import torch from safetensors.torch import load_file as safetensors_load_file from safetensors.torch import save_file as safetensors_save_file import sys, argparse def load_ckpt(ckpt_filepath): print(f"Loading model from {ckpt_filepath}") if ckpt_filepath.endswith(".safetensors"): state_dict = safetensors_load_file(ckpt_filepath, device="cpu") ckpt = None else: ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_filepath, map_location="cpu") state_dict = ckpt["state_dict"] return ckpt, state_dict def save_ckpt(ckpt, ckpt_state_dict, ckpt_filepath): if ckpt_filepath.endswith(".safetensors"): safetensors_save_file(ckpt_state_dict, ckpt_filepath) else: if ckpt is not None:, ckpt_filepath) else:, ckpt_filepath) print(f"Saved to {ckpt_filepath}") def load_two_models(base_ckpt_filepath, vae_ckpt_filepath): base_ckpt, base_state_dict = load_ckpt(base_ckpt_filepath) _, vae_state_dict = load_ckpt(vae_ckpt_filepath) # Other fields in sd_ckpt are also needed when saving the checkpoint. # So return the whole sd_ckpt. return base_ckpt, base_state_dict, vae_state_dict parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--base_ckpt", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the base checkpoint") parser.add_argument("--vae_ckpt", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the checkpoint providing vae") parser.add_argument("--out_ckpt", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the output checkpoint") args = parser.parse_args() base_ckpt, base_state_dict, vae_state_dict = load_two_models(args.base_ckpt, args.vae_ckpt) # base_state_dict = sd_ckpt["state_dict"] repl_count = 0 for k in base_state_dict: if k.startswith("first_stage_model."): k2 = k.replace("first_stage_model.", "") if k2 not in vae_state_dict: print(f"!!!! '{k2}' not in VAE checkpoint") continue if base_state_dict[k].shape != vae_state_dict[k2].shape: print(f"!!!! '{k}' shape mismatch: {base_state_dict[k].shape} vs {vae_state_dict[k2].shape} !!!!") continue print(k) base_state_dict[k] = vae_state_dict[k2] repl_count += 1 if repl_count > 0: print(f"{repl_count} parameters replaced") save_ckpt(base_ckpt, base_state_dict, args.out_ckpt) else: print("ERROR: No parameter replaced")