import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import pickle st.title("Default Risk Prediction for Customer") # Import model model = pickle.load(open("model.pkl", "rb")) st.write('Please choose how to input your information:') input_option ='Input Option', ('Manual Input', 'Upload File')) if input_option == 'Manual Input': st.write('Please fill in your information:') # User input nit = st.selectbox(label='From where is your source of income?', options=['Working', 'State servant', 'Commercial associate', 'Pensioner', 'Unemployed', 'Student', 'Businessman', 'Maternity leave']) org = st.selectbox(label='What is your organization type?', options= ['Business Entity Type 3', 'School', 'Government', 'Religion', 'XNA', 'Electricity', 'Medicine', 'Business Entity Type 2', 'Self-employed', 'Transport: type 2', 'Construction', 'Housing', 'Kindergarten', 'Trade: type 7', 'Industry: type 11', 'Military', 'Services', 'Security Ministries', 'Transport: type 4', 'Industry: type 1', 'Emergency', 'Security', 'Trade: type 2', 'University', 'Transport: type 3', 'Police', 'Business Entity Type 1', 'Postal', 'Industry: type 4', 'Agriculture', 'Restaurant', 'Culture', 'Hotel', 'Industry: type 7', 'Trade: type 3', 'Industry: type 3', 'Bank', 'Industry: type 9', 'Insurance', 'Trade: type 6', 'Industry: type 2', 'Transport: type 1', 'Industry: type 12', 'Mobile', 'Trade: type 1', 'Industry: type 5', 'Industry: type 10', 'Legal Services', 'Advertising', 'Trade: type 5', 'Cleaning', 'Industry: type 13', 'Trade: type 4', 'Telecom', 'Industry: type 8', 'Realtor', 'Industry: type 6', 'Other']) occ = st.selectbox(label='What is your occupation type?', options= ['Laborers', 'Core staff', 'Accountants', 'Managers', 'Drivers', 'Sales staff', 'Cleaning staff', 'Cooking staff', 'Private service staff', 'Medicine staff', 'Security staff', 'High skill tech staff', 'Waiters/barmen staff', 'Low-skill Laborers', 'Realty agents', 'Secretaries', 'IT staff','HR staff', 'Others']) xs3 = st.number_input(label='Enter your third external source:', min_value=0.00000, max_value=0.99999, value=0.00000, step=0.00001) xs2 = st.number_input(label='Enter your second external source:', min_value=0.00000, max_value=0.99999, value=0.00000, step=0.00001) dbh = st.number_input(label='How old are you in days?:', min_value=-99999, max_value=0, value=-10000, step=1) acr = st.number_input(label='How much is your amount credit?:', min_value=0, max_value=9999999, value=100000, step=1) ait = st.number_input(label='How much is your amount income in total?:', min_value=0, max_value=999999999, value=1000000, step=1) cip = acr / ait ama = st.number_input(label='How much is your amount annuity?:', min_value=0.0, max_value=999999.9, value=10000.0, step=0.1) aip = ama / ait crt = ama / acr dem = st.number_input(label='How long have you been working in days?:', value=10000, step=1) dep = dem / dbh # Convert into dataframe data = pd.DataFrame({'name_income_type': [nit], 'organization_type': [org], 'occupation_type': [occ], 'ext_source_3': [xs3], 'ext_source_2': [xs2], 'days_birth': [dbh], 'credit_income_percent': [cip], 'annuity_income_percent': [aip], 'credit_term': [crt], 'days_employed_percent': [dep] }) # Prediction if st.button('Predict'): prediction = model.predict(data).tolist()[0] if prediction == 0: prediction = 'Congratulations, this person is most likely to pay!' else: prediction = 'Too bad, this person may not be able to pay!' st.write('Prediction result:') st.write(prediction) else: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload CSV file', type='csv') if uploaded_file is not None: data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) st.write('Data uploaded successfully!') if st.button('Predict'): predictions = model.predict(data) result_data = pd.DataFrame({'SK_ID_CURR': data['sk_id_curr'], 'TARGET': predictions}) st.write('Prediction result:') st.dataframe(result_data)