("Update Image"), inputs=[], outputs=image_display) return chatblock def new_chat(): return [], "" def update_bot(text, chatbot): if text.strip(): # Ensure the input text is not empty or just whitespace # Append user input to the chat with specific formatting chatbot.append(("User: " + text.strip(), "")) # Simulate getting a response from the interpreter response_json =, stream=True, display=False) formatted_response, images = json_to_markdown(response_json) # Append the assistant's response with the desired formatting if formatted_response.strip(): chatbot.append(("Assistant: " + formatted_response.strip(), "")) # Handle images here if necessary for img_path in images: if os.path.exists(img_path) and img_path.endswith('.png'): # Optionally display image paths chatbot.append(("Assistant (image):", img_path)) else: chatbot.append(("Assistant:", "Image not found or path is invalid.")) return chatbot, "" with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tab("HEXON Chatbot Assignment"): chat_interface = create_chat_widget() demo.launch()