import gradio as gr import time EXAMPLES = ['test.wav'] def speech_to_text(speech): time.sleep(1) return [ ("So I've prepared a presentation I'm sharing it with All you should be ", "Speaker 0"), ("able to seat on your screen right now. Got it?", "Speaker 0"), ("from 0.258-6.249", None), ("I don't see a link anywhere says it Headed down low a plug and.", "Speaker 1"), ("from 6.384-9.573", None)], """so i've prepared a presentation \n i'm sharing it with all you should be able to seat on your screen right now got it i don't see a link anywhere says it headed down low a plug and""" def sentiment(checked_options): time.sleep(0.3) return {"happy": 0.5, "confused": 0.3, "sad": 0.2} demo = gr.Blocks() demo.encrypt = False with demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): audio = gr.Audio(label="Audio file") with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Transcribe") with gr.Row(): examples = gr.components.Dataset( components=[audio], samples=[EXAMPLES], type="index", ) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("**Diarized Output:**") diarized = gr.HighlightedText(lines=5, label="Diarized Output") full = gr.Textbox(lines=4, label="Full Transcript") check = gr.CheckboxGroup(["Speaker 1", "Speaker 2"], label="Choose speaker(s) for sentiment analysis") label = gr.Label(), audio, [diarized, full], status_tracker=gr.StatusTracker(cover_container=True)) check.change(sentiment, check, label, status_tracker=gr.StatusTracker(cover_container=True)) def load_example(example_id): processed_examples = audio.preprocess_example(EXAMPLES[example_id]) print(processed_examples) return processed_examples examples._click_no_postprocess( load_example, inputs=[examples], outputs=[audio]) demo.launch()