import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline, Wav2Vec2ProcessorWithLM from import Pipeline from librosa import load, resample from rpunct import RestorePuncts # Audio components asr_model = 'patrickvonplaten/wav2vec2-base-960h-4-gram' processor = Wav2Vec2ProcessorWithLM.from_pretrained(asr_model) asr = pipeline('automatic-speech-recognition', model=asr_model, tokenizer=processor.tokenizer, feature_extractor=processor.feature_extractor, decoder=processor.decoder) speaker_segmentation = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-segmentation") rpunct = RestorePuncts() # Text components sentiment_pipeline = pipeline('text-classification', model="distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english") sentiment_threshold = 0.75 EXAMPLES = ["example_audio.wav"] def speech_to_text(speech): speaker_output = speaker_segmentation(speech) speech, sampling_rate = load(speech) if sampling_rate != 16000: speech = resample(speech, sampling_rate, 16000) text = asr(speech, return_timestamps="word") full_text = text['text'].lower() chunks = text['chunks'] diarized_output = [] i = 0 speaker_counter = 0 # New iteration every time the speaker changes for turn, _, _ in speaker_output.itertracks(yield_label=True): speaker = "Speaker 0" if speaker_counter % 2 == 0 else "Speaker 1" diarized = "" while i < len(chunks) and chunks[i]['timestamp'][1] <= turn.end: diarized += chunks[i]['text'].lower() + ' ' i += 1 if diarized != "": diarized = rpunct.punctuate(diarized) diarized_output.extend([(diarized, speaker), ('from {:.2f}-{:.2f}'.format(turn.start, turn.end), None)]) speaker_counter += 1 return diarized_output, full_text def sentiment(checked_options, diarized): customer_id = checked_options customer_sentiments = [] for transcript in diarized: speaker_speech, speaker_id = transcript if speaker_id == customer_id: output = sentiment_pipeline(speaker_speech)[0] if output["label"] != "neutral" and output["score"] > sentiment_threshold: customer_sentiments.append((speaker_speech, output["label"])) else: customer_sentiments.append(speaker_speech, None) return customer_sentiments demo = gr.Blocks(enable_queue=True) demo.encrypt = False with demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): audio = gr.Audio(label="Audio file", type='filepath') with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Transcribe") with gr.Row(): examples = gr.components.Dataset(components=[audio], samples=[EXAMPLES], type="index") with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("**Diarized Output:**") diarized = gr.HighlightedText(lines=5, label="Diarized Output") full = gr.Textbox(lines=4, label="Full Transcript") check = gr.Radio(["Speaker 0", "Speaker 1"], label='Choose speaker for sentiment analysis') analyzed = gr.HighlightedText(label="Customer Sentiment"), audio, [diarized, full]) check.change(sentiment, [check, diarized], analyzed) def cache_example(example): processed_examples = audio.preprocess_example(example) diarized_output, full_text = speech_to_text(example) return processed_examples, diarized_output, full_text cache = [cache_example(e) for e in EXAMPLES] def load_example(example_id): return cache[example_id] examples._click_no_postprocess(load_example, inputs=[examples], outputs=[audio, diarized, full], queue=False) demo.launch()