import abc from typing import Any import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt class LlamaDraftModel(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, input_ids: npt.NDArray[np.intc], /, **kwargs: Any ) -> npt.NDArray[np.intc]: raise NotImplementedError() class LlamaPromptLookupDecoding(LlamaDraftModel): """Based on""" def __init__(self, max_ngram_size: int = 2, num_pred_tokens: int = 10): self.max_ngram_size = max_ngram_size self.num_pred_tokens = num_pred_tokens @staticmethod def find_candidate_pred_tokens( input_ids: npt.NDArray[np.intc], max_ngram_size: int, num_pred_tokens: int, ): input_length = input_ids.shape[0] for ngram_size in range(min(max_ngram_size, input_length - 1), 0, -1): # Create sliding windows of size ngram_size windows = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(input_ids, (ngram_size,)) # Convert ngram to an array for comparison ngram_array = input_ids[-ngram_size:] # Find where the windows match the ngram matches = np.all(windows == ngram_array, axis=1) # Get the indices of matches match_indices = np.nonzero(matches)[0] # Iterate through match indices to find a valid continuation for idx in match_indices: start_idx = idx + ngram_size end_idx = start_idx + num_pred_tokens end_idx = min(end_idx, input_length) if start_idx < end_idx: return input_ids[start_idx:end_idx] # If no match is found, return an empty array return np.array([], dtype=np.intc) def __call__( self, input_ids: npt.NDArray[np.intc], /, **kwargs: Any ) -> npt.NDArray[np.intc]: return self.find_candidate_pred_tokens( input_ids=input_ids, max_ngram_size=self.max_ngram_size, num_pred_tokens=self.num_pred_tokens, )