import cv2 import json import gradio as gr import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from backbone import create_name_vit from backbone import ClassificationModel vit_l16_384 = { "backbone_name": "vit-l/16", "backbone_params": { "image_size": 384, "representation_size": 0, "attention_dropout_rate": 0., "dropout_rate": 0., "channels": 3 }, "dropout_rate": 0., "pretrained": "./weights/vit_l16_384/model-weights" } # Init backbone backbone = create_name_vit(vit_l16_384["backbone_name"], **vit_l16_384["backbone_params"]) # Init classification model model = ClassificationModel( backbone=backbone, dropout_rate=vit_l16_384["dropout_rate"], num_classes=1000 ) # Load weights model.load_weights(vit_l16_384["pretrained"]) model.trainable = False # Load ImageNet idx to label mapping with open("assets/imagenet_1000_idx2labels.json") as f: idx_to_label = json.load(f) def resize_with_normalization(image, size=[384, 384]): image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) image = tf.image.resize(image, size) image -= tf.constant(127.5, shape=(1, 1, 3), dtype=tf.float32) image /= tf.constant(127.5, shape=(1, 1, 3), dtype=tf.float32) image = tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0) return image def softmax_stable(x): return(np.exp(x - np.max(x)) / np.exp(x - np.max(x)).sum()) def classify_image(img, top_k): img = tf.convert_to_tensor(img) img = resize_with_normalization(img) pred_logits = model.predict(img, batch_size=1, workers=8)[0] pred_probs = softmax_stable(pred_logits) top_k_labels = pred_probs.argsort()[-top_k:][::-1] return {idx_to_label[str(idx)] : round(float(pred_probs[idx]), 4) for idx in top_k_labels} description = """ Gradio demo for ViT released by Kakao Lab, introduced in Simple Open-Vocabulary Object Detection with Vision Transformers. \n\nYou can use OWL-ViT to query images with text descriptions of any object. To use it, simply upload an image and enter comma separated text descriptions of objects you want to query the image for. You can also use the score threshold slider to set a threshold to filter out low probability predictions. \n\nOWL-ViT is trained on text templates, hence you can get better predictions by querying the image with text templates used in training the original model: *"photo of a star-spangled banner"*, *"image of a shoe"*. Refer to the CLIP paper to see the full list of text templates used to augment the training data. """ demo = gr.Interface( classify_image, inputs=[gr.Image(), gr.Slider(0, 1000, value=5)], outputs=gr.outputs.Label(), title="Image Classification with Kakao Brain ViT", #description=description, ) demo.launch()