import os import skimage import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize from import imread, imsave from skimage.color import rgb2lab, lab2rgb, rgb2gray def resize_image(img, image_size=(320, 320)): """ --------- Arguments --------- img : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) or (H, W) i.e. RGB and grayscale respectively image_size : tuple of ints image size to be used for resizing ------- Returns ------- resized image ndarray of shape (H_resized, W_resized, 3) or (H_resized, W_resized) if RGB returns resized image ndarray in range [0, 255] if grasycale returns resized image ndarray in range [0, 1] """ img_resized = resize(img, image_size) return img_resized def convert_rgb2gray(img_rgb): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_rgb : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) i.e. RGB ------- Returns ------- grayscale image ndarray of shape (H, W) """ img_gray = rgb2gray(img_rgb) return img_gray def convert_lab2rgb(img_lab): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_lab : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) i.e. Lab ------- Returns ------- RGB image ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) i.e. RGB space """ img_rgb = lab2rgb(img_lab) return img_rgb def convert_rgb2lab(img_rgb): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_rgb : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) i.e. RGB ------- Returns ------- Lab image ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) i.e. Lab space """ img_lab = rgb2lab(img_rgb) return img_lab def apply_image_ab_post_processing(img_ab): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_ab : ndarray pre-processed ndarray of shape (H, W, 2) i.e. ab channels in Lab space in range [-1, 1] ------- Returns ------- post-processed ab channels ndarray of shape (H, W, 2) in range [-110, 110] """ img_ab = img_ab * 110.0 return img_ab def apply_image_l_pre_processing(img_l): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_l : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W) i.e. L channel in Lab space in range [0, 100] ------- Returns ------- pre-processed L channel ndarray of shape (H, W) in range [-1, 1] """ img_l = (img_l / 50.0) - 1 return img_l def apply_image_ab_pre_processing(img_ab): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_ab : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 2) i.e. ab channels in Lab space in range [-110, 110] ------- Returns ------- pre-processed ab channels ndarray of shape (H, W, 2) in range [-1, 1] """ img_ab = (img_ab) / 110.0 return img_ab def concat_images_l_ab(img_l, img_ab): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_l : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 1) i.e. L channel img_ab : ndarray ndarray of shape (H, W, 2) i.e. ab channels ------- Returns ------- Lab space ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) """ img_lab = np.concatenate((img_l, img_ab), axis=-1) return img_lab def read_image(file_img): """ --------- Arguments --------- file_img : str full path of the image ------- Returns ------- ndarray of shape (H, W, 3) for RGB or (H, W) for grayscale """ img = imread(file_img) return img def save_image_rgb(file_img, img_arr): """ --------- Arguments --------- file_img : str full path of the image img_arr : ndarray image ndarray to be saved, of shape (H, W, 3) for RGB or (H, W) for grasycale """ imsave(file_img, img_arr) return def rescale_grayscale_image_l_channel(img_gray): """ --------- Arguments --------- img_gray : ndarray grayscale image of shape (H, W) in range [0, 1] ------- Returns ------- L channel ndarray of shape (H, W) in range [0, 100] """ img_l_rescaled = (img_gray) * 100.0 return img_l_rescaled