import numpy as np from scipy.misc import ascent from skimage.measure import compare_psnr, compare_mse, compare_ssim from .predict_utils import normalize_mi_ma def normalize(x, pmin=2, pmax=99.8, axis=None, clip=False, eps=1e-20, dtype=np.float32): """Percentile-based image normalization.""" mi = np.percentile(x,pmin,axis=axis,keepdims=True) ma = np.percentile(x,pmax,axis=axis,keepdims=True) return normalize_mi_ma(x, mi, ma, clip=clip, eps=eps, dtype=dtype) def norm_minmse(gt, x, normalize_gt=True): """ normalizes and affinely scales an image pair such that the MSE is minimized Parameters ---------- gt: ndarray the ground truth image x: ndarray the image that will be affinely scaled normalize_gt: bool set to True of gt image should be normalized (default) Returns ------- gt_scaled, x_scaled """ if normalize_gt: gt = normalize(gt, 0.1, 99.9, clip=False).astype(np.float32, copy = False) x = x.astype(np.float32, copy=False) - np.mean(x) gt = gt.astype(np.float32, copy=False) - np.mean(gt) scale = np.cov(x.flatten(), gt.flatten())[0, 1] / np.var(x.flatten()) return gt, scale * x def get_scores(gt, x, multichan=False): gt_, x_ = norm_minmse(gt, x) mse = compare_mse(gt_, x_) psnr = compare_psnr(gt_, x_, data_range = 1.) ssim = compare_ssim(gt_, x_, data_range = 1., multichannel=multichan) return np.sqrt(mse), psnr, ssim if __name__ == '__main__': # ground truth image y = ascent().astype(np.float32) # input image to compare to x1 = y + 30*np.random.normal(0,1,y.shape) # a scaled and shifted version of x1 x2 = 2*x1+100 # calulate mse, psnr, and ssim of the normalized/scaled images mse1 = compare_mse(*norm_minmse(y, x1)) mse2 = compare_mse(*norm_minmse(y, x2)) # should be the same print("MSE1 = %.6f\nMSE2 = %.6f"%(mse1, mse2)) psnr1 = compare_psnr(*norm_minmse(y, x1), data_range = 1.) psnr2 = compare_psnr(*norm_minmse(y, x2), data_range = 1.) # should be the same print("PSNR1 = %.6f\nPSNR2 = %.6f"%(psnr1,psnr2)) ssim1 = compare_ssim(*norm_minmse(y, x1), data_range = 1.) ssim2 = compare_ssim(*norm_minmse(y, x2), data_range = 1.) # should be the same print("SSIM1 = %.6f\nSSIM2 = %.6f"%(ssim1,ssim2))