## Vectorstores PrivateGPT supports [Qdrant](https://qdrant.tech/), [Chroma](https://www.trychroma.com/) and [PGVector](https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector) as vectorstore providers. Qdrant being the default. In order to select one or the other, set the `vectorstore.database` property in the `settings.yaml` file to `qdrant`, `chroma` or `postgres`. ```yaml vectorstore: database: qdrant ``` ### Qdrant configuration To enable Qdrant, set the `vectorstore.database` property in the `settings.yaml` file to `qdrant`. Qdrant settings can be configured by setting values to the `qdrant` property in the `settings.yaml` file. The available configuration options are: | Field | Description | |--------------|-------------| | location | If `:memory:` - use in-memory Qdrant instance. If `str` - use it as a `url` parameter.| | url | Either host or str of 'Optional[scheme], host, Optional[port], Optional[prefix]'. Eg. `http://localhost:6333` | | port | Port of the REST API interface. Default: `6333` | | grpc_port | Port of the gRPC interface. Default: `6334` | | prefer_grpc | If `true` - use gRPC interface whenever possible in custom methods. | | https | If `true` - use HTTPS(SSL) protocol.| | api_key | API key for authentication in Qdrant Cloud.| | prefix | If set, add `prefix` to the REST URL path. Example: `service/v1` will result in `http://localhost:6333/service/v1/{qdrant-endpoint}` for REST API.| | timeout | Timeout for REST and gRPC API requests. Default: 5.0 seconds for REST and unlimited for gRPC | | host | Host name of Qdrant service. If url and host are not set, defaults to 'localhost'.| | path | Persistence path for QdrantLocal. Eg. `local_data/private_gpt/qdrant`| | force_disable_check_same_thread | Force disable check_same_thread for QdrantLocal sqlite connection, defaults to True.| By default Qdrant tries to connect to an instance of Qdrant server at `http://localhost:3000`. To obtain a local setup (disk-based database) without running a Qdrant server, configure the `qdrant.path` value in settings.yaml: ```yaml qdrant: path: local_data/private_gpt/qdrant ``` ### Chroma configuration To enable Chroma, set the `vectorstore.database` property in the `settings.yaml` file to `chroma` and install the `chroma` extra. ```bash poetry install --extras chroma ``` By default `chroma` will use a disk-based database stored in local_data_path / "chroma_db" (being local_data_path defined in settings.yaml) ### PGVector To use the PGVector store a [postgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) database with the PGVector extension must be used. To enable PGVector, set the `vectorstore.database` property in the `settings.yaml` file to `postgres` and install the `vector-stores-postgres` extra. ```bash poetry install --extras vector-stores-postgres ``` PGVector settings can be configured by setting values to the `postgres` property in the `settings.yaml` file. The available configuration options are: | Field | Description | |---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | **host** | The server hosting the Postgres database. Default is `localhost` | | **port** | The port on which the Postgres database is accessible. Default is `5432` | | **database** | The specific database to connect to. Default is `postgres` | | **user** | The username for database access. Default is `postgres` | | **password** | The password for database access. (Required) | | **schema_name** | The database schema to use. Default is `private_gpt` | For example: ```yaml vectorstore: database: postgres postgres: host: localhost port: 5432 database: postgres user: postgres password: schema_name: private_gpt ``` The following table will be created in the database ``` postgres=# \d private_gpt.data_embeddings Table "private_gpt.data_embeddings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -----------+-------------------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------- id | bigint | | not null | nextval('private_gpt.data_embeddings_id_seq'::regclass) text | character varying | | not null | metadata_ | json | | | node_id | character varying | | | embedding | vector(768) | | | Indexes: "data_embeddings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) postgres=# ``` The dimensions of the embeddings columns will be set based on the `embedding.embed_dim` value. If the embedding model changes this table may need to be dropped and recreated to avoid a dimension mismatch.