import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np from Dashboard_setup import prompt_dir, automated_task_list, sidebar_information, compatible_versions, dashboard_version_code from pages.Functions.Dashboard_functions import prompt_to_csv, prompt_df_for_download # Page st.title('Generative Image Benchmark') st.write('This is an evaluation platform to assess the performance of image generation algorithms developed by Intel Labs. This is the beta version of the platform.') st.subheader('User guide') st.write('To assess a generative image algorithm, download a set of prompts using the prompt downloader below. Generate one image per prompt and use the file names provided to name your images. Upload these generated images in the data upload section below. The pages for manual assessment and automated assessment allow you to systematically assess the generated images. The results will be presented and ready for download on the assessment summary page.') sidebar_information() ###### Setup of variables ############################ ## Add prompt directory to session state st.session_state['prompt_dir'] = prompt_dir ## Create lists of prompts for manual and automated assessments st.session_state['automated_tasks'] = automated_task_list automated_prompts = prompt_dir.loc[ (prompt_dir['Auto_assessment']==True)& (prompt_dir['Task']).isin(st.session_state['automated_tasks'])].ID.tolist() manual_prompts = prompt_dir.ID.tolist() # Generate empty dataset for results, if it does not exist yet try: num_uploaded_images = st.session_state['eval_df'].shape[0] except KeyError: st.session_state['eval_df'] = pd.DataFrame( columns=['File_name','Prompt_no','automated_eval','manual_eval','manual_eval_completed','manual_eval_task_score']) st.session_state['uploaded_img'] = [] # Create dic for automated asssssment if it does not excist yet try: test_dict = st.session_state['results_dict'] except KeyError: st.session_state['results_dict'] = {} ###### Prompt downloader ############################ ## Add prompt downloading routine in expander box with st.expander("Prompt downloader"): st.write('Select the number of prompts you want to download for each task category. The set of prompts will automatically also include all single objects appearing in the selected prompts.') # Add elements to allow user to select count of prompts per task prompt_download = prompt_df_for_download(prompt_dir) # For img2img prompt, the prompt in the download gets replaced by img2img instructions img2img_instructions_col = prompt_download.loc[prompt_download['Task'].str.startswith('img2img')]['img2img_instructions'] prompt_download.loc[prompt_download['Task'].str.startswith('img2img'),'Prompt']=img2img_instructions_col # Add download button for prompts st.download_button( label="Download prompts", data=prompt_to_csv(prompt_download, added_version_code=dashboard_version_code), file_name='prompt_list.csv', mime='text/csv', ) ###### Data uploader and eval_df creation ############################ st.subheader('Data upload') #uploaded_files = st.file_uploader('Upload generated images', accept_multiple_files=True) with st.form("my-form", clear_on_submit=True): uploaded_files = st.file_uploader('Select images for upload', accept_multiple_files=True) man_assessment_share = st.selectbox( 'Select share of uploaded images to be used for manual assessment.', ('100%', '50%')) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Add images") st.session_state['uploaded_img'] = st.session_state['uploaded_img']+uploaded_files # Add new uploaded images to session state ## Try to append it to pre-existing list, else create new list in session state ## Always reset uploaded files to empty list after they have been added to state if len(uploaded_files) != 0: try: # Extract prompts of uploaded files file_names = [ for x in uploaded_files] files_prompts = [x.split('_',maxsplit=1)[0][1:] for x in file_names] try: files_versions = [x.split('_v',maxsplit=1)[1] for x in file_names] files_compatible = [x.rsplit('.',1)[0] in compatible_versions for x in files_versions] except IndexError: files_compatible = [False]*len(files_prompts) # Create manual evaluation df df_dict = {'File_name':file_names, 'Prompt_no':files_prompts, 'File_compatible':files_compatible} eval_df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) eval_df['automated_eval'] = eval_df['Prompt_no'].astype('int').isin(automated_prompts) eval_df['manual_eval'] = eval_df['Prompt_no'].astype('int').isin(manual_prompts) eval_df['manual_eval_completed'] = False eval_df['manual_eval_task_score'] = np.nan # Set manual and automated eval = False if files are not compatible eval_df.loc[eval_df['File_compatible']==False,['automated_eval','manual_eval']]=False # Exclude given percentage of uploaded images from manual assessment; with random selection if man_assessment_share == '50%': reassign_number = int(len(eval_df)/2) manual_eval_reassign = eval_df['manual_eval'] random_image_indices = np.random.choice(len(manual_eval_reassign),reassign_number, replace=False) manual_eval_reassign.iloc[random_image_indices]=False eval_df['manual_eval'] = manual_eval_reassign # Join new uploaded df with existing df joint_eval_df = pd.concat([st.session_state['eval_df'], eval_df], ignore_index=True) # Add task name to eval_df Prompt_no_task_dict = dict(zip(prompt_dir.ID.astype('str').to_list(),prompt_dir.Task.to_list())) joint_eval_df['Task'] = # Save eval_df to session state st.session_state['eval_df'] = joint_eval_df except KeyError: st.session_state['uploaded_img'] = uploaded_files ###### Upload status visualisation ############################ eval_df = st.session_state['eval_df'] if eval_df.shape[0]!=0: # Print current state of uploaded data st.write("{0} images uploaded. Reload the page to reset the image upload.".format(str(eval_df.shape[0]))) st.write("- Available for manual assessment: ", str(sum(eval_df.manual_eval))) manual_eval_available = sum(eval_df.manual_eval) st.write("- Available for automated assessment: ", str(sum(eval_df.automated_eval))) if eval_df.shape[0]>sum(eval_df.manual_eval): st.write('WARNING: {0} image(s) with invalid file names uploaded. Pictures with invalid names will not be available for assessment. Use the file names provided by the prompt downloader to correctly name your generated images.'.format(str(eval_df.shape[0]-sum(eval_df.manual_eval)))) if eval_df.shape[0]>sum(eval_df.File_compatible): st.write('WARNING: Some of the images uploaded are not compatible with this version of benchmark software. Please go to to learn more about hosting the version compatible with your images.') else: st.write("Upload files to start the assessment.")