server: env_name: ${APP_ENV:ollama} llm: mode: ollama max_new_tokens: 512 context_window: 3900 temperature: 0.1 #The temperature of the model. Increasing the temperature will make the model answer more creatively. A value of 0.1 would be more factual. (Default: 0.1) embedding: mode: ollama ollama: llm_model: mistral embedding_model: nomic-embed-text api_base: http://localhost:11434 embedding_api_base: http://localhost:11434 # change if your embedding model runs on another ollama keep_alive: 5m tfs_z: 1.0 # Tail free sampling is used to reduce the impact of less probable tokens from the output. A higher value (e.g., 2.0) will reduce the impact more, while a value of 1.0 disables this setting. top_k: 40 # Reduces the probability of generating nonsense. A higher value (e.g. 100) will give more diverse answers, while a lower value (e.g. 10) will be more conservative. (Default: 40) top_p: 0.9 # Works together with top-k. A higher value (e.g., 0.95) will lead to more diverse text, while a lower value (e.g., 0.5) will generate more focused and conservative text. (Default: 0.9) repeat_last_n: 64 # Sets how far back for the model to look back to prevent repetition. (Default: 64, 0 = disabled, -1 = num_ctx) repeat_penalty: 1.2 # Sets how strongly to penalize repetitions. A higher value (e.g., 1.5) will penalize repetitions more strongly, while a lower value (e.g., 0.9) will be more lenient. (Default: 1.1) request_timeout: 120.0 # Time elapsed until ollama times out the request. Default is 120s. Format is float. vectorstore: database: qdrant qdrant: path: local_data/private_gpt/qdrant