from typing import Literal from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Request, UploadFile from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from private_gpt.server.ingest.ingest_service import IngestService from private_gpt.server.ingest.model import IngestedDoc from private_gpt.server.utils.auth import authenticated ingest_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1", dependencies=[Depends(authenticated)]) class IngestTextBody(BaseModel): file_name: str = Field(examples=["Avatar: The Last Airbender"]) text: str = Field( examples=[ "Avatar is set in an Asian and Arctic-inspired world in which some " "people can telekinetically manipulate one of the four elements—water, " "earth, fire or air—through practices known as 'bending', inspired by " "Chinese martial arts." ] ) class IngestResponse(BaseModel): object: Literal["list"] model: Literal["private-gpt"] data: list[IngestedDoc]"/ingest", tags=["Ingestion"], deprecated=True) def ingest(request: Request, file: UploadFile) -> IngestResponse: """Ingests and processes a file. Deprecated. Use ingest/file instead. """ return ingest_file(request, file)"/ingest/file", tags=["Ingestion"]) def ingest_file(request: Request, file: UploadFile) -> IngestResponse: """Ingests and processes a file, storing its chunks to be used as context. The context obtained from files is later used in `/chat/completions`, `/completions`, and `/chunks` APIs. Most common document formats are supported, but you may be prompted to install an extra dependency to manage a specific file type. A file can generate different Documents (for example a PDF generates one Document per page). All Documents IDs are returned in the response, together with the extracted Metadata (which is later used to improve context retrieval). Those IDs can be used to filter the context used to create responses in `/chat/completions`, `/completions`, and `/chunks` APIs. """ service = request.state.injector.get(IngestService) if file.filename is None: raise HTTPException(400, "No file name provided") ingested_documents = service.ingest_bin_data(file.filename, file.file) return IngestResponse(object="list", model="private-gpt", data=ingested_documents)"/ingest/text", tags=["Ingestion"]) def ingest_text(request: Request, body: IngestTextBody) -> IngestResponse: """Ingests and processes a text, storing its chunks to be used as context. The context obtained from files is later used in `/chat/completions`, `/completions`, and `/chunks` APIs. A Document will be generated with the given text. The Document ID is returned in the response, together with the extracted Metadata (which is later used to improve context retrieval). That ID can be used to filter the context used to create responses in `/chat/completions`, `/completions`, and `/chunks` APIs. """ service = request.state.injector.get(IngestService) if len(body.file_name) == 0: raise HTTPException(400, "No file name provided") ingested_documents = service.ingest_text(body.file_name, body.text) return IngestResponse(object="list", model="private-gpt", data=ingested_documents) @ingest_router.get("/ingest/list", tags=["Ingestion"]) def list_ingested(request: Request) -> IngestResponse: """Lists already ingested Documents including their Document ID and metadata. Those IDs can be used to filter the context used to create responses in `/chat/completions`, `/completions`, and `/chunks` APIs. """ service = request.state.injector.get(IngestService) ingested_documents = service.list_ingested() return IngestResponse(object="list", model="private-gpt", data=ingested_documents) @ingest_router.delete("/ingest/{doc_id}", tags=["Ingestion"]) def delete_ingested(request: Request, doc_id: str) -> None: """Delete the specified ingested Document. The `doc_id` can be obtained from the `GET /ingest/list` endpoint. The document will be effectively deleted from your storage context. """ service = request.state.injector.get(IngestService) service.delete(doc_id)