import itertools import operator import os import shutil import time from functools import reduce from typing import List, Union import configargparse import yaml from flatten_dict import flatten, unflatten from loguru import logger from yacs.config import CfgNode as CN from utils.cluster import execute_task_on_cluster from utils.default_hparams import hparams def parse_args(): def add_common_cmdline_args(parser): # for cluster runs parser.add_argument('--cfg', required=True, type=str, help='cfg file path') parser.add_argument('--opts', default=[], nargs='*', help='additional options to update config') parser.add_argument('--cfg_id', type=int, default=0, help='cfg id to run when multiple experiments are spawned') parser.add_argument('--cluster', default=False, action='store_true', help='creates submission files for cluster') parser.add_argument('--bid', type=int, default=10, help='amount of bid for cluster') parser.add_argument('--memory', type=int, default=64000, help='memory amount for cluster') parser.add_argument('--gpu_min_mem', type=int, default=12000, help='minimum amount of GPU memory') parser.add_argument('--gpu_arch', default=['tesla', 'quadro', 'rtx'], nargs='*', help='additional options to update config') parser.add_argument('--num_cpus', type=int, default=8, help='num cpus for cluster') return parser # For Blender main parser arg_formatter = configargparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter cfg_parser = configargparse.YAMLConfigFileParser description = 'PyTorch implementation of DECO' parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=arg_formatter, config_file_parser_class=cfg_parser, description=description, prog='deco') parser = add_common_cmdline_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() print(args, end='\n\n') return args def get_hparams_defaults(): """Get a yacs hparamsNode object with default values for my_project.""" # Return a clone so that the defaults will not be altered # This is for the "local variable" use pattern return hparams.clone() def update_hparams(hparams_file): hparams = get_hparams_defaults() hparams.merge_from_file(hparams_file) return hparams.clone() def update_hparams_from_dict(cfg_dict): hparams = get_hparams_defaults() cfg = hparams.load_cfg(str(cfg_dict)) hparams.merge_from_other_cfg(cfg) return hparams.clone() def get_grid_search_configs(config, excluded_keys=[]): """ :param config: dictionary with the configurations :return: The different configurations """ def bool_to_string(x: Union[List[bool], bool]) -> Union[List[str], str]: """ boolean to string conversion :param x: list or bool to be converted :return: string converted thinghat """ if isinstance(x, bool): return [str(x)] for i, j in enumerate(x): x[i] = str(j) return x # exclude from grid search flattened_config_dict = flatten(config, reducer='path') hyper_params = [] for k,v in flattened_config_dict.items(): if isinstance(v,list): if k in excluded_keys: flattened_config_dict[k] = ['+'.join(v)] elif len(v) > 1: hyper_params += [k] if isinstance(v, list) and isinstance(v[0], bool) : flattened_config_dict[k] = bool_to_string(v) if not isinstance(v,list): if isinstance(v, bool): flattened_config_dict[k] = bool_to_string(v) else: flattened_config_dict[k] = [v] keys, values = zip(*flattened_config_dict.items()) experiments = [dict(zip(keys, v)) for v in itertools.product(*values)] for exp_id, exp in enumerate(experiments): for param in excluded_keys: exp[param] = exp[param].strip().split('+') for param_name, param_value in exp.items(): # print(param_name,type(param_value)) if isinstance(param_value, list) and (param_value[0] in ['True', 'False']): exp[param_name] = [True if x == 'True' else False for x in param_value] if param_value in ['True', 'False']: if param_value == 'True': exp[param_name] = True else: exp[param_name] = False experiments[exp_id] = unflatten(exp, splitter='path') return experiments, hyper_params def get_from_dict(dict, keys): return reduce(operator.getitem, keys, dict) def save_dict_to_yaml(obj, filename, mode='w'): with open(filename, mode) as f: yaml.dump(obj, f, default_flow_style=False) def run_grid_search_experiments( args, script='', change_wt_name=True ): cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(args.cfg)) # parse config file to split into a list of configs with tuning hyperparameters separated # Also return the names of tuned hyperparameters hyperparameters different_configs, hyperparams = get_grid_search_configs( cfg, excluded_keys=['TRAINING/DATASETS', 'TRAINING/DATASET_MIX_PDF', 'VALIDATION/DATASETS'], )'Grid search hparams: \n {hyperparams}') # The config file may be missing some default values, so we need to add them different_configs = [update_hparams_from_dict(c) for c in different_configs]'======> Number of experiment configurations is {len(different_configs)}') config_to_run = CN(different_configs[args.cfg_id]) if args.cluster: execute_task_on_cluster( script=script, exp_name=config_to_run.EXP_NAME, output_dir=config_to_run.OUTPUT_DIR, condor_dir=config_to_run.CONDOR_DIR, cfg_file=args.cfg, num_exp=len(different_configs),, num_workers=config_to_run.DATASET.NUM_WORKERS, memory=args.memory, exp_opts=args.opts, gpu_min_mem=args.gpu_min_mem, gpu_arch=args.gpu_arch, ) exit() # ==== create logdir using hyperparam settings logtime = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S') logdir = f'{logtime}_{config_to_run.EXP_NAME}' wt_file = config_to_run.EXP_NAME + '_' for hp in hyperparams: v = get_from_dict(different_configs[args.cfg_id], hp.split('/')) logdir += f'_{hp.replace("/", ".").replace("_", "").lower()}-{v}' wt_file += f'{hp.replace("/", ".").replace("_", "").lower()}-{v}_' logdir = os.path.join(config_to_run.OUTPUT_DIR, logdir) os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True) config_to_run.LOGDIR = logdir wt_file += 'best.pth' wt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config_to_run.TRAINING.BEST_MODEL_PATH), wt_file) if change_wt_name: config_to_run.TRAINING.BEST_MODEL_PATH = wt_path shutil.copy(src=args.cfg, dst=os.path.join(logdir, 'config.yaml')) # save config save_dict_to_yaml( unflatten(flatten(config_to_run)), os.path.join(config_to_run.LOGDIR, 'config_to_run.yaml') ) return config_to_run