import diffusers import transformers import gradio as gr from ml_mgie.mgie_llava import * from ml_mgie.conversation import conv_templates import torch as T import numpy as np from PIL import Image import huggingface_hub import spaces # Constants DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN = '' DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN = '' DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN = '' DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN = '' PATH_LLAVA = '_ckpt/LLaVA-7B-v1' # Download the model checkpoint huggingface_hub.snapshot_download( repo_id='tsujuifu/ml-mgie', repo_type='model', local_dir='_ckpt', local_dir_use_symlinks=False) # Load the model and tokenizer tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(PATH_LLAVA) model = LlavaLlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( PATH_LLAVA, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=T.float16, use_cache=True).cuda() image_processor = transformers.CLIPImageProcessor.from_pretrained( model.config.mm_vision_tower, torch_dtype=T.float16) # Configure the tokenizer and model tokenizer.padding_side = 'left' tokenizer.add_tokens(['[IMG0]', '[IMG1]', '[IMG2]', '[IMG3]', '[IMG4]', '[IMG5]', '[IMG6]', '[IMG7]'], special_tokens=True) model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) ckpt = T.load('_ckpt/mgie_7b/', map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(ckpt, strict=False) mm_use_im_start_end = getattr(model.config, 'mm_use_im_start_end', False) tokenizer.add_tokens([DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN], special_tokens=True) if mm_use_im_start_end: tokenizer.add_tokens( [DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN, DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN], special_tokens=True) vision_tower = model.get_model().vision_tower[0] vision_tower = transformers.CLIPVisionModel.from_pretrained( vision_tower.config._name_or_path, torch_dtype=T.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True).cuda() model.get_model().vision_tower[0] = vision_tower vision_config = vision_tower.config vision_config.im_patch_token = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( [DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN])[0] vision_config.use_im_start_end = mm_use_im_start_end if mm_use_im_start_end: vision_config.im_start_token, vision_config.im_end_token = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( [DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN, DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN]) image_token_len = (vision_config.image_size//vision_config.patch_size)**2 _ = model.eval() # Load the diffusion pipeline pipe = diffusers.StableDiffusionInstructPix2PixPipeline.from_pretrained( 'timbrooks/instruct-pix2pix', torch_dtype=T.float16).to('cuda') pipe.set_progress_bar_config(disable=True) pipe.unet.load_state_dict(T.load('_ckpt/mgie_7b/', map_location='cpu')) print('--init MGIE--') def crop_resize(f, sz=512): w, h = f.size if w > h: p = (w-h)//2 f = f.crop([p, 0, p+h, h]) elif h > w: p = (h-w)//2 f = f.crop([0, p, w, p+w]) f = f.resize([sz, sz]) return f def remove_alter(s): if 'ASSISTANT:' in s: s = s[s.index('ASSISTANT:')+10:].strip() if '' in s: s = s[:s.index('')].strip() if 'alternative' in s.lower(): s = s[:s.lower().index('alternative')] if '[IMG0]' in s: s = s[:s.index('[IMG0]')] s = '.'.join([s.strip() for s in s.split('.')[:2]]) if s[-1] != '.': s += '.' return s.strip() # Main MGIE function @spaces.GPU(enable_queue=True) def go_mgie(img, txt, seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img): EMB = ckpt['emb'].cuda() with T.inference_mode(): NULL = model.edit_head(T.zeros(1, 8, 4096).half().to('cuda'), EMB) img, seed = crop_resize(Image.fromarray(img).convert('RGB')), int(seed) inp = img img = image_processor.preprocess(img, return_tensors='pt')[ 'pixel_values'][0] txt = "what will this image be like if '%s'" % (txt) txt = txt+'\n'+DEFAULT_IM_START_TOKEN + \ DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATCH_TOKEN*image_token_len+DEFAULT_IM_END_TOKEN conv = conv_templates['vicuna_v1_1'].copy() conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], txt), conv.append_message( conv.roles[1], None) txt = conv.get_prompt() txt = tokenizer(txt) txt, mask = T.as_tensor(txt['input_ids']), T.as_tensor( txt['attention_mask']) with T.inference_mode(): _ = model.cuda() out = model.generate(txt.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda(), images=img.half().unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda(), attention_mask=mask.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda(), do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=96, num_beams=1, no_repeat_ngram_size=3, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_hidden_states=True) out, hid = out['sequences'][0].tolist(), [x[-1] for x in out['hidden_states']], dim=1)[0] if 32003 in out: p = out.index(32003)-1 else: p = len(hid)-9 p = min(p, len(hid)-9) hid = hid[p:p+8] out = remove_alter(tokenizer.decode(out)) _ = model.cuda() emb = model.edit_head(hid.unsqueeze(dim=0), EMB) res = pipe(image=inp, prompt_embeds=emb, negative_prompt_embeds=NULL, generator=T.Generator(device='cuda').manual_seed(seed), guidance_scale=cfg_txt, image_guidance_scale=cfg_img).images[0] return res, out # Example function def go_example(seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img): ins = ['make the frame red', 'turn the day into night', 'give him a beard', 'make cottage a mansion', 'remove yellow object from dogs paws', 'change the hair from red to blue', 'remove the text', 'increase the image contrast', 'remove the people in the background', 'please make this photo professional looking', 'darken the image, sharpen it', 'photoshop the girl out', 'make more brightness', 'take away the brown filter form the image', 'add more contrast to simulate more light', 'dark on rgb', 'make the face happy', 'change view as ocean', 'replace basketball with soccer ball', 'let the floor be made of wood'] i = T.randint(len(ins), (1, )).item() return './examples/_input/%d.jpg' % (i), ins[i], seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img # Test MGIE go_mgie(np.array('./examples/_input/0.jpg').convert('RGB')), 'make the frame red', 13331, 7.5, 1.5) print('--init GO--') def image_edition_ui(): with gr.Row(): inp, res = [gr.Image(height=384, width=384, label='Input Image', interactive=True), gr.Image(height=384, width=384, label='Goal Image', interactive=True)] with gr.Row(): txt, out = [gr.Textbox(label='Instruction', interactive=True), gr.Textbox(label='Expressive Instruction', interactive=False)] with gr.Row(): seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img = [gr.Number(value=13331, label='Seed', interactive=True), gr.Number( value=7.5, label='Text CFG', interactive=True), gr.Number(value=1.5, label='Image CFG', interactive=True)] with gr.Row(): btn_exp, btn_sub = [gr.Button('More Example'), gr.Button('Submit')], inputs=[seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img], outputs=[ inp, txt, seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img]), inputs=[ inp, txt, seed, cfg_txt, cfg_img], outputs=[res, out]) ins = ['make the frame red', 'turn the day into night', 'give him a beard', 'make cottage a mansion', 'remove yellow object from dogs paws', 'change the hair from red to blue', 'remove the text', 'increase the image contrast', 'remove the people in the background', 'please make this photo professional looking', 'darken the image, sharpen it', 'photoshop the girl out', 'make more brightness', 'take away the brown filter form the image', 'add more contrast to simulate more light', 'dark on rgb', 'make the face happy', 'change view as ocean', 'replace basketball with soccer ball', 'let the floor be made of wood'] gr.Examples(examples=[['./examples/_input/%d.jpg' % (i), ins[i]] for i in [1, 5, 8, 14, 16]], inputs=[inp, txt])